
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Second beast

After a few hours I woke up to the ground shaking. Groaning I stood up feeling sore. As I went to climb out of crater I noticed my new spear sticking out of the ground. Grabing it I gave it a few twirls getting a feel for it.

After a few slashes and stabs I carried it as I walked. Soon I found myself at the edge of the hole looking at the giant approaching. It was colossal, its chest touched the clouds before they vanished. While I couldn't see its face I could see the flaming red eyes staring down at me.

It body was to big to see in my gods eye. It body also seemed to produce a haze of heat. The air around it seem dangerous to even aproach.

With this it stop moving and just stared down at me. It raised its foot high in the air. It then brought its foot down quicker then what a behomth of his size should be capable of.

I ran out of under the looming foot. All though I was quick enough I still stumble feeling the shock waves the foot caused. The foot had turned up some of the ground too.

Shakily I got up seeing the giant having not moved. I could feel something happening below ground. Soon the ground seemed to move like a wave.

Then colums of fire began to burst from the ground. Soon the area was like a valcano jutting rocks and flowing lava. Like second sun I also felt my bending grow stronger.

I jumped on a nearby pilliar to have ground to stand on. The ground that had turned molten was deep. I could tell because the giant that towered over the clouds now became have the hieght. Its body below the waist was now hidden in the magma.

It then swung its arm sideways. I jump over the arm effortlessly but it was quickly followed by a tidal wave of magma. It quickly swallowed me up.

I was thrashed around in the magma. I felt some unmelted rocks strike me. Felling them I protected my head from the rocks to reduce the chances of being knocked out. Soon the waves died down leaving me inthe magma.

Thinking quick I used gods eye and found where the giant was. With this I swam through it till I got near the giant. I could see that the lava wasn't even touching it. The magma seemed repelled by something.

Going foward I touched the film to test it. As soon as my hand made contact I noticed it was super heated air. The air seemed to anything that touched it. Well it didn't effect me though.

Taking my hand back I gripped piercing sunlight with both hands and stabbed forward. It went right through the film. It cut through the air and flesh as though it wasn't there.

It made a small cut which proved that I could do some damage. The giant seemed to have felt it because it twisted its body. Then with a sense of familiarity the lance bent making a hook. I was pulled around as the giant thrashed.

Soon the giant slammed his hand down breaking through the magma. I quickly straightened the spear letting the waves take me away.

While I could deal damage I couldn't go deep enough to kill it. I needed to strike the giant in a vernerable area. With this thought I swim to the surface to peer at the giant.

I hid beind the giants back so ai wouldn't be spotted. The giant was just scanning the area. The head was still to high for me to reach. So was the heart. Unless I throw my spear.

But all the rocks were gone which left me no place to throw the spear. So I was stuck. I couldn't just leave the lava it was the only thing keepping me hidden.

Looking around I noticed the seconds suns crater. It was just out of the range of the giants effect. If I could make a channel maybe I can drain the lava lake into the crater.

With this I quietly swam towards it. When I got there I quickly made blue flames to carve a path. Soon the a small path was made. As the lava flowed through it widen the channel.

As it flowed I moved away from it looking for a spot to attack. As I move away the giant seemed to notice the lava level dipping because it whipped its head around.

I had already found a perch to strike. With its back turned I launch my spear. It flew fast peircing the giants chest and heart. The hole while small starts to ooze lava.

As more of trickles out the giant seemed to lose its glow. Soon it just looks like a clump of rocks. Then I began crumbling under it own weight.

[Killed second beast

Fire giant, Surtr


Suns mantel- the armour of the sun lancer. a suit of armour made from the skin of a fire giant. It emits the users flame from itself creating a barrier of flames. Increases fire bending by 150%

Rank- Divine

Skill earned

Sun spot- by shooting fire into the ground you melt the vicinity causing the land to become molten. Increases fire bending decreases other bending.

Rank- Divine]

Soon my body was covered by the new set of armour. Streching around I felt like it didn't really feel like armour. More like a second layer of skin. With this done I looked at the sun.

'Maybe an hour or two till sunset.' I guess.

With this I run after where my lance had gone. Soon I found it sticking out of the ground. Picking it up a prompt came.

[2/3 of sun lancer armaments equipped

Piercing sunlight- the spear will always return to hand when user wills.

Sun mantel- the armour will repair itself using any available fire when damaged.]

Tossing it in the air with my right hand I willed it to return. I had it appear in my left hand. I dropped it now having it appear in my right.

With this done I found a rock and waited.