

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Returning to Camp

Since that night they marched forward,  rested,  marched,  ate, rested,  and something in between. It was so tiring both mentally and physically that Heng even saw one of the soldiers shed some tears in the night. It made him feel strange,  strange a he didn't even judge the grown man for doing such a childish thing.  If there existed a purgatory in this world, Heng thought that this place would be its little brother. 

Still, even though they had lost four men, and ten others were injured to different degrees, they seem to be holding pretty good. If this didn't show a humans adaptability,  then Heng didn't know what would. They had grown closer, especially Yin Hai, he, and Wu Tao who had his left hand injured.

"Hey, brother Heng....what are you thinking about?" cheerfully asked Wu Tao as he slapped Heng on the back. Heng of course annoyed at this immediately grabbed his good hand and squeezed it hard and smiled evily.

"Oh , you know..nothing! How about you?" said Heng as he put  even more pressure on his hand. Wu Tao on the other hand was trying to hold his discomfort in as he also tried to put some force on his hand, but he couldn't compare to Heng's grip. This continued for a couple of seconds until  Yin Hai sat beside them.

"Why are you acting like little children? This is unacceptable for a soldier of Blue Tiger Kingdom...sigh...."  Hai shook his head as he looked at the two of them with disdain. Of course when they heard that they stopped their shenanigans and became serious.

"So, Hai, now that we are about to reach the camp, I don't think there will be any more trouble." said Heng " I don't think anyone has the balls to attack us this close to reinforcements. If they did, it would be suicide."

"Yeah,  I think so to. If they had any intention of attacking  , they would already have done so." added Wu Tao as he robbed his aching hand on his knee. 

"I would think so to....but I think it's  bigger than that, and this I the least of our problems" said Hai with a grave expression. " The appearance of those 'Corpse Puppets ' is a sign of unrest, and a big turmoil at that."

"A big turmoil...

"What do you mean?"

Hai sighed once more and lowered his voice so only the three of them could hear.

"You remember when I explained to you what 'Corpse Puppets' are? Well , them being used makes senses taking into consideration the reason for our deployment to this place."

"You mean the rebellion of the the people around here? What does that have to do with the ' Corpse Puppets '? Or are the rebels using them?"

"Not quite, but you're not completely wrong either Heng. The true mastermind here is  someone,  or to be more precise something more dangerous. " said Hai to the confused listeners. Seeing that he had more explaining to do he took a stick and begun to draw things on the ground.  Heng and Tao looked at him with utmost concentration until he finished,  but all they could se was a couple of lines and scribbles.

Hai pointed at the square he had drawn" This her represents the Blue Tiger Kingdom,  this smaller square represents the territory we are in , and further up is a big mountain range, and our border 'currently'. And further beyond that.....is the Silver Serpent Empire" said Hai with a grave voice as Heng and Tao looked at the big circle just over the line which represented their border.

"So, you mean the Silver Serpent Empire is to blame for this? But....that doesn't make any sense? By what I've heard the Silver Serpent Empire is a great and thriving empire which has ruled the land it resides on for hundreds of years,  maybe even a thousand,  so why should they interfere in this place? I don't get it...."

"Yeah,  me neither. " quickly interjected Wua Tao" This place is like a backwards village compared to the empire,  so why would they make a move now. If I was them, I would wait to at least be developed a little.... why are you two  staring at me?"

"Just because....

An awkward silence presided for a moment,  but Hai's explaining continued  so everything went to normal. 

"It is as you say,  they don't have anything to gain if you take that into consideration,  and I might add that the mountainous region makes it so that they would never consider it as is . It is a political,  military,  and strategicial nightmare for them to attempt something like that,  but the bigger the lure, the bigger the fish it attracts."

"Lure...fish...stop with the metaphors! Tell us what it is? " insisted Heng as his stomach tightened and his heartbeat hastened. Hai on the other hand smiled dejectedly as he pointed the stick at a place not far from the crudely drawn up border.

"I hoped it would take some more years,  but I guess it's not lucky day. 

Listen, about four years ago,  near this place a new ' Secret Relm ' was discovered.  Its not know if it's because of deterioration by time or because of an earthquake which happened around this place around the time of the discovery,  but it is certain that a 'Secret Realm' was found. The formation hiding it has almost faltered making the entrance but a matter of time...but that is not the most surprising thing. It is said that it was a  Secret Realm belonging once to an elder from the time.....of....war..."

The last words made Hengs brain buzz like thousands of mosquitos were inside,  but he still understood what was happening,  though he wished he hadn't.  Ignorance is really the key to happiness.