


My name is Jonah, to symbolise the fact that my father never came back after he discovered my mother was pregnant of me although not complaining about the name though it's kind of cool bearing the name of someone important since I lived an extremely average life the only thing that kept me comfort was martial arts movies and the best of all was the karate kid movies imagine how excited I was to discover the release of the sequel to the karate kid movies the magnificent cobra kai I think watching it and fantasising about it was one the things that brought you into my life well you guys must be wondering why I'm saying all of this apparently i just died due to an idiotic ROB and my miserable life was also his fault as well.

Boy I already apologized to you do you really have to call me an idiot, wait you are reading my mind without my permission why am I not even surprised, anyways kid as I was saying I am willing to give you 5 wishes as compensation for death and your horrible life and you can't wish for more wishes, wasn't planning on wishing for any of those it will only delay my growth anyways for my first wish I want to be reborn in the world of cobra kai as an orphan in China whose parents left with a massive fortune and make it a mash up of karate kid ( Dre's version) and various other martial arts schools

For my second wish I want a photographic memory and a photoreflexes like taskmaster

For my third wish I want to have godly looks like Gojo Satoru with his white hair and blue eyes

For my fourth wish I want to have infinite potential and doomsday like adaptability and for my fifth wish I want to have a custom made system that has a system store, dimensional traveling, gacha, sign in and infinite system points.

Boy well you really got me on the infinite system points but whatever anyways off you go and hope we never meet again boy let's see if you'll do better than your predecessors.

Guys I'm in my final year of high school, final year exam are occurring soon but if you guys love the story I'll do well to write more.

Sammie_Lawrenzocreators' thoughts