
Useless in laws

Eric banged the door so hard that the butler was too afraid to open it, it was almost midnight and here was a madman trying to demolish the door waking every single person in house. The butler knew that he needed to just open the door and disappear from the madman's sight, he wouldn't even offer Eric some refreshments as a courtesy, that man had no respect for any human Being, not even his " useless in laws". Richard heard the commotion and came running down the stairs to face his rowdy son in law, he was in for a good scolding like a child who had not done his homework. Eric DeGrasse had no patience with him and his wife, they had already sold their daughter to him without batting eye they were just selfish and painstakingly greedy people that valued money and connections over their own family. But that did not change the fact that they were Lily's parents, " Mr DeGrasse please calm, follow me to my study sir" Richard said as he tied his robe and walked to the study. He closed the door behind them and went to his mini bar to get a bottle of whisky and two glasses to drink with the notorious Eric of the business and underworld, he placed the little tray on the coffee table that was situated between two soft cushioned chairs and motioned the man that was still huffing and puffing to take a seat. Eric then walked over to table and picked the bottle, he stared at for a few seconds before he gulped down half of it and smashing it near Richard's feet, Richard was so startled that he jumped onto the chair and held onto heart stop it from panicking.Eric then held him by the robe he had on "Richard, you busy sleeping soundly in my house, drinking my whisky, wearing my robe and yet my wife is somewhere with a strange man while you enjoy the high life I afforded you?" Eric said in a shaky and low cold voice. Richard was not sure what he meant by "strange man" he thought that the next time he saw Eric they'd be celebrating Lily's capture, does that mean that Lily managed to escape his clutches again? That could only be logical explanation to his anger. "Strange man, what strange man?" Richard asked with a completely confused look on his face. "Her boyfriend!" Eric growled back at him as if he was talking to a stupid person that he found annoying. Lily's father couldn't understand how Lily could have a boyfriend, Eric had scared her lifeless many times.. she wouldn't dare get a boyfriend and piss Eric off like that. "Mr Eric how certain are you that the strange man is her boyfriend?, what if it's her bodyguard that her uncle hired for her, what if they wanted you to think that she had a boyfriend to get you to leave her alone " Richard said in defense of his money bag that was currently on the run. Eric let go of Richard and then finally sat down in silence, the dark cloud that was hovering above him was starting to disappear. Perhaps things are as the girl's father just said, Lily had gotten crafty and would always find ways to outsmart him so this could very well may be one of her schemes to ward him off. A smirk appeared on his face, it was like he had just received good news that his "wife" was still pure and untouched. He sat in silence and praised himself for scaring Lily enough to stay away from other men, of course she'd stay celibate for him until he came for her. At this time Lily's mother had entered the study and quietly walked over to her cowering husband who was sitting in a corner counting stars, "Richard, did he find her this time?" Leona asked. But from the look of things she knew that her daughter had once again found an escape from them. Why won't this stubborn daughter of hers just return home and enjoy the riches that came with Eric, Leona wished she was as young as Lily, she would've married the gorgeous madman in a heartbeat! All that money and mansions and cars and maids and businesses that came with no end were anyone's dream, but to Lily those things did not even come into existence in her world. Leona often wondered if she was given the wrong baby at the hospital and that her real daughter was somewhere out there. The madman finally stood up and left Dukes mansion without even saying goodbye, he left them like they invisible air that he paid no attention to, once he left Lance had a huge smile on his face. Lance had planted cameras and speakers everywhere in the house including his parents bedroom and the study, that's where most secrets were spoken, that night he got to hear that his sister was not only able to run from Eric but she also had someone close to protect her. He missed his sister so much but he had to lay low and play dumb in order to protect her in secret. Every time he found useful secrets he'd sent the information to his uncle and aunt, the information wasn't always much because Eric liked to keep his parents in the dark he'd only tell them small things that he wanted them to know. Thinking that Eric had left Richard and Leona headed straight upstairs to their bedroom but before they could reach their resting place they passed Lily's room and saw Eric lying in her room like a possessed child, they passed the room as if they saw nothing. Eric would often drop by just get into Lily's bedroom to sleep or go through her stuff, he demanded that keep the room the same as the day she left, the maid weren't allowed to change the sheets or curtains or clothes in the wardrobe, everything had to stay the same for his visits. Lance watched Eric smell his sisters clothes and get into her bed, he clenched his fists and wishEd he could just walk up to him and shoot him between his eyes blowing out his brains like in the gruesome movies he watched. That maniac was the reason that he had not been able to see or even get a hug from sister, he wanted her back home.