
Chapter 401 Everyone Knows_1


On the big screen ahead.

Those sharp eyes, with an arrogant and stern posture, bared fangs at the corners of their mouth, scales on their fingers and sharp claws, and that long snake-like tail...

No matter how you put it, an image like this showing up at such an event was indeed somewhat jarring.

Like walking onto the wrong movie set.

If time could be reversed...

He would have definitely firmly refused when Professor Godley sought his authorization!

There was a difference between exposing oneself actively and being exposed passively.

He was completely unprepared!

Inside the venue.

After a brief silence, the chatter erupted again.

A torrent of various emotions swirled around.

Curious, perplexed, those looking for entertainment, those suppressing laughter...

Feeling the pressure washing over him from within the room, Feng Yi controlled the urge to cover his face and the roar inside him.