
Complete opposite

Chris held Lily's little hand tightly into his own as they entered the haunted house of bloody horrors. Like most haunted amusement park haunted houses it was dark inside with broken mirrors and body parts spread everywhere, blood oozing out of the walls and creepy laughs and random lights creating the perfect atmosphere to scare the visitors to death.

Chris was not focused on the house, he wanted to quickly get out of the house and to the airport as soon as possible. Lily on the other hand caught a little fright and clung onto Chris's arm to calm her nerves, she had seen bloodier scenes than that of the haunted house before and it traumatized her for a long time but Chris always made her feel safe, warm and secure so holding onto him felt like nothing bad could touch her.

The first room was mirrors and creepy body parts crawling on the floor, obviously the body parts were remote controlled but it was still creepy to watch as they tried to grab onto Chris's foot, he just kicked them away like he was kicking a stone that was in the way and headed straight. The next room was filled with blood stained sheets witg severed female heads ranging from toddlers to old women. This room was still nothing to Chris as he walked bravely through the room he then noticed that Lily's steps got slower and she was shaking uncontrollably, she was fine in the previous room now she was scared silly, so he thought. Lily had actually interpreted the severed heads and blood stained sheets as a rape and murder scene. As someone who almost got raped many times by Eric and some times escaped by actually killing some people the room was awfully soul shattering for her.

It was like she had just walked into a room of her own life and was forced to watch herself being forced into and then murdered in cold blood. She froze and her body became hard as stone, her hearing disappeared and she fell into a deep dark mental pit of horror. Tears rolled from her eyes and down to her cheeks as she played the scene over and over again. Chris kept shouting out her name and slapping her cheek to get her out of her trance but Lily stayed frozen in time and space.

"Lily, please snap out of it, now is not the time to lose it, ..Lily!!" Chris kept shouting at her to get through her thick wall. She did not respond, if Chris did not know better it was like she was hypnotized and made to get stuck in one spot. Chris then shouted at the staff and asked them to put on the lights because his girlfriend was having a serious episode, the staff did not appear instead Dr Greg Chen did.

The moment Chris laid his eyes on Greg his body went cold, the bad feeling he had been having all that time was confirmed and Greg must've appeared with a dark purpose he was sure of it. "Wh- what are ..you do- doing here?" Chris stuttered through his sentence with shock running through his mind. His plan was fool-proof yet his biggest fear had just come to render his plan useless just like that.

Greg walked to Lily and ignored Chris's question, he stood in front her and took out a flash light to look at her face properly. "Looks like my hypnotism worked" Greg said aloud but to himself. He completely disregarded Chris like he was not there, he figured early on that Chris was planning to leave after going to the amusement park, he emphasized a few times to Lily as to what time they'd leave which he found weird. So Greg visited the amusement park and paid the staff in charge of the haunted house to stage the bloodied sheet in a particular way, the lights and the sound and the heads were all arranged to trigger someone who had been sexually assaulted and faced a life and death situation. Since Lily was a victim the hypnosis worked like a charm on her.

Greg motioned two of his subordinates to capture Chris and drug him but Chris put up a good fight before he was subdued by Greg's goons. He cried and screamed for help, he even begged Greg to let her go and take him instead, but Greg was not there for him he was there for the woman and taking Chris to Eric definitely meant taking him to his death. Chris was too important to Lily and he was the one who was destined to save her from the madman. " Chris don't worry, I promise I'll give you a good chance to save her and get rid of Eric for good" Greg grinned at Chris as he carried Lily out. Chris was now drugged and thrown into the back of a car, he was out cold. The amount of sleeping drugs was so high in his system that it was enough to keep him asleep for three days as if he was in a coma.

Greg snapped Lily out of her tragedic hypnotic trance and quickly put her into another one that more happy slow and relaxed. She dreamed that she was holding her baby boy and she lived in a small house with Chris and had a labradoodle. The dream was a happy one, one that she wanted to live out for the rest of her life. It was too bad that her reality was the complete opposite.

I would like to apologize for the two weeks of not releasing anything, I had a few heavy things going on and honestly I thought I should give up the story. I’m still here and will try to release whenever I can at least until I’m ? again. Keep reading and know that I appreciate your time

Mikka26creators' thoughts