
You would’ve loved her

It was an early morning for Eric, he had back to back meetings with shareholders and investors and still had plans to meet up with a new private investigator to look into Lily's whereabouts. He was his usual grumpy self at the office and barely said a word in the first meeting, he kept thinking about Lily and the mysterious man named Chris, he wanted to strangle him to death once he got his hands on him but he still had to wait a little longer to hear from his new P.I.

The first meeting went by quickly and he went back to his office to catch a breather before his next meeting. Garret briefed him about the next meeting and confirmed the meeting he would have with the new P.I. "Mr Chen said he'll be here at 6pm sharp" Garret said while going through Eric's diary. Eric looked up to Garret with anticipation he couldn't wait to hear what mr Chen had to say, he was after all the most sought after investigator and wasn't cheap to come by. Mr Chen was a middle aged man of Asian decent but grew up in European countries, he was raised by a spy and learned most of the things he knew from his step father. To him nobody was hard to find, humans always leave traces of themselves no matter how well they erased them. He once helped a man who's daughter was kidnapped and was trafficked to another country, the traffickers were enemies of the man and so they did so to punish him at a point that hurt the most. The man hired many skilled investigators and even enlisted the military and nobody could find his daughter, he had heard about mr Chen from one of the military investigators and went to look for him personally so that he could help him find his daughter whether dead or alive.

Mr Chen only took two days to find her, he was very resourceful and he would look in places that nobody would think of. "Okay, make sure mr Chen is taken care of, I need his skills for other things I'm working on" Eric responded with a serious look on his face. With mr Chen helping him it was just a matter of days until he found his precious flower that had been running wild all over the globe, the thought of holding her in his arms lifted his spirits and he forgot about the grave sin she committed for that moment.

His thoughts led him to his mother, Lily actually resembled Eric's mother in a lot of ways, his mother was from a good family not rich and she was soft spoken, in all the eight years he was blessed to have her in his life he had never heard her scream or seen her angry. She always understood and would try to see the good in every one, his father killed her off easily because she was too blind to his misdeeds and loved him very much.

Most women would leave their cheating lying partners but not Eric's mother, instead she cried and blamed herself for her husband's bad actions towards her. Her family even begged her many times to leave Mr DeGrasse Snr. but she insisted that he would change back to the man he once was but he never did, she ended up dead for loving a greedy selfish man that was swayed by other women.

"She would've loved Lily very much, they're so alike" Eric said with a faint smile, he wished his mother was still alive to meet Lily, he was sure that they'd be good friends and he would've been the happiest man on the planet to have them both at the same time.

The rest of the day was hectic having to sit and listen to endless reports and proposals, the hardest thing about being the business Eric was that he held the whole billion dollar business on his shoulders alone. Most decisions had to have him involved and his younger brother was too young and not really interested in the business, he put him in the business because their mom put her all into it as well so she would've wanted them both to be involved in running it.

He often wondered if Lily would accept him if he gave up the business for a simpler easier life with him, maybe all the money and the enemies he created along the way were a bit too much for her. Why else would she refuse his gifts and money and endless love? All the places he found her living were all simple places, she ate simple food and wore simple clothes but it would be hard to give up his empire that his mother left for him so Lily would have no choice but to accept it. Soon the business hours were over and he had a pounding headache from all the commercial talk he had to sit through. He didn't have time to nurse his pain he was meeting mr Chen soon. He ran to his office which was on the same level as the board room and found a tall man with jet black long hair and gold rimmed glasses standing by his window. He had not met mr Chen before or seen his face but nobody entered his office without his say so, the man had to be the P.I he hired. "Evening Mr. Chen" Eric greeted while walking over to him to shake his hand. Mr. Chen avoided his hand and stared at him without saying anything, he walked to one of the chairs on the opposite side and took a seat. "We finally meet mr DeGrasse " Mr. Chen said with a grin on his face.