
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Changing plans

It took three days for us to reach the town of crust. It was a quiet trip. Once or twice some people would come to attack but I would kill them before they got close. Honestly everyone I met was weak.

Tadano and Jun didn't speak much during the trip. Only friendly good mornings and the like. They seemed to keep a distance from me. From reverence or fear I don't know.

Soon we reached the town of Crust. We guided Jun to a merchant guild then went to the towns barracks. We stayed the night then in the morning we got two ostrich horses.

I was worried that I would fall off. Surprisingly a new skill horsemanship. So by the time we left I was better at riding then Tadano. So it was a quick two days back.

Soon we were back in little rock. We stable the ostrich horses then retuned to the barracks. When we returned a man in a decrotive red robe was waiting for us.

"Is this Agni's blessed?" The man asked approaching me.

"Yes sage." Tadano answered from behind.

"Show me child!" The sage urged. He grabed my arm in fanatisim.

So I did. I created a ball of flame quickly in front of his face. The sudden flame startled the sage making him fall on his butt. Getting up the sage pretended it had never happened.

"Truely a work of Agni!" He marveled at it. "With this sign we will finally finish the war!"

"Do you think so?" Tadano chimed in excitement.

"What war?" I ask in confusion.

During the few days trip I noticed a few things. One, there seemed like there was alot of racism. Two, people not apart of the fire nation seemed fearful. Three, the town of Crust seemed not made by the fire nation.

It lead to a bad feeling.

"To spread the rule of the fire nation." Tadano said in pride.

'Great its a hitler thing.' I thought with a sour taste. "I quit."

Hearing this both of them stopped.

"What do you mean?" Tadano asked in confusion.

"I'm quiting the army." I said plainly. "I don't want to be part of this genocide."

"Genocide! This war is to spread the glory of the Empire!" The fire sage yelled in indignation.

"Yea not my thing." I say dismissively.

Saying this I began walking out of the room.

'Now what am I going to do?' I ponder in thought.

"You can't just throw away your destiny like that!" The sage yelled in anger.

"You were even give such magnificent gifts from Agni! You can't throw away his favor!" Tadano yelled back.

"What gifts?" The sage asked looking at Tadano.

"He killed a dragon and was rewarded with that spear. He also has armour from another beast on the same level." He explianed.

Hearing this he looked at my stuff.

"He has beat the Divine beasts?" He exclaimed. "We can't let you leave!"

With this said he went to grab me. Before he could touch me I moved. Soon the hand that went to touch me was on the floor.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" A scream filled the room.

It came from the now one handed monk. With this I looked to Tadano. He looked on with horror. Looking back at me all he showed was fear.

"You mention Divine beasts?" I ask.

"They are beasts that represent the elements." He revealed.

"By chance do you know of any?" I ask stepping over the sages body.

"Yes." Seeing me approach he backed up. "Theres Aisi the ice phoenix in the south pole, Zephyr the flying stingray it travels high in the sky, and Atacama the desrt worm it travels through the si wong deserts. There are rumors of others but I don't know anymore."

"Which is the closest?" I continued to push.

With his back against the wall he continued. "Aisi in the south pole."

"Which ways south?" I ask.

With a trembling finger he pointed in the direction of the port. With a nod I smiled thanked him and went to the port.

As I walked a quest popped up.

[Kill the legends 3/12

Enjiro the dragon- Dead

Surtr the fire giant- Dead

Solarias the phoenix- Dead


Aisi the ice phoenix- Alive




Zephyr the Stingray- Alive

Acatama the sand worm- Alive




Title: Legend slayer

Diffuclty: EX]

Getting to the port I looked for the harbor master. Soon I found the build he was in. He was going through some paper work.

"Hey anyone going to the south pole?" I ask interuppting him.

Looking up in irritation he grunted then pointed. Following his finger he pointed at a fishing boat. With a nod I go looking for the captian.

"Hey you guys going to the south pole?" I yell.

"Who wants to know?" A gruff voice asked coming out of the wheelhouse. Soon a tough looking women came out.

"A wanderer." I tell her. "I just want to go south."

"I can take ya but you need to work your way." She says.

"Alright that works for me." I tell her. "How long will it take?"

"Well be on the ocean for four days then make land fall." She explains. "Were leaving in five minutes. So make your choice quick."

Without saying anything else she went to a crew member straightening up some things. With this I jumped aboard.

"What you need me to do cap." I say while walking towards her.