
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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20 Chs

enter the knights of the round

The knights of the round the emperor's elite gaurd according to the Arthurian legend each of the knights were supposed to be equal in wealth and status to each other but in this world it's not the case since britannians believe no man is equal to another Naruto's father was previously the leader in his knightmare frame the Exia the emperor wanted to name it the Excalibur but Minato named it the Exia it was said to have seven swords each one more powerful than the previous one the group was said to be the créme dela créme of pilots.

" This rebellion needs to be put to a stop do you understand me my knight of one?" Said Charles vi britannia.

" Of course my liege I Bismark waldstein shall end this rebellion." Said

He then noticed that the knight of X was in the room.

" You don't believe we can defeat this rebellion do you?" Asked Bismark.

" I doubt that they will go down so easily, their main mass production units are powerful enough to handle the likes of the Glaucesters;"

" so Its possible their commander class units are equal to our own." Said X.

" Don't look down on our machines;" warned the knight of one.

"besides it's the pilot in the end who wins; the war the machine is only a tool." Said Bismark.

" Yes but there is a an old proverb the stronger the swordsman the easier to break the sword." Said X and he walked off.

Sasuke thought to himself; ' I'll be glad when you die you arrogant cunt; makes my job a whole lot easier '

'now how will I convince Naruto to allow me to help him.' last time he checked him and Naruto weren't exactly on friendly terms he and Naruto had a falling out the night before his father died it was him and his brother who found lady kushina took her into hiding and promised her they would search for naruto and two years into that search,they had to fake their own deaths.

Naruto got a feeling something big was about to happen; he made sure that the unicorn was prepared and ready, while leloucia made sure the legend was ready to go if needed.

meanwhile the twins were already done with maintenance of their machines and were ready to head to their check points.

" You ready kyubi." Asked leloucia.

" You know it." Said Naruto.

Mario and Maya nodded

" let's go." They said.

The quartet of heroes climbed onboard their machines and they sealed their cockpits as the control modules stood up in front of them;

they grabbed their own controls and they each.

made their way towards their target.

Suzaku had been deployed along with Marrybell mel britannia who was piloting her own unit a variant of the lancelot the Lancelot trial alphaba,

it was actually a test type for what would become Suzaku's lancelot.

" Suzaku you seem tense is something the matter." Asked Marrybell.

" It's just this is the first time I've been requested to serve under such a pretty lady." Said suzaku " guess I'm just nervous." He added.

" Suzaku I am a knight before I am a woman...but I do appreciate your honesty."

"and you shall be rewarded for that modest reply when we return to our base." Said Marrybell.

Suzaku didn't here that last part since Marrybell said it after she cut the comms.

Marrybell wouldn't admit it but she was rather. Fond of the boy.

she was usually used to woman; but she found this boy to be different from the other men who would harass her,

Marrybell also was surprised to learn that suzaku was one of the most chaste boys she had ever met he had never even had the chance to fall In love,

" Oh don't you worry suzaku you'll get your chance." She said then she caught herself for being unladylike.

The duo along with four high maneuver glaucesters,dashed into the battle field.

their target was the rebellions outpost,

their squad was actually a distraction so thirty Southerlands could attack from the other side.

" Mario Maya you two watch the other side secretly use the mirage colliode to hide yourselves." Ordered leloucia who was dressed as Zero.

Naruto was dressed as kyubi wearing his variation of zeros armor but colored orange and red and wearing a fox like Japanese mask.

Naruto moved the unicorn into position while leloucia moved the legend to fallow suit.

(A/n See what I did there ;)

Suzaku warned Marrybell about the horned knightmare and it's rifle.

" Sometimes it's a Gatling gun some times it's a cannon either way you need to dodge it as swiftly as possible." Said suzaku.

" I understand." She said.

' oh suzaku so worried about your lady don't worry I'll make sure you get some extra credit for that.' thought Marrybell pervertedly.

The enemy was in position.

" Bingo." Said Naruto and he rasped the fire button and the beam magnum hit its target the bridge on the way to the base.

Unfortunately this did not deter Marybell in the slightest since her lancelot trial alphaba was able of independent flight but then again so we're her enemies as the legend flew into the air it drew it's beam sabers and went to face Marybell the two clashed swords and they began their duel.

The lancelot and the two high maneuver glaucesters made their way through the trench at break neck speed that was until they were greeted by the enemy the horned knightmare and two of the mono-eyed machines.

The Glaucesters drew their jousting lances while the Zaku's drew their beam tomahawks.

" You idiots don't you know that lances are best for this kinda battle." Said one of the pilots.

