
Code Geass FF chapter 54

the mc is so hung up on following the canon timeline that he didn't know or didn't bother seeing that the big picture had already derailed from the canon timeline long ago.

Kuhahaha! I'm so evil that I am feeling good!

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!


At December 5 1999, Lelouch vii Britannia was still born as scheduled.

And as what was mentioned before, the childbirth didn't have any complications.

In fact, it was a huge success and that made it possible for Marianne to recover really quickly specially with the current bio technology available.

Lelouch was also born healthy and he might not be as physically weak as his canon self, he might even be smarter or just more fit.

AA was there as a friend when Marianne was giving birth but Charles isn't.

The formal explanation said that he was busy with his emperor duties but the truth is that he was just hanging out with VV in the thought elevator, sometimes with CC.

Marianne suddenly blurted out the idea of making AA a godfather of Lelouch and has been pestering him since then.

If you are wondering what happened between AA and CC then the news is, no progress.

They didn't have time to get together with just the two of them and both of them are even mostly busy.

With CC managing the geass order and AA doing his duties as Head scientist.

He already didn't hide too much of his intellect to the Charles and the others so he was able to comfortably dabble in many scientific field semi publicly.

Although him being knowledgeable on almost everything is still a secret that only a really few trusted people know even until now.

He had not even shown his face to the media even if he was already the head scientist.

He made other people be the spokes person of his department.

AA already has some drafts for the knights of round's exclusive knightmare frame.

Most of them are all rounder, only a few are specialist.

Like Bismarck being a melee swordsman specialist.

There is one who wants heavy bombardment type.

Someone also wanted to have a dedicated assault type.

Those who wants general type mechs will get the same unit but with different aesthetics.

'It's their fault for not being unique enough and not taking their exclusive knightmare frames seriously.' is what AA said to Marianne when she asked why.

The simulated parameters of this general type knightmare is very balanced in all aspects.

In fact, it will be an expensive version of the proto type of Glasgow knightmare frame.

It will have an easier piloting operation unlike those specialized units.

The swordsman knightmare frame for Bismarck will have higher parameters in its precision and displacement.

Because swordsmanship needed to have good footwork and playing with the sword needs more precision, it will mostly lower it's armor but that will be okay because Bismarck can just use his geass to dodge most attacks.

It's displacement ability will be pure burst speed and not for long periods of runs.

Fast impulses is what is needed by a swordsman after all.

The bombardment type will be equipped with a proto type laser canon that has it's own sakuradite energy battery.

It will also have a slightly bigger Yggdrasil drive to get more energy.

More armor to not get taken down by small explosions.

It also needed some anchors for the recoils of it's weaponry.

And also many projectile armaments.

The assault one will mostly likely have a sword and a sub machine gun proportional to the knightmare's size.

It will be light weight and fast, this knightmare frame will be good at turning and scaling terrains to carry out it's assaults better.

The war had really started.

The targets of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine has been successfully invaded and made into a base immediately.

There are casualties which was mostly from the infantry, as expected.

- Battle highlights -

The loud sounds of the trucks engines are resounding on the road.

Now they are really their destination, it is already in their front.

Then the all this huge trucks suddenly stopped and the container in their backs opened up one after another.

Then another mechanical sound was heard.

If you heard it, you will definitely guessed that it was something that is spinning very fast and is creating a great amount of friction.

Then Huge robots are seen getting out of the trucks container.

The Barracks a bit far away was alarmed, the emergency signal sounded all over the barracks and started firing all of their available and ready weapons.

They also started using all their means of calling for back up.

But anything electronic is for nothing because the whole area and it's surroundings are jammed.

This knightmare frames then dash in a swerving motion towards the barracks while using their guns which was proportional to their sizes.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!

This knightmare frames are colored blue and white with the logo of the holy Britannian Empire.

In the forefront of them is a Knightmare frame that has the color of violet.

It has a different insignia other than the Holy Britannian Empire symbol.

This insignia is the symbol of the nobility piloting this knightmare frame.

It's equipment is a lance and a sub machine in the scale of a knightmare frame.

This violet knightmare frame sounded loudly.

"Suppress every enemy quickly, take those who surrendered as prisoners, kill anyone who moves suspiciously.

Do it before the infantry arrives!

You are using our countries ultimate weapons, so, do more!" A male voice sounded from the built in speakers and coms of the violet knightmare.

"Sir, yes! Sir!" x100+

That's right, there are more than a hundred of knightmare frames dispatch in just this one location.

And there are definitely more knightmare frame dispatched in other places.

After all, the objective in attacking Russia is just to make them busy enough on their own and not be able to help other countries nearby.

Suddenly, the violet knightmare frame's pilot started doing a speech, saying his goals and those with him.

"This will be our chance to prove ourselves to our country! This will be the chance to prove our superiority!





We are the one's who have the noble blood!

Glory to our pure Britannia!


- Battle highlight ends -

- word count 1034 -

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pat reon.com/SoldKlad001

You can get 20 chapter more!

There are only two tiers, you get 10 chapters advance from the first one and the whole 20 chapters advance on the second one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts