
Cobra Kai Never Dies

Johnny Lawrence had twins and still couldn't handle the stress of being a father. Brooks is the brother of Robby, and they are both Johnny Lawrence's kids. Except they go for two completely different paths creating a rift between them. Cobra Kai fan-fic. If you haven't seen the TV show then I don't even know how you found this. But I suggest you go watch it! It's really good.

Monkey_Godking · TV
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43 Chs

The Lunch Meeting

Brooks drove home after leaving the Dojo, he still had a pissed off face as he walked through the door of the house. He walked to the living room and saw Tory talking with her mom, he smiled softly and decided not to bother them. He passed by them and went to the basement.

Despite being a regular house and not a mansion in Encino, there was still an attic and a basement. Brooks actually got a great deal, it was a 4 floor house! A basement, the first floor, second floor, and an attic, which could easily be made into a room. Really, he wasn't paying attention to what the seller was saying and just paid the cheap price.

Apparently it was a haunted house! Pretty spooky.

Anyway, even if he did know, he wouldn't care. He wasn't afraid of no ghosts!

Brooks had 'remodeled' the basement, not really, but it was now a training space. He had everything they had in the Dojo, it was more a place to vent than to train. And vent he did. Brooks started wailing on the dummy in the basement, crisp bangs resounding from every point of contact.

After a while

Tory came down and sat on the stairs, watching him with a smile. She wasn't exactly sure if he was 'cured' from Kreese, but at least he wasn't breaking arms. In truth, she was a bit disgruntled that he was enjoying beating the shit out of other kids. The reason why she snapped on him was because she felt like he was really starting to like the violence too much.

She was fine with the assassinations because she knew that he was doing his best for her and it touched the deepest part of her heart, but the unnecessary violence on Kyler was a step in the wrong direction. She was worried he was slowly starting to change into a different person because of the jobs he took to get the money for her hospital bills.

She took a gamble and yelled at him, evidently, it worked out! She was happy her gamble paid off, if he left her she wouldn't even have a place to cry. Not that she was obsessed with Brooks, but he really did mean a lot to her. Everything he's done for her, she really couldn't imagine her life without him. She even had some secret fantasies about him just grabbing her and running away into the sunset.

Her face heated up, maybe she was a little obsessed after all...

Brooks looked over and saw Tory lost in her own world with a heavy blush sprawled across her face. He was confused, he touched his face and thought 'Maybe I'm just too handsome?' A narcissistic look appeared on his face as he confirmed in his mind 'Definitely.'

Tory came back from her thoughts and saw Brooks' narcissistic look, her face turned black. What was this fellow thinking about? Brooks turned to Tory and said "Quickly, tell me how handsome I am!"

Tory burst out laughing, finally realizing what just happened. Brooks was confused and Tory gave him a thumbs up saying "My Killer is too handsome..." she sighed and added "Much more handsome than my other boyfriend.." Brooks chuckled and said "Obviously! He's just a beanpole!" as he flexed his arms.

Tory giggled and tackled him to the ground, she straddled him and said "Mmm, I really missed you.." Brooks' eyes turned gentle and he caressed her face as he said softly "I really missed you too, Porky.." Tory smiled warmly and leaned over, kissing his lips deeply.

Brooks wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled over, putting Tory on her back as he whispered "We haven't done anything in a long time..." Tory smiled seductively and said "Oh? Did you miss it?" Brooks kissed her neck and nodded, Tory hummed in comfort and turned her head before nibbling on his ear.

Brooks groaned and slipped his hands into her clothes. Tory smiled softly and enjoyed his touch, if she was being honest she missed this too.

Soon enough, low moans sounded in the basement. It was really a good thing the basement was partly soundproof, or else that would be extremely awkward.

A while later

Tory was laying on Brooks' chest and smiling gently. Brooks hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead as he said "I love you." Tory looked up and kissed his lips saying "I love you too. Oh yeah! Lily invited me for lunch tomorrow, wanna come?" Brooks caressed her smooth shoulder as he said "Okay, was it supposed to be just you two?"

Tory shrugged and said "I don't know." Brooks let out a breath and said "Well, whatever. I think she's still upset about Miguel." Tory sighed and replied "She should be. He went back to the Princess." Brooks was stunned and said "He did?!" Tory nodded and Brooks shook his head saying "That guy..." before sighing.

Tory scratched his chest and said "I'm not tired yet..." Brooks slowly grinned and said "Oh? You're not?" Tory smirked and Brooks attacked her saying evilly "You will be!" Tory giggled and sealed his lips shut with her own.

The next day

Brooks showed up at a restaurant with Tory, Lily was waiting for them outside. Brooks walked up and knocked on Lily's forehead as he said "Wake up, rebel." Lily looked up from her phone and grumbled "What are you doing here, asshole." Brooks chuckled and said "Looking for a new floor material." he sighed and added "It's a shame I didn't bring my level ruler..."

Tory giggled and Lily swung her fist at him snarling "I'm not flat!" Brooks blocked her and said "Okay, okay! Concave." Lily was incensed and shouted "That's even worse!" Brooks laughed and blocked all her half-hearted punches.

Tory smiled on the side and Brooks said "Alright, fake princess. Do you need a hug?" Lily gave him the finger and stomped into the restaurant angrily, Brooks smiled and held Tory's hand as he followed her in.

Lily was waiting inside with her arms crossed, Brooks walked over and rolled his eyes before leading the two to a booth. He passed by a table and stopped as he said "Dad?" Johnny looked up from his phone and said "Hey, man. What are you doing here?"

Brooks chuckled and said "Lunch, you?" Johnny winked and said "Same." Brooks and Johnny chuckled together and understood, while the girls were completely confused. Brooks gave him a thumbs up and went to a booth nearby, completely in hearing distance from Johnny table.

Lily sat on the opposite side of Brooks and Tory sat with her, Brooks sat in a spot where he could see Johnny's table. From the position of the two girls, they couldn't see the table and the table couldn't see them.

A waiter came over with menus, Brooks took one look at the menu and frowned as he said "Fake princess, where the fuck did you bring me? What's a Vegan Mungdal bowl?!" Lily's face fell and she said "What does it fucking look like." Brooks squinted and said "You want the truth?" Lily waved her hands and said "Spare me."

Brooks rolled his eyes and looked over at Johnny's table before sucking in a cold breath of air. Tory said "What?" Brooks couldn't even speak and looked at Lily before saying "Is your mom in town?" Lily grumbled "Yeah, why?" Brooks scratched his neck and just chuckled saying nothing.

Tory's eyes widened and she looked over secretly, Lily was confused before turning around and seeing Ali talking with Johnny. She gasped and was about to say something, Brooks covered her mouth and pulled her down saying quietly "Idiot! What are you trying to do?!"

Lily shook his hand off and said "That's my mom!" Brooks rolled his eyes and said "Do I look like an Idiot? I know. Just calm down." Brooks phone buzzed and he looked at it before answering "Reseda taxidermy, you snuff 'em we stuff 'em!"

Tory and Lily looked at him, completely stunned. Tory burst out laughing and Lily rolled her eyes with a small smile, Hawk's voice was heard "Yo! Brooks?" Brooks sighed and said "Obviously, did you think you really got the wrong number?" Hawk chuckled and said "Right. Anyway, we're going to get Sensei a gift, you wanna come?"

Brooks answered "I'm at lunch. It's pretty entertaining, I'm gonna see where it goes. What's the gift? A bowie knife? I think Sensei would like that." Hawk said "Well I don't think a bowie knife is in the budget, we're going to steal a cobra from the zoo."

Brooks said "Ohhh! Good choice, get a King Cobra." Hawk clicked his tongue and said "Good thinking!" Brooks chuckled and said "Good luck, oh! Don't forget the snake bowl!" Hawk chuckled "I got this don't worry!" before hanging up.

Brooks put the phone in his pocket and glanced at the tables, seeing Ali and Johnny laughing. Brooks clicked his tongue and said "My dad is too slick." Lily grunted and snuck a glance at Ali. Brooks whispered "The little rebel is anxious!"

Tory giggled and looked over, Ali looked over and all three of them went back into the booth and pretended they were doing something else. Ali nudged Johnny and said with a chuckle "Looks like we have a couple eavesdroppers." Johnny looked over and saw Brooks looking at the ceiling while rubbing his chin in thought.

Johnny laughed and shook his head saying "Beat it." Brooks chuckled and said "We can eat wherever, old man. Just focus on your date, I believe you can do it." Ali was stunned and Johnny turned around saying "My kid." Ali brightened up and said "Really?!" Johnny nodded and Ali waved at Brooks saying "Come here."

