
Code: Infinity (Rewrite Out)

Ryo was a researcher but due ue to a stupid experiment, he created a black hole that destroyed everything. Ryo survived the explosion by sheer luck and was floating in the void when he found his newly gained power. As he was testing out his power, he found himself in front of an angry God... or a Demon? What will happen to him? Will he survive the harsh world? And how does he gain a system? Read the ff to know more about his future adventure! ========== The system only shows the status and will give mission and rewards... It's a harem ff. The final number of wives he will marry/love is not decided. The story has most of the time related to magic cultivation as power upgrading. Mc will be quite moody but will be truly neutral and he will not be horny to collect wifus. He will be possessive and protective of his wife but will not get in their way of development. But he will start his plans to kill all those who even try to flirt with them. He might even be a little psycho in this matter... He will not hesitate to do evil things for his gain. He will even destroy the plot for his plans and he will be a little prideful and arrogant but will always plan all his future works. (Not on the level of Gilgamesh or Aizen but he will be cautious as well as prideful) ======== Images used for reference are not my own. They belong to their respective owners. Hope you enjoy reading!

SR_2027 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
38 Chs

Chapter 13 New World and Training

Before you ask, NO! there will be no waifu from this world. I have decided that although this world have a lot of potential waifus, all of them are very weak and can only be there for show even after they awaken their Magic Core.(Except Saya Takagi and Saeko Busujima) but none will have any relationship with MC.

The next world will(might) bring a new waifu for us. Stay tuned!

Next chapter will be released after 21st, the day of my last exam...


(Ryo's POV)

I looked at the man infront of me. He have a very devilish looks. He have messy jet black hair, deep purple eyes with a little red hue. His body can be considered perfect in every way. He is 5'9 feets tall and his body is full of compact muscles.

His looks screams with a 'Bad boy' vibe. Normal people will try not to mess with him but this also brings a unique charm to him. His looks, body and vibes makes him a perfect male in the eyes of any girl. Females will go insane just to get his attention.

(Image Here)

I signed a little and stopped examining my new body in the mirror and enter the shower. The hot water flowed on my skin as I thought about all the recent events that had happened. It has been a months since we came to 'Highschool of the Dead' universe. My looks has caused me a lot of trouble.

I don't know how many girls or women that I had rejected or how many stalkers I had to save myself from. They have become a little pain in the ass special some stalkers who are stubborn to know my house address.

~~(Flashback, a month ago)~~

After we exited the portal, I summoned a water bottle to help Nana clean herself. After some time, I examined all my rewards that I got for travelling to another world.


{A/N: I have modified the first and last rewards. In the third reward, the inner space and the inventory has been increased as I thought that it was a lot nerfed.}

[1. Universal Identification Details: Identification details that can be used in every single world you will travel to. Some money will also be provided. This will be available to you everytime you move to the next world.]

[2. Advance military combat knowledge and gears: After accepting these rewards, you will get skill several skills related to combat and survival. A set of military gears will also be provided.]

[3. Highly modified Sky Poison Pearl (SS-RANK) [ATG world]: This version of Sky Poison Pearl is very highly modified to lower the level. It will have the same appearance but the abilities are different. It can absolutely purify anything, complete detoxification of any poison as long as it doesn't reach S-Rank and have 100 cubic meters inner storage space.]


My eyes widen when I saw my rewards. This new system isn't so stingy instead the new rewards are awesome. Although the final reward was a nerfed a lot, it's still good. Think about being able to purify anything and have poison immunity untill it's atmost S-Rank. Although I don't know how dangerous such poison are but thinking that S-Rank signifies Solar system level, it's not something to be underestimated.

Although I have read a little about 'Against The God' world, I don't know much things about it. I had just read the starting a few hundred or so chapters and had read it's manga so I have a little knowledge about it. I dropped reading it because of Yun Che's personality. He was not known as Scum Che for nothing.

I am not able to remember the plot in very detail. Looks like my memory is getting a little fuzzy. Although the Magic Core had increased my memory powers, it's better to take precautions, looks like my next goal will be to note down all my knowledge about anime and manga worlds...

I quickly accepted the final reward as suddenly a green spherical artifact appeared infront of me. We(Ryo and Nana) examined it for some time and after some hesitation, I reached out to it. Just at it came in contact with my hand, it melted and merged with my hand. I quickly examined my hand and noticed a green glowing symbol at the centre of my palm.

(Image Here)

Nana took my hand and poked it a little where the symbol was and frowned as she asked, "Do you feel anything different? I still am cautious of the new system that we have. Although the event that happened previous had lowered our gaurd, we shouldn't be completely defenceless toward it."

