
Vanished into thin air

Back in the town that the couple had escaped a pesky neighbor noticed that for a over week the couple had not been home. Their school mail and newspapers were stacked up in their mail box and their phone would ring until the calls cut to voicemail. Mike Charles had been Chris and Lily's neighbor for the whole year that they'd been there and he had been a tenant there for 3years, being a former police man he knew everyone and their business by just observing their movements and behavior. For one, he had a romantic interest in Lily so he observed her extra carefully even though he had only spoken to her twice during their stay there, he was a man in his fifties so he backed off from pursuing her because he felt ashamed of himself after a while. The couple had never had a single visitor in their apartment, not a family member or a school or work mate had ever stepped foot in their apartment it was always just the two of them going out and staying in together. He also noticed that for about seven months that the couple stayed there in the building with him there were a few particular cars that would watch Lily day and night but never approached her, with investigative experience and intuition he knew that they were actually her security but they seemed to slack off after seven months of watching her maybe she was now safer for some reason. He thought.

So when they seem to have "vanished into thin air" he realized that something might have happened to his beautiful neighbor. He then decided to enter their apartment after a week of total silence in the apartment, what if they were dead in there and nobody knew, he entered their apartment through the kitchen window and quickly ruled out death because they were not there and there were murder weapons or signs of a struggle. He then looked for phones and laptops which he found but didn't find any useful information on the devices, Mike also noticed that the couple had taken no clothes with them and the food in the kitchen was still packed like they were still there, they had even left plates in the sink and trash wasn't taken out. Surely if they were going for a visit or a move they'd buy less food and pack some clothes and even take their laptops along, so he deduced that they must have ran off, it only made sense with what he knew so far. Mike decided to make further investigation by taking their laptops and other devices to examine with a friend who was still in the defense force to find any clues to the couple.

Another few days passed when Mike who was "minding his own business " noticed three men who had gained entrance into the apartment under the pretense of being law enforcement officers were ravaging through the apartment, of course Mike knew that they weren't policemen because he knew all the local policemen and he had never seen those men before. He went over to wait for the three men outside the missing couples place to have a word with them perhaps he could get clues as to where Lily disappeared to or why they just just upped and left.

One of the men appeared and he had a bone chilling energy oozing out of him as he was exiting the apartment, the man noticed Mike and gave him a piercing questioning look "need help with something old man?" said Eric with his brows furrowed into a knot. "Oh, no need, just wondering if you were friends of Jane and Reggie" Mike said while standing firm on the ground. "Jane and Reggie?" Eric was a bit confused, Chris and Lily changed the identities when they signed their lease and went by by totally different names, Eric was confused only for a short moment when he remembered that Lily changed her identity many times before.

"Yes, they were the young couple that lived here, they seemed to have gone somewhere and did not have the audacity to bring back my pressure cooker that I borrowed them for two weeks" mike huffed and puffed at the man with two fingers in the air to emphasize the weeks.The couple did own a pressure cooker but it belonged to them, Chris bought it for Lily and Mike remembered seeing Chris surprising his girlfriend with it outside their apartment building and besides he saw it again when he broke in to have a look in there, what a perfect cover. "Well sir we're just investigating a possible disappearance everything is in order here" Eric said, he turned around and went back into the apartment Mike followed him in and saw him going to the bedroom and opened a drawer that a had a few pictures of lily and Chris. Mike knew that the man with the terrifying aura must be close to Lily in one way another because when he looked at the pictures he kept running his fingers over her face and would have a slight smile on his face, but when he got to a picture with lily and her boyfriend his face would change and the atmosphere would turn dark. Mike knew that he must be dangerous and he would never endanger his romantic interest so he had to be careful of the energy sucking man he encountered. Eric noticed Mike and walked over to him with his business card, he offered him a million dollars for any information he might have or gathered about the so called couple. "My men will come have a talk with you, take the money" Eric said with a commanding voice. Mike did not refuse or agree but one thing for sure he wasn't going to give Lily's enemy any help, whatever he knew about them he'd take it to his grave if he had to.