
Code Geass FF chapter 325

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It did not take too much time and the assailants had finally taken over the whole resort.

As for Nina and Mili, they are still safe and had not encountered any assailants directly.

The closest thing was when two of these assailants came to inspect the suite they are in.

They have the master keycard.

Anyways, the two girls hid carefully and successfully.

They did not even try to glimpse at the assailants as they might get caught and still waited for another thirty minutes after they heard the assailants get out of the suite.

That is a correct decision on their part as the assailants did a trick of opening and closing the door of the suite without truly going out just to see if they would be able to ensnare anyone that might be hiding.

They have so many people checking the various suites so it is okay to spend some leisure time, they were told to be thorough in their search so they were being thorough by taking longer in the said search.

That's about it for the two girls right now because they would be staying in the suite for quite some time until later.

Right, if anyone had not noticed this place was supposed to be the place where Euphemia was supposed to have come covertly to tour around and she even voluntarily revealed herself just to save every other hostage that is about to be used as an example.

Well, the place isn't a museum now but a resort.

It was originally planned to be built as a museum but the technology suddenly advance so rapidly that the plans had been changed over and over again and the resort was what came out.

The original, tall building became a wide and tall building, with each floor having high ceilings and specially equipped with anything that people can relax with.

This resort is state-owned and made for most of the public that had some money to go on a luxurious outing.

So there isn't any nobility in the resort, only some relatively rich people or people who hold some high position in a prominent company or anything similar.

The assailants directly did a broadcast using the equipment they brought into the resort.

They named themselves in this broadcast and they are the Japanese Liberation front.

The leader is still the fat old guy that Lelouch had ordered to do harakiri in the anime.

Harakiri is a Japanese samurai way of suicide by stabbing oneself with his own sword and then taking out a knife to cut open the tummy.

Not necessarily in the right order, anyways, just search google for more details.

Right now, this guy is still quite fierce and energetic.

He even faced the camera and showed himself in the broadcast as the mastermind of the events.

Doing a Japanese patriotic speech in the passing to replenish human resources for after this stunt.

The old guy is a general/leader so he already knows that he will certainly lose many people in this operation so recruitment preparation is already underway.

Being old and a veteran has its own perks.

Finally, after some time passed again, Cornelia finally arrived at the land fortress to block the bridge from the opening.

On the way, she had already ordered a few times to all the people who are already in the vicinity, ordering them some instructions to try out but all their operations had failed.

Especially the water route, which was supposed to be the easiest way has been completely guarded by the Japanese liberation front.

The only way that was the least difficult is through the bridge and the underground passage of the bridge.

Well, it isn't truly a bridge anyway, it only looks like one but in truth, there isn't any opening under it like how bridges should be because a separate underground passage was made in that place.

At this time, the only thing on the other end of this underground passage is a weird multilegged mecha-like cannon.

It looks the same as the one from the anime, but it is longer and had a rapid-fire function unlike the original.

The shells it uses are like the bullet commonly used on a shotgun which spreads out metal pebbles after being shot.

No one can dodge it in the tunnel-like passage, they tried it already.

Knightmare frames don't have enough defense to tank through it and aren't fast enough to evade flexibly, together with there being no pilot that can do that kind of maneuver that is available right now.

Cornelia still has a cold face and a quite relaxed atmosphere unlike the original where Euphemia was taken hostage, she is quite cold to outsiders even if they are all her 'subjects'.

That's just how most people in high positions do things if it is not so closely related to themselves.

Some might appear like they are very concerned but they are politicians, they almost are synonymous with actors.

They will still do their job to the letter, even do exemplary in it, but they wouldn't be as passionate as when it is related closely to themselves.

It's not something so bad though, leaders are supposed to be like that, very utilitarian.

This time, Cornelia had no intention of giving in at all to the demands of this terrorist group.

Well, they are real terrorists because they are doing what a terrorist would do even if what they are saying is quite righteous or something.

Anyways, as always, the opening demands of a terrorist are certainly the most ridiculous one, something that both parties would certainly agree with each other even if Cornelia has no intentions of agreeing at all.

The one who will be facing the media to answer questions would be someone else anyway, only when it is truly needed would Cornelia come out in front of the masses to say something, and even then it would be her who will do the talking and not let anyone ask anything.

This is why most spokespersons of the royals in Britannia are bald, they lost all their hair from the stress whenever they have to clean up after the royal that they are following.

- word count 1045 -

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