I nodded to her statement and answered, "It's feels a little weird. I can feel the connection of the Sky Poison Pearl with my mind and a few memories has appeared in my brain. I can use it perfectly and I want to try it out but we have to find a place to settle firstly before the night falls."

Nana nodded and smiled as I accepted the Universal Identification Details. A few documents, some keys, a phone, 1 Million yen and a map apperance infront of us and were floating in the air. We quickly stored all the items and after a little examination, I came to know where we will live. With the help of the map, we quickly reached our new home.

As we exited the alley, we followed the map to reach our new house. While we were walking, a lot of people were looking at us with an astonishing looks. It can't be helped as our looks attracted a lot of attention. It's not common to see such a handsome man alongside a beautiful woman... well Nana might be considered a girl but I hope nobody calls FBI and cause trouble for us.

As we were walking, a few girls and women were having hesitation to talk to me as Nana were giving them a death stare as she took my hand. I am a little scared of someone calling FBI but my actual attention were on scaring away any males who were attracted to Nana with my aura. I released a little fraction of my mana in air and activated my [Pride(perk)].Iit made anyone coming near us have difficulty breathing.

After half an hour or so, we reached our new house. The house was of moderate size and has a small garden along with a small garage at the side of the house. The house have two floors, the ground floor and then the first floor. It reminded him of one of his favourite anime named 'Doraemon' that he used to watch a lot. It brought a smile to my face unknowingly.

(Image Here just add a garage and will be twice the plot area.)

We quickly opened the main gate and used the key to enter the house. It was a little uncomfortable as the house had a bad odor and little was messy. Dust have gathered all over the furnitures. I scratched my head a little and looked at Nana as she pouts back at me. We quickly went to work and started to clean the house. After a few hours of not so hard work, the house was shining as if it was new. The sky had turned darker by the time we had completed all the cleanings.

Thankfully, the house had every necessities and also had the access to electricity and we were able to turn the lights on. It was as if the house was almost new and someone moved out just a few days ago. After some cleaning, I washed the dishes for preparing our dinner. Although I don't know much about cooking, I had small proficiency in it due to my first life experiences. After an hour or so, I prepared and served Baked Tonkatsu for both of us.

(Image Here)

The dinner was not super duper delicious, but it was atleast tasty. Nana was eating all the dinner fastly. I smiled a little looking at her actions. Although she had opened her Magic Core, she is still at F-Rank 1st Stage and was only at the limit of an average adult human. After all the hard work, she will definitely be hungry and then she also drank the Fast Growth Potion, so she will feel a lot hungry. I took some of my portion of dinner and gave it to Nana as I don't feel so much hunger due to my Magic Core providing me with all the necessary energy required.

Nana saw my actions and blushed a little due to embarrassment but continued to eat her dinner. After the dinner, Nana complained a little to me so that I can let her wash the dishes and in the end, she gave up and went to watch the T.V as I quickly washed the dishes.

When I had completed washing all the utensils, I decided to accept the second reward that was Advance Military Gears and skills. Just I accepted the reward, I groaned a little as some memories and skill entered my brain. I also heard Nana groan in the next room. After some time, the pain resided and I noticed a new window.

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [ Hand to hand combat mastery (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [ Melee weapon mastery (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Morden Weapon mastery (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Shooting (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Survival skills (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Medical knowledge (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Driving (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Mechanical knowledge (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Poker face (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Iron will (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Fear Resistance (Passive): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Pain Resistance (Passive): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Minor Danger Sensitivity (Active): (F+)-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Trap Creation Detection (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Trap Detection (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Language Comprehension (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Torture Expert (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Quick Sleeper (Active): E-Rank ] ]

[ Congratulations, you gain new skill [Boosted Endurance (Active): E-Rank ] ]

Looking at all the panels, my only thoughts were, '... That's a lot of skills.'

[Notice! It's observed that a lot of items will be presented in a single action. So to not cause any trouble, all the rewards will be stored inside of the system inventory.]

I quickly checked out the inventory and found out that there were 2 Custom Kriss Vector (.45 ACR), 4 customised Desert Eagle (.50), 6 (2 for Vectors and 4 for handguns) suppressors, a Machete, a small Katana, med kits, some survival tools and 2 millitary knifes along with 10,000 (7,000 .45 rounds and 3,000 .50 rounds) bullets for the guns were present. I quickly examined the items and fell in love with them specially with the custom hand gun. It had extended magazine, laser guide, red dot sight and custom hand grip.

(Image Here)

When I has just completed my examination task, my new phone sang a little, indicating a notification. I was a little confused and opened the message. The content made my mouth twitch a few times and in the end, I signed in resign.


[1925 words]




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