
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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20 Chs

the new weapon it's name is legend

The day after the battle with Cornelia Naruto got word from suzaku he was invited to join ASEEC he learned that the charges against suzaku had been dropped and that now he was free to return to britannia.

" Just so you know it's not going to be that easy." Said Naruto.

" What do you mean." Asked suzaku.

" My father worked for ASEEC said Naruto they let him join free of charge but when he got there they made sure he knew that his place was to field their machines and to do as he was told without worry." Said Naruto.

" Well that's military." Said suzaku.

" They made him murder a pregnant woman because she was going to give birth to Charles first son." Said Naruto

" but what did she do." Asked suzaku

"Her crime was because she was Japanese they wanted her dead." Explained Naruto.

Suzaku shuddered it reminded him of his father's death he seriously one day would end the seeds discrimination against other nations down by britannia but for now he had to play his part and that meant he had to join ASEEC.

" Just don't let your gaurd down against that Lloyd he's one conniving bastard." Said Naruto.

" I'll watch myself you keep your guard up against those who may want to harm you." Said suzaku.

As Naruto returned to the dorm he found leloucia talking to C.C but he just smiled.

" Well if it isn't sleeping beauty back from the land of nod how'd you sleep?" He asked with a smile.

" Your quite the charmer aren't you." Remarked the girl.

" Naruto be nice to C.C." said leloucia.

" He's fine Lulu chan." Said C.C

Naruto looked serious.

" Suzaku has joined ASEEC." Said Naruto with all seriousness.

" Well it looks like we should get that new unit ready." Said leloucia.

" You mean your unit the one that we've been working on for the past few days." Said Naruto.

" Absolutely the legend shall be a key player of this war especially due to its special feature the super dragoon system." Said leloucia.

smirked " you mean the funnel guns that bombard the enemies with beams yeah they won't know what hit them." Said Naruto.

" You mean if they live to tell the tale." Said leloucia.

"Naru Lulu are you to in there." Asked a voice.

" Kuso it's Shirley." Said Naruto.

" Crap c.c remember what we rehearsed." Said leloucia.

Shirley come in.

" Ah there you two...are." said Shirley.

" Ah hello you must be short I am C.C I'm Naruto Uzumaki's cousin." Said C.C.

Naruto gave leloucia a look that said what fresh hell is this?!

Leloucia gave him a sign like bouncing a ball that meant play along.

" Oh well it's so nice to meet you my name is Shirley fenette i'm a very good friend of Naruto kun so I call him naruchan." Said Naruto.

" Isn't that a kinda ramen." Asked c.c.

' oh no she did not just use the R word.' thought leloucia.

Shirley paled " uh well I uh must be going." She said and retreated to a safe place.


" Where the hell is this ramen you speak of is it miso ramen is it Korean BBQ ramen is it spicy habanero ramen." Asked Naruto with a wild look in his eyes " Answer Me." He screamed before running of through the house.

" What's his problem." Asked C.C

" It's all he could eat after coming here until the Ashford family took him in." leloucia began explaining.

" The mention of the word makes him go into a full blown frenzy due to it being the first meal he had in two weeks since his parents died." Said leloucia.

" Excuse me leloucia did you say two weeks what kinda Saiyan is that." Asked leloucia.

" No rest assured Naruto is human he's just built differently." Said leloucia.

Mario and Maya walked in perturbed by the sight of what they just saw.

" Naruto just finished fourteen bowls of ramen in under three minutes." Said Maya in shock.

" And I thought I could eat healthy but that guy he's a whole nother level of human." Said Mario.

"Listen here you two and take to heart this warning don't you ever mention the word ramen to Naruto and I mean ever got it." Said leloucia.

" Yeah it makes him go ape shit." Said C.C.

Naruto came into the room.

" What happened leloucia we were talking to Shirley and then I don't remember." Said Naruto.

" Well maybe we should head to the lab." Said leloucia.

At konoha industries the legend Gundam knightmare fram or legend G frame ad they decided to call it had finished being completed the unit was an impressive machine it was built with a different color pattern rather than the heroic grey blue or red of the previous units this unit was colored a midnight black with highligjts of gold and red making it look like a demon.

Leloucia smiled as he noticed the machines weapons of consisted of a high powered beam rifle a pair of beam tridents that could linked together to create a double blades beam saber, a pair of close interception weapons systems or ciws which were basically head mounted miniature Vulcan gun, and the backpack mounted dragon system which was equipped with a two sets of beam spikes for penetrating enemy barriers and four sets of beam cannons which could fire highly condensed energy beams finally you had the beam shields two energy shields that could reflect most beam weapons which if knowing ASEEC they have probably already figured out how to create beam weapons if not anti beam defenses.

Naruto nodded "that thing suits you leloucia." And he smiled looking at her she was indeed his partner.

As the trio had over heard Tsunade talking about the other prototypes Naruto and the others found she had built three new mass production models the first was the GM Powered that Naruto and leloucia designed the difference was this unit now had two beam sabers like the groups G Frames it also had a more powerful beam rifle than the standard beam assualt rifle called the Bowa beam rifle the difference was it could be resupplied with Energy Capacitors or E-Caps as they had decided to abrrivate them.

The units were also equiped with hard points so they could equip the special Cardigan system which gave it added fire power with a load of missiles and a large beam cannon mounted on the back the cardigan could be purged for a boost in speed.

" This is better than we designed." Said leloucia.

" Yeah I did some modifications and some testing on tech that I've been working on already." Said Tsunade taking a swig of her dragon water

" it's a really potent unit the others here are also some improved designs of the GM units the other two were what appeared to be a high Mobility unit which she dubbed the GM Kai and An Artillery unit codenamed the GM Cannon."

Naruto whistled "you really out did yourself auntie."

Tsunade sighed she really wished he wouldn't call her that but it was technically true his mom was her cousin making him her technical nephew and that meant that she was his auntie.

The trio then returned to the school and planned their next moves.