Brooks scratched his neck and looked at Lily, who was hiding behind the booth seat, shaking her head. Brooks chuckled and gulped before walking over saying "Hello. Are you my aunt?" Johnny slapped his head and Ali laughed, Brooks laughed awkwardly and said "Just a joke, my name is Brooks. Nice to meet you, Ms. Mills."

Ali raised a brow and said with a smile "You know me?" Brooks nodded and said "How could I not? My dad talks about you all the-" Johnny clamped his hand over his mouth and said "That's enough." Ali laughed and gave Brooks a big smile as she said "What a cute kid!"

Lily and Tory rolled their eyes, watching from the booth. Yeah, a real cute snake in disguise. Tory actually did agree with Ali, she thought Brooks was really cute. Especially when he's being mischievous. Lily did not agree and felt like Brooks was a big asshole. All the time.

Brooks just felt embarrassed and blushed, first time somebody has called him cute. Johnny took his hand back and Brooks said "Um, you're very cute too? I don't know what to say, nobody has ever called me cute before." Tory and Lily burst out laughing and Ali chuckled, Johnny covered his eyes with a smirk on his mouth.

Brooks pulled up a chair and said "Also, I've seen your facebook! Can I ask why you decided Schwarber was a good last name?" Johnny spit out his drink and laughed, while Ali covered her mouth and said "You remind me of someone I knew a long time ago." as she glanced at Johnny.

Brooks smirked and said "But much more handsome." Ali laughed and said "You're exactly like him! Hahaha" Brooks smiled widely, Lily couldn't handle it anymore and jumped out saying "What are you doing here!?"

Ali was stunned and said "Lily? I thought you were at home! What are you doing here?" Lily snorted and crossed her arms. Ali looked at Brooks and at Lily before saying "You two aren't?!" Lily and Brooks looked at each other and grimaced before turning away. Brooks scoffed "I have 4 walls at home, I don't need another one."

Johnny spit out his drink and cleaned up with a napkin, Ali felt her lips twitch but a smile formed on her face as Lily snorted "As if. This guy is a huge asshole. Plus I hear he's got a sm-" Ali coughed and glared at Lily saying "We're in a restaurant young lady."

Lily snorted and turned her head away, Brooks looked at her and sneered "Yeah? Who told you that? Or did you imagine it in your dreams?" Johnny smacked his head and said "Dude!" Tory walked over and introduced herself to Ali saying "Hi, Sensei doesn't stop talking about you. I'm Tory, Brooks' girlfriend."

Ali pulled her to a chair next to hear and smiled warmly as she said "Really? Tell me everything!" Tory got excited and started talking to Ali, they both ignored the other three.

Lily, Brooks, and Johnny felt awkward. Brooks took a fry from Johnny's plate and said "So, Eagle Fang Karate eh?" Johnny drank from his beer and said "We train in the park." Brooks rolled his eyes and said "Luxurious." Johnny said "Hey, it's free. All the profit goes to my pocket, plus I don't have to deal with that scumbag landlord."

Brooks nodded and had to say "Yeah, I hated that sleezy meatball." Lily chimed in as she took a seat next to Johnny "Sensei... Miguel, he-" Johnny sighed and said "He's in my Dojo, so is Tory. Why don't you join?"

Lily was silent for a few moments before her eyes got watery and she said "I.. I don't want to see him anymore." Johnny patted her head and sighed "It's okay, kid. These things happen, if he can't see that you're better than Larusso, then you're better off." Brooks nodded and said "Yeah! Even though you're flat as a board, at least you don't work part time as a GoodYear blimp!"

Lily wiped her eyes and laughed, Johnny smiled and said "See? You still got us, kid." Brooks nodded and added "Yeah, we can just get Miguel deported anyway." Johnny smacked his head and said "Dude." Brooks chuckled and said "Who told him to go back to Larusso?" Johnny shook his head and Lily giggled.

Ali looked over and smiled, there was some hesitation in her eyes however. Tory noticed the look and said "Ms. Mills, from personal experience, it's better to get everything out otherwise you might not have the chance." Ali looked at Tory and sighed as she rubbed her head saying "This is more complicated than you think, Tory."

Tory just smiled and replied "No matter what it must be important. I'm just giving my opinion." Ali smiled and said to Johnny "Wanna go do something fun?" Johnny looked over and said "What's that?" Ali just smirked.

A Power Stone a day, keeps the Doctor away!

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts