
Chapter 14

Mehul's POV

She went to her parents place with her brother. I came back to my room. It was neat and clean. It was still decorated, which reminded me about last night. She was looking very beautiful.

And in the morning, when she came out of the washroom with her hair still dripping a few drops of water, she was looking like an angel. She went to the dressing table without even looking in my direction.

I went towards her as I wanted to go and asked her, if she was done as I wanted to use it. She got startled and turned suddenly and the water droplets from her hair landed on my face. I felt very strange but good. I wanted to...

She looked a bit shocked and she kept looking at me. Her big beautiful black eyes were looking into mine. I was mesmerized with her beauty.

Oh !! Not again... Why was I thinking about her in this way? I don't like her and I don't find her beautiful. That's it.

I got ready to go to her place for lunch. My mom gave me many gifts for her family. Gopal Kaka asked the servants to put all of them in my car.

I went inside their haveli, Vimal bhai came and hugged me, " Welcome Mehul, please come. We were waiting for you." I smiled at him and followed him inside, where everyone else was. We all settled to have food. As usual the aroma of all the dishes were tantalizing me. I was surprised to see that all my favourite dishes were served. I smiled and said , " Oh my God !!! So many of my favourite dishes are served here. I can't possibly even taste all of them. You shouldn't have prepared so many things."

Aunty was smiling like anything, she said, " Mehul, you have come to our place for the first time as our son-in-law, so I made maharaj ji prepared everything you like. Please enjoy whatever you want."

I smiled and started eating, everything was delicious. Sejal bhabhi said, " Megha, why are you not eating? Mehul ji, I think you should feed her. "

Megha shook her head and said, " No bhabhi, I am already full. I have been eating since morning. I had breakfast and after that I came here and maa has been feeding me since then. I can't eat more."

" Ok, in that case you should take care of your husband. Please, feed him with your hand. " Bhabhi said grinning, while Megha glared at her. Her parents and brother were smiling at them.

We finished our lunch and it was time for us to leave. Megha looked very sad. Three friends of Megha came to meet her. Megha's face lit up after meeting them. I had never seen her so happy. She introduced them to me, I smiled and we talked for about 20 mins.

There was one guy who didn't speak much, he was looking at Megha continuously. His eyes had a sadness in them. I looked at Megha, she was quite oblivious to that. He kept looking at her. It was annoying me.

I didn't like him looking at her like that. I said, " I am sorry Megha, but you know that we have to reach home by 4:30 PM. So, we have to leave now. It was nice meeting all of you, but we would have to go." All the time I said this my eyes were on that guy. What was his name???? Sachin, I guess. He looked very sad and disappointed.

All her friends hugged her one by one. He came forward and I wanted to kill him. I extended my hand to shake hands with him. " Nice meeting you. " I said with a smile. " Megha please let's go otherwise we will be late for the ceremony." I said and she just nodded and followed me.

Vimal bhai asked the servants to keep Megha's luggage and the gifts in my car. She hugged all her family members and was getting emotional again. Uncle and Vimal bhai hugged me. " Please take care of her." Uncle was getting very emotional and I told him to be rest assured.

We came back to our haveli. Mom smiled at her and sent her upstairs and asked her to get ready. After some time my mom sent me to see if she is ready and escort her downstairs as the guests started coming.

I saw her combing her long silky hair. She was wearing a sari and was looking very beautiful. She was so engrossed in getting ready that she didn't even know that I was in the room. She started wearing her jewellery, but she was having problems with her necklace as it was getting entangled with her hair and she was not able to fix the clamp.

I saw her struggling for 2 mins and went to her, I stood behind her and she tensed a bit. I put my fingers in her hair and slid them over one of her shoulders. Her hair was softer than silk.

I saw that her blouse was deep at the back. Her skin was flawless and smooth as satin. I closed the clamp of her necklace and my fingers caressed her skin and she shivered at the contact, I liked that.

I moved away very fast as I really wanted to take her in my arms and...

Oh no !! I am going mad.

I have to stay away from her. I hate the fact that I was forced to marry her. My dad said that he would disown me, if I don't marry her. My feelings were not important for him. I really love my family but I hate the fact that he chose his friend and this girl over me. I hate her.

And she is not beautiful... I don't like her... I don't want to be with her.

" Let's go, mom is calling you downstairs. Guests are already here."

I escorted her to the drawing room, where everyone was. All the ladies complimented her. Some of them teased her so much that she was as red as a tomato. One of the lady said, " Your kids will be very good looking as you both are blessed with good looks." She blushed profusely. They even teased me. I left the room saying that I have to make a few phone calls.

By the time everybody left, we all were very tired. We still had to pack and leave for New Delhi in the morning. Mom suggested us to go to our room and do the packing, she would send food there.

I went upstairs and saw that she had already changed and was folding her clothes. She was packing simultaneously. After 40 mins she finished her packing as some of her stuff was already packed.

I was collecting all my things which were to be packed. I didn't have to pack too much as I usually keep my clothes here as well, so I don't have to pack and unpack when I come here. I hate to do all that... mom does that for me.

I was struggling with my stuff when she said, " I have already done my packing... So I am free... I can pack for you, if you want."

I looked at her, she gave a faint smile. I nodded and she started packing my bag. She packed my bag within 15 mins. I said thanks and closed my bag and kept it beside her bags.

There was a knock on the door, I opened the door. Bhabhi and bhaiya came with servants who carried food.

"I thought, we all should eat together as it is still Megha's first day in our home. Mom and dad were so tired that they already ate. I hope you don't mind. " Bhai asked Megha with a cute smile.

She smiled sweetly, " Of course not bhaiya. In fact that would be great."

We all started having food and bhai and bhabhi were sitting on the couch and we were sitting on two extra chairs. Bhai was teasing bhabhi and cracking jokes on her. She was getting annoyed a bit now, but bhai kept on doing that and she was fuming with anger.

The food was over but it seemed their fight would not get over soon. They love each other like anything but fight like kids...

All of a sudden, bhabhi picked up the water jug and poured it on bhai.

What was that??

We all were shocked. Bhai looked furious now and he also threw water on bhabhi but she moved. My couch was drenched with water.

Oh god !!! Where would I sleep now???

" What is this? Why are you always behaving like kids? Bhai why were you teasing her? You have spoiled my couch. What the hell? Ughhhh. "I shouted.

" Come on Mehul, it is just a couch. I will get it cleaned. I think you are overreacting. We didn't throw water on your bed. It's not that you were going to sit on the couch now. It's is time to sleep, just chill and go to sleep." Bhai retorted.

I was so annoyed that I went to the washroom to change.