
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

Let's go to Japan.

Chapter 12 :Let's go to Japan.


I must say that they are very interesting. For the past years I've been satisfying my curiosity it's the first time I've been entertained so much. The way they think, adapt, fight and pretty much everything they do. They all fascinate me. Since the time I was born it 'that' place I was aware by the people around me that I'm not much of a human, only my outside appearance is. Although I was bored in 'that' place I must thank the humans that took care of me there. Without them I would have been weak, a mere prey to these people, maybe I would not wouldn't have existed in the first place.

I had many regret in my past life. Yes past life. In one moment I was supposed to be killed by a assassin who sneaked behind me and killed me and the very next moment when I opened my eyes, I was met with the familiar wall that I remembered watching in my early age.

The wall was my 'acquaintance' since the time I learned about the existence of my fingers. There were other kids as well . Each of them were at the same age as myself. When ever we got sick ,adults came took care of us and left. It was like that nothing more and nothing less. And everyone slowly stopped caring about it.

At that time when we were 3 years old almost everyone already dropped out. No one knows where they went after dropping out but I was always curious about it. Maybe they were killed,maybe their organs were used ,etc possibility were in my head but I didn't have the time to think about it. In both past and current life I was called a monster by those around me, be it instructors or sponsorers.

The time when I was like 14 years old the woman named Aurora Jonathan freed us from 'that' place. And made sure everything about me and a guy who actually survived at 'that' place named Javi Leonard,who got killed by his own girlfriend for being a stupid piece of absolute shit, aurora made sure everything about us was cleaned and started a job which is being a detective.

But enough of the past, although I'm what people consider a monster on the inside, observing humans and society for the past years have been fruitful. Adapting to different situations have already become a norm for me, so copying the actions of most people around me have made me into a perfectly average teenager. Although most of my acquaintances that I met always tell me that I lack commnon sense so I made sure to learn from my mistakes and now I have enough common sense , enough not to make a fool out of myself.

I am currently packing my stuff for the trip to Japan. This will be the 3rd time I will be outside of this country. Both time was to showcase my skills around the world to earn more sponsorers for 'that' place.

After I was finished packing stuff I went towards the airport to meet up with Jin . I must say he is an interesting fellow. I want to see how much smart he is cuz this case for the some fetal part , he was helped by aurora. Though he was still able to recognize me. Maybe a CCTV camera or something. Can't say anything about it cuz if it is truly some CCTV camera then he has some good predicting skills.

I took the suitcase and walked out of the hotel . There I saw people protesting about the war between Israel and Palestine ,that had been going for a while now. Some of them are saying things such as the nation should go with Palestine. Some are saying about the society being made of lies. Though those who said that aren't wrong.

Our society is built on lies, a house of cards waiting to crumble. It's a facade, a veneer of false promises and deception, hiding the truth beneath a thick layer of paint. Nothing is what it seems, everyone is hiding something, and nothing is as it should be. The world has become a world of pretence, where truth is buried under a mountain of lies, and honesty is seen as a weakness rather than a virtue. We have lost our way, and in this world of falsehoods and deceptions, it's hard to know what to believe anymore.

Though what can they do. Israel is currently a powerful country. And Justice surves the strong not the weak in cases where one side is strong an other is weak in political , money etc category.

Justice is supposed to be served to all, regardless of strength or status, but in our society, it is only the strong who receive justice. The weak are ignored, forgotten, and overlooked. They are left to fend for themselves in a world where might makes right and only power is respected. The strong thrive while the weak are crushed underfoot, and justice is never served to those who need it most. It is a ruthless system that serves only the powerful and leaves the rest to rot.

But from the inside many of them are subconsciously enjoying themselves while watching this happen. From my experience in this life I came to learn that people are extremely good at lying.

Lying to oneself is a common psychological mechanism that people use to protect themselves from the harsh realities of life. It allows them to escape from reality and create their own twisted version of the truth that is more comfortable and easier to accept. It can be a coping strategy, a way to deal with difficult situations and feelings of discomfort or anxiety. But it's also a form of self-deception, a way to convince oneself that everything is fine and nothing needs to be changed or improved. Ultimately, it can lead to an unhealthy and harmful relationship with oneself and with reality as a whole.

I looked at the watch and shit I am late as hell. I ran and took a taxy without looking inside and I felt someone beside me.

It was a woman with pick hair and red eyes. I was completely mesmerized by her otherworldly beauty. A pair of beautiful soft almond shaped blood red colored eyes and her short hair cut in wedge style Thulian pink colored hair and looking closely at her neck she had a flower tattoo.