" Don't you know that it's axes that beat lances in the Trinity of battle." Said kallen from her red Zaku Phantom she hadn't had the time to equip a wizard pack but not that it needed it even if the enemies were using high maneuver glaucesters they still weren't fast enough to keep up with her Zaku she was given the nickname red comet of the black knights for her fast piloting of her Zaku being it was three times faster as the enemy knightmare.

The glaucesters made for a stab at the Zaku but to their surprise the Zaku blocked with its shoulder and countered with a hack from its tomahawk and it cut the enemies left arm off.

" What was that?" Asked the soldier.

" Wow you call yourself a knight and have never seen a shield before very peculiar." Said ohgi in a mocking tone as he boosted into the air and fired off his beam assualt rifle at the enemy the beam pierced the head.

" Next time I'll take a little more than off the top." Said ohgi.

Mario and Maya came over the comms.

" We've got thirty Southerlands in our view shall we lord zero." Asked Maya.

" Go ahead castor." Said leloucia.

" Now Pollux." Said Naruto.

Mario entered the full burst mode the radar for the multi lock-on O.S. activated it locked onto over fifteen enemies before the freedom fired off it's beams from its beam cannon rail cannon and beam rifle.

" Full burst mode Ikei!" Shouted Mario.

The beams lanced and shot down all fifteen enemies with one powerful blast.

" Such accuracy." Said suzaku.

He then noticed that the horned knightmare was waiting for him to strike.

" Bastard come here!" Said suzaku and he drew his twin vibration swords Naruto in return used his twin beam sabers.

The two parried and counter parried each other's blades before Suzaku's unit got a lucky cut on the unicorns left arm not that it mattered as the unicorns Gundanium e-carbon composite armor made it near impossible for such weapons to damage it that being said suzaku wouldn't go down without a fight he had a special weapon planned for this battle and that weapon was this he pulled back and revealed a large green blade that folded from his left arm it glowed with a purple hue and it cut the unicorn with it's knew GN sword.

Naruto grit his teeth how dare they use his father's prized weapon on him the bastard wouldn't get away with it his unit suddenly transformed and it suddenly took the form of a samurai warrior and the green glowing parts of it's armor now glowed red the Lancelot moved fast swiping it's sword only to be surprised whenever the unicorn caught the sword one handed and the visage of a nine tailed fox stood above them.

Naruto yanked the weapon out of the Lancelots arms and then punched that sunava-bitch into the trench before diving down and kicking the Lancelot straight in the sternum.

" Beware the hounds of hell that play, with those that go out at night today, for those who want to come my way, to test my patience there'll be; HELL TO PAY!" Naruto said as his Gundam ignited it's beam Tonfa and went for the kill.

Leloucia and Marybell dueled for what seemed like hours which was only about three minutes within that time leloucia found her opponent to be quite the skilled fighter whenever leloucia used her beam sword she used her own beam sword whenever leloucia used her beam rifle the woman used her varis rifle whenever she launched her dragoons the woman launched her homing missiles at the drone however the drones shot them all down and gave leloucia the chance to go for the kill however just then they heard the terrifying chants coming from naruto's knightmare.

" Shit I knew this would happen!" She turned to Marybell.

" Your lucky today I'll allow you to withdraw I must restrain my ally." Said leloucia.

She dove down and caught Naruto before he could impail the Lancelot.

" We need him alive." She said.

After that the enemy retreated once again.

At the residence of Marybell.

" Suzaku please come in." Said Marybell.

" Yes ma'am." Said suzaku.

" Relax your not being punished suzaku so sit down." Said Marybell.

" Yes ma'am." He said.

She then came over to suzaku.

" Suzaku is it true you've never loved a woman before." Asked Marybell.

" Yes it is ma'am." Said suzaku.

" You may call me Marybell." Said the lady.

" Yes Marybell I've never experienced the love of a woman." Said suzaku.

" Very well then come here." She said patting a spot next to her

He didn't refuse he sat next to her and she hugged him to her bosom.

" I can teach you what it's like to love a woman." She said.

To be continued

oh no suzaku watch out she's a pervert so yeah that's pretty much my introduction of one of this stories ships Marybell suzaku maryzaku anyway so Naruto went berserk this is due to the kyubi chakra of the geass anyway it's a bit longer than I'm used to doing but I was trying to tell three stories in one chapter and yes the next chapter will contain a lemon there will be quite a few within this story but it not going to be a smut story like my others anyway preveiw.

" suza-kun you can touch them if you want." said Marybell.

" come on suzaku don't be shy I'm giving you permission now come and learn what it means to love a woman." said Marybell.

" it's my first time so sorry if I'm a little inexperienced." said the knight.

" Naruto what was that." said leloucia.

" I don't know I just felt like I hated him I hated everything than I wanted to destroy everything so I could be alone." said Naruto.

(to be continued next time.)

( who will survive and will suzaku become a man find out.)p

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