
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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20 Chs

the birth of zero the unicorns maiden flight

Naruto and leloucia arrived at their home in The Ashford Manor there Naruto decided to make a call to his auntie tsunade senju.

" Auntie Tsunade I need to ask you for a favor I need a way to conceal myself and I also need a knightmare frame." Said Naruto.

" Well what kind of knightmare frame." Asked Tsunadé.

" A high performance frame one that won't hold me back." Said Naruto.

On the other end of the line tsunade looks towards the hanger where the unicorn is sitting.

' So it's that time huh?' She thought to herself.

Mario and Maria Diesel were absent for two days until they ran into leloucia Mario and Maria were shocked to discover it was her who gave the orders at the battle of the Shinjuku settlement even more so when they discovered she wanted to have them serve as her agents meanwhile Naruto was busy talking with his friend shikamaru the two were part of the shougi club and they began discussing battle strategy if only Naruto knew that shikamaru was actually a member of the Japanese liberation front shikamaru noticed that Naruto seemed pensive about something.

" What's up Naruto?" Asked shikamaru.

" Suppose one wants to go fight a political tyrant as a masked vigilante how would one be able to do that?" Asked Naruto.

" Troublesome well first one would need the right gear and the right technology to do so." Said shikamaru.

" Why are you asking do you have a secret agenda?" Asked shikamaru.

" No I'm writing a comic book silly." Said Naruto.

" I see well I'm glad your not doing anything dangerous." Said shikamaru.

" By the way how far have you gotten with Lulu." Said shikamaru.

Naruto blushed and nearly dropped his knight peice.

" What makes you ask that all of a sudden?" Asked Naruto.

" Dude it's no secret that you love her she's waiting for you to confess to her so why don't you do so?" Asked shikamaru.

" It's complicated." Said naruto.

Later in leloucia's room.

" This outfit is kinda gaudy." said Naruto he was wearing a black body armor with a red cape he had a helmet with a one way mirror face shield there was on the left hand was a grapple launcher on the hips were a pair of hand guns semi-automatic's in the back was a katana meant for facing those with swords or lances.

Naruto learned that suzaku was about to be executed so he planed to save him.

Naruto headed to the secret hanger they had the knightmare frame delivered to after leaving a doppelganger at the house so shortly and Milly wouldn't notice he was gone.

Naruto went to the hanger and he climbed aboard the new knightmare frame it's cockpit was a bit different from the others instead of the standard ejectable box frame design it had a spherical panoramic cockpit with a linear seat perfect for dealing with enemies all around it also was capable of welding beam weapons which is why it's main armaments were beam sabers and beam Tonfa it also could carry a beam Gatling gun style rifle or a beam magnum but for now Naruto would use the beam Gatling gun.

Naruto sealed the cockpit as the monitor appeared before him and the screen in front of the seat read knightmare G Frame Code named unicorn O.S General United Nuero Defensive Anti-britanian Module.

" Gundam?" Thought Naruto.

" Let's do this." Said Naruto.

Then he boosted out of the hanger.

Suzaku was set up as a Martyr no doubt about it and he was pissed he had done everything he could to try and prove his innocence but that bastard Jeremiah Gottwald and his purest faction wanted to prove their power.

As the firing squad was about to shoot suddenly a barrage of what could only be called blaster bolts hit the group of Southerlands standing guard at the front.

Naruto smirked.

"Now as we practiced." Said leloucia.

" I am zero the god of vengeance and in the name of the innocent I'll punish you." Said Naruto.

Jeremiah was surprised whenever from the cockpit of the knightmare frame a line launched and it wrapped around suzaku and pulled him into the knightmare frames hand.

Then Naruto moved the knightmare frame out of the area but not before an army of dopplegangers captured a bunch of enemy Sutherlands and then took off.

After arriving at a secret location Naruto spoke to suzaku.

" Do you now see the evil that is the holy Britannian empire do you still wish to serve them." Said Naruto.

" Come with me suzaku become my knight become the knight of zero?" Offered Naruto using the talk no Jutsu.

" What does the job entail." Asked suzaku.

" You will be an insurgent to help my cause from the inside in return I well help prevent them from ever harming you again." Said Naruto.

" How can I trust you." Said suzaku.

" If you couldn't you'd be dead by now." Said Naruto.

" I see well then I will trust you but I won't kill those in Britannia whom I believe is innocent." Said suzaku.

" I'm not asking you to." Said Naruto.

Elsewhere in the royal palace located in sector eleven.

Euphemia sat at her mirror brushing her hair she looked at her picture of a certain sun kissed blonde he was in the center of five girls ephemia, leloucia, Cornelia, Hinata, and kallen that was before britannia decided to occupy Japan.

She smiled to herself.

" Oh Naruto if only you were here." Said euphemia.

" Still thinking about him?" Asked a woman who looked similar to euphemia.

" Onee San yes I am I just miss him it's a pity what Happened to Naruto-kun and leloucia." Said euphemia.

" Your too soft sister, those two are living happy lives in their exile you shouldn't worry yourself about them." Said Cornelia.

" Rumor has it a vigilante had saved the boy they said killed Clovis." Said Cornelia.

" Do you really believe suza-kun killed Clovis." Said euphemia.

" I don't those pure bloods are a bunch of narcissist and I dispise that louse Jeremiah gottwald." Said Cornelia.

" So do you think that suza-kun is innocent." Asked euphemia.

" I don't think he's guilty but he does have good reason after all we did kill his father." Said Cornelia.

Euphemia felt sad her father was a cruel man and he didn't care one bit what others thought or felt.

" Naruto-kun..." She said.

Elsewhere in the sector eleven Ashford academy.

" Hachoo." Sneezed Naruto.

" Somebody must be talking about me?" He said to himself as he brushed his nose.

Just then entering their class was suzaku the boy had come to the academy on active leave due to the misunderstanding that Jeremiah caused.

" Oh god i don't believe this." Said Naruto.

" Just deal with it Naruto he's going to be our ally for now." Said leloucia.

" Ah shit." Said Naruto.

To be continued