Though looking at her eyes I noticed something. The girl's eyes were cast downwards, a somber and wistful look in her Thulian pink eyes. She seemed to be deep in thought, her expression one of sadness and sorrow. Her gaze was vacant, and it seemed as if she was lost in a world of her own. There was a soft beauty to her, like the stillness of a peaceful lake, but there was also a sadness to it, a lingering sense of pain and heartache that couldn't quite be escaped.

" If you want to go somewhere then please get inside and fast!" the woman said . Scrap I stared at her for too much of time.

" sorry " I told her and got inside the taxi.

" Where do you want to go?" the taxi driver asked.

" To the airport." I said and the taxi driver nodded his head and started the taxi.

" Hm. Same here. I am also going to airport." the girl said and the serious look now wasn't on her face anymore.

" Hey can I tell you something?" I asked her.

She looked at me.

" Yes?" she asked me. Ok let's start this game.

" If I could rearrange the periodic table then I would have placed U and I together." I tried my shot. Hope she smiles at the very least. I heard that if a girl smiles after you give your pick up line then yes you have bagged her. And I would say it's fun try anyway.

" I would say it's good but you need to work on it. And chemistry? Seriously....have some taste man." she said and the taxy driver laughed but puts it down his throat. Gosh I got embarrassed even though I don't feel it.

"Ok but you took me for wrong here. I was going to say that to my future girlfriend whom I will see at the airport. " I decided to say this to dodge a bullet. Her eyes widen and she nodded her head.

" A 10 out of 10 alright." she said nodding her head. " Your future girlfriend might go out with you alright." she again said nodding her head. Ok now let's shoot my dart.

"I may not be a psychic who can tell the future, but I do happen to know one thing with absolute certainty."

"Just what is that?" she asks, tilting her head to the side with a questioning smile.

"That you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together from now on." I said while looking at the door mirror in beside the taxi driver and it seems he really is enjoying this thing.

"How do you know that?" she says, a soft expression lighting up her face.

"Because you're going to be my future girlfriend or maybe current one. Who knows." I told her with a shurged and she slightly blushed due to my straight forwardness.

" Ok we are here. " the taxi driver said and stopped in front of the air port.

" Well....." she took out a exercise book and took out a page and writes something. " This is my number . So call me after you land where you want to go. Bye~" she went outside the taxi,paid the taxi driver and walked away.

I walked away and was able to pay the taxi driver but he puts his hand out , stopping me.

" No need. I took some notes. I will be needing this to bag the person I have been wanting to. So don't worry about it. " he said with a grin. I think this is what they call ' Mutual respect between men'. Well I got a free trip.

" Good luck and take my number and tell me the update's. Hope she rejects you with just a no. " I said and instead of being angry he grinned and said " and I hope the number you got won't be her father's. " he said with a grin.


After telling him my number I walked away and started searching for Jin.

" Yo you are looking for me. " I turned around and saw Jin in a dark blue button long sleeve shirt and light brown pant.

" Yup. Let's go shall we?" I told him and he smiled nodding his head.

" Sure. Let's go. I will be your tourist guide." he said to me.

After we finished checking we walked into the plane.

'This feels refreshing. First time on a plane without eyes looking at me-' ' wait... isn't that.....?' I walked towards the girl with pink hair,the same one I talked with in the taxi.

Jin without caring just started looking around for our seats.

" Hey! " she waved at me.

" I suppose fate is really desperate for us to meet each other. " I decided to start our conversation with a cheesey line. There was a gramps in front of her who grinned and said " smooth but needs some improvement." he told me and the girl started to laugh.

" So what is your seat number.?" she asked me. I took the ticket out and saw that my seat is right beside her.

" Well I will be sitting here. So let's in introduce ourselves shall we?" I told her.

" Why not? I am Yamada Sakura. And you?" she introduced herself.

" I am Alex Midgard. Pleased to meet you." I introduced myself and took my seat beside her which was a a window seat. I looked at the scene outside.

'Lets go to Japan now shall we?' I thought to myself and the plane took of and Yamada is currently reading a book and I just closed my eyes to fall asleep while flight is ready to land on the soil of Japan.

your's gift is my motivation,

A flame that stokes my passion.

It gives me the strength to forge ahead

And face the world with confidence and pride.

your kindness is like a guiding light,

Illuminating my way in darkness.

When I feel lost or afraid,

Your gift gives me hope and strength to overcome every obstacle that comes my way.

Your encouragement is like a lifeline,

Pushing me forward when I feel like giving up.

Your positivity is like a beacon of hope,

Reminding me that I am not alone in this world.

So thrown some gifts if your like and might as well add this to library

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