

They are his to destroy Even though he is a forgotten story no one remembers. Twenty years later he emerges stronger, bigger, richer and better. He must avenge the death of his father and take back all that belongs to him, he has to marry their daughter to make his revenge quicker. There's a twist in choices but he chooses to do what's best for him and his inheritance. They are now his in-laws, what must he do then?

Glory_Bernard · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter Seven


Jane woke up feeling even more tired than she has ever been. The issue of having her uncle's and son come over to her house frequently has been a thing of concern to her. She has had lots of sleepless nights fighting several thoughts in her head.

Today she will resume at the company.  Everyone would stand and listen to Uncle Smith confessing why he fired me. I will be promoted too. 

She woke up earlier than expected. Rushed into the bathroom to bathe while Ralph helped Marie in the kitchen. 

She came out of her room dressed in a nice navy blue suit and pants,a pair of red shoes to match the bag she was holding in her hand.

"You look ravishing wifey", Ralph commented.

Jane gave a shy look. Lowering her eyes to her feet. "Thank you", she said shyly.

Aren't you taking something? Her mother asked.

You could grab some coffee and a few slices of bread and peanut butter.

Yeah! She did exactly what her mother had told her. She needs the energy to face whatever is going to happen at the office today. She was going fully prepared for the worse.

She took one of the only two cars their grandfather had given them. Her other uncles had more than four cars parked  at their garage. Even their children had at least two at their disposal. Her family had been given  just two but that wasn't the bone of contention. She was going to give each and everyone of them a bit of their own cake. Her family had suffered too much in the hands of her uncles.

The car drove off.

At the office her uncle's Smith and Travis were outside the garage waiting for her to resume.

She was surprised to see them outside. "Uhmm!" She chuckled as she pulled into the parking lot. There was definitely something fishy about her uncle's behavior. He couldn't have changed overnight. They definitely have a hidden agenda she wasn't aware of yet.

She came down from the car and walked straight towards them. Her head tilted up in a rare fashion. She was not going to mess around with anybody. Not now.

Good morning uncle, she said, flashing Travis a stern look.

"Morning Jane," Smith said with a smile.

Hi Jane, Travis said.

She only nodded to it. They led her through the hallway leading to the conference room. 

Lyon had joined them now. They walked quietly through the hallway and then to the conference room.

It was a pretty big hall so it housed all the staff and the few visitors they had that morning.

Jane was given a seat.

"We are gathered here to ummm…Smith cleared his throat".

"We are gathered here this morning to formally apologize in front of everyone that we are truly sorry for what happened. I especially take all the blame for the bad treatment me and my son has meted to her in one way or the other. We even accused her of having a thing with CEO Taylor. But today we say we are sorry" he lowered his eyes on the floor as he continued.

This was the most horrific thing to do. A little girl makes him apologize in front of the entire staff. It has never been heard off.

Thank you Uncle Smith, she turned around and gave Lyon his own share of ,"thank you" , he nodded in response ".

For clarity purposes. I do not have anything to do with CEO Taylor. Moreso, I have never met the man in my entire life. She turned to face her uncle who had spread the news of her having an affair with CEO Taylor. All the times I have gone to his office he had his manager attend to me.

And again I will be working here for a short period. Once I sign the contract, I am done. That's the only reason my uncle and his son run around my house day and night. I do not want to work here anymore.


The conference door flung open.

It was Ralph dressed in his usual shabby pants and shirt.

There was shock.


Travis couldn't believe it.


He pointed a finger at Ralph who just waved a hand to shut him up.

Jane was shocked. 

"What are you doing?" She asked, talking under her teeth. This is not the time Ralph, she said. 

He had come to see that no one bullies her.

There was murmuring in the hall. Some laughed silently.

Yeah! Jane said. Everyone, that's my husband. The same one chosen for me by my uncles. The hall roared in laughter.

She had invited the representatives of AD$C the day before. She was willing to sign the contract immediately.

Mr. Dan stood up.

This is the man I have met while trying to sign the contract and he works strictly on the instructions from his boss and no one else.

Everyone else watched as she made a little introduction. I believe he's here with the contract so I can sign before everyone is seated here. Mr Dan Flashed Ralph a look. Ralph nodded. He brought out the papers for the contract and signed on behalf of his boss. He passed it over to Jane who was already holding her own out. 

She signed it. 

Now these men can let her be in peace! She thought in her heart. With hti she walked out of the conference room. They all wondered why she was behaving cold and rude.

She walked  into her new office. It was much bigger than the other one she had been given before. She smiled.

Ralph came in just after she entered.

What are you doing here Ralph? She asked with a little bit of anger in her voice.

You upset huh? He asked. You don't want me around anymore?

"That's not what I mean, what are you doing here, you weren't supposed to be here. This is an office. My grandpa would not tolerate such insensitivity".

"Well, I came to make sure you're safe. I don't trust those relatives of yours. Their hearts are treacherous" he said.

She looked at him and wondered where they had picked him from.  He was willing to protect her at all costs. 

"You need to leave, I am safe Ralph. You need to go home". She said to him,

"Ok then I will leave if that will make you happy".

He stood up to leave and closed the door behind him. As he walked outside he brought out his cell phone to put a call through to his guards.

"Watch her every move till she's home. He instructed the person on the other side of the call".

Yes boss. The voice boomed.

He hung up. 


At home Ralph thought about telling her who he really is. Was this the right time? He couldn't imagine how she would feel having deceived her for months. She has been nice right from the day he met her at the pack. She had given him her burger and her bottle of water.

His phone rang?

Hello boss, the voice said, 

"We have processed all necessary documents for the employment of miss Jane"

"Put all procedures on hold till further instructions" he replied.

"Okay boss"

He dropped his phone and stared out the window. He was a bit worried, he should have stayed back at Malcolm's company building. He scratched his head and headed for the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a chilled drink.

Would she forgive him? He wasn't sure. He waved the idea away.


Back at the office, Jane hasn't spoken to the staff since she left the conference room. She is seated in her new office fiddling with the bunch of keys she had found on the desk.

Just then the door to her office flung open.

Smith pushed right into her office unannounced.

"What was the meaning of the stunt you just pulled at the conference room in front of our guests?" He barked at her. 

She kept a calm look and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Just what I said exactly uncle Smith. I am no longer interested in working with the company.  I told you already", she reminded him quickly.

Mmm. He was breathing hard now!

He looked at her for a few seconds and then headed straight for his way out of the office.

That was quick! 

She exhaled.

She wasn't working anymore. To hell with them.