
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · Cómic
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359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 10

- Narrator's pov -

Sherlock Holmes got his Watson now. Although this Watson doesn't have john as his first name.

They already solved the apparently quite complicated case. They shared the rent for the 221B baker street apartment.

They got their fair share of troublesome cases.

Sherlock holmes, which is Alister Crowley if you have forgotten, is really starting to have some doubts for the world he is in because he meet an Irene Adler and some other Sherlock Holmes book characters, even some villains like lord blackwood.

But then, He just let it be. Because he is enjoying living as Sherlock Holmes.

Although I as the narator and author also wanted to make an arc for Sherlock Holmes but this is Code Geass!

So, Sherlock and Watson live a fulfilling life, where they eventually stopped being active detectives and only does consultations.

Watson got married to a rich widow and lived with her in a big mansion in London's high class living area.

Sherlock built an orphanage for the kids that are being treated as street rats and live in the orphanage as the caretaker and teacher.

Sherlock didn't get married, although he got into a sexual relationship with Irene.

In fact, he suspects that he got her knocked up but he didn't get to know because she disappeared like she did in the original Sherlock Holmes novel but this time, not because of a prince.

No one actually knows why she disappeared, even sherlock was puzzled over suddenly recieving a letter from Irene telling him that she is safe but she will not be living in London anymore.

Lestrade became the chief of police. Moriarty died of old age before Holmes can put him into prison. Lord Blackwood has strong ties with politicians that's why he always got out and Sherlock always wants to avoid dealing with him because of said politicians.

Most of the public photos of Sherlock are those that he got a deerstalker hat on, it was lowered and his head is lowered too so his face won't be recognized much and he won't be found out by the geass order.

He and Watson was even knighted by the royalty at that time, although there wasn't any official ceremony like what you would read in fairy tales, they were just given a badge and some certificate.

Sherlock and Watson almost died a few times in their adventures together.

In fact, Sherlock did die a few times. He is a geass code holder so he survived or was resurrected.

Sherlock's normal thinking and wisdom got improve so his geass improved too.

He also got some mild paranoia from being a detective for a few years.

He didn't get into any other romantic relationship except with Irene and the first kids in the orphanage where his little secret agents that were street rats and petty thieves.

Although he worked as a detective and solved many cases, sherlock didn't get any mortal enemies.

Most of the criminals he put in the jail just dislike him and don't want to be anywhere close to him.

Some people, like Lord blackwood and Professor Moriarty, even treats him as their rival with respect.

Although they might kill Holmes in a confrontation, but they wouldn't go so far as to put a hit on sherlock.

Alister really have gotten Sherlock's abilities such as observation, deduction, forensic science and logical reasoning.

World war two is coming just a few years from now.

Yet, Alister still doesn't have a relatively complete plan on what to when shit hits fan.

Alister, with his Sherlock Holmes Ability package and his sage geass is really smart.

But we all know that he can only be as smart as the author can be.

Alister doesn't know what countries will be taken by nazis because he didn't get to study world war 2 europe version in his past life.

You should remember that he was asian in his previous life, so the world war two history that was thought to him in highschool were mostly concentrated in Asia and his previous country, which was a relatively young country that's why it really has some shallow history of independence. His country didn't even get to really join the war. They were just swept by the Japanese and rescued by the Americans.

They didn't even get to fight nazi's at all!

So, let's get back to the main topic, which was where to go when world war two comes.

Alister thought that he would just stay in Great Britain or just go to America? Nah, He will stay in Great Britain and join the army then go to the front lines.

It's a great opportunity to Improve his combat abilities. Because just practicing isn't enough to improve anymore in terms of combat abilities, he needed some real battles to go further.

In fact, he wanted to go to America to experience the wild west but base on some bits of news and other information he got, the wild west period of America is about to end. Alister only got this Idea when he was already Sherlock Holmes.

If he had gotten this Idea when he just started traveling as Alister Alpha then, it would have been at the right time to do so and he could have made his own legend there.

Have I ever said the reason why he chose the name Alister Alpha before? No?

It was because he wanted to be called AA later down the line, going with the naming theme of the code holders like CC and VV.

Alister wanted to live as a thief in his next identity but it was not a good time to do so when the WWII is about to happen.

The martial law will be up and any crimes might be met with capital punishment if you pissed off the leaders enough.

That's why he chose to be a soldier this time. He can avoid politics and the influencial people if he go to the front lines so he doesn't risk being found by the geass order.

- chapter ends at 1024 word count -

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Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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