
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
258 Chs

Gyzen family

Inside a lavish chamber, a stunning woman sat before four ice-crystal mirrors. Moonlight bathed the room, reflecting off the mirrors and creating a divine spectacle.

The woman wore a delicate white bra and underwear, which accentuated her mesmerizing curves. Her long, white hair framed her striking features, enhancing her allure to the point where any man would willingly give up his life for a chance to be near her.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Mother Mspiien, we are here," a soft voice came from beyond the chamber door.

"Come in, my daughters," Mspiien replied with a gentle, inviting tone. The door swung open, revealing five young girls who entered the room. With quiet reverence, they closed the door behind them and positioned themselves respectfully behind Mspiien.

Each of the young women possessed a captivating allure that could easily ensnare the hearts of men. With their alabaster hair and silver eyes, they bore a remarkable beauty that spanned various ages; some appeared as though they were just fifteen, while others exuded the charm of a twenty-year-old.

Mspiien paused her hair brushing and regarded her daughters with tender smiles. "My daughters, how have you all been? Tell me about your day."

"Mother! I'll start! I want to go first!" exclaimed one of the girls in the corner, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Of course, Polina, you may begin. What did you do today?" Mspiien inquired.

"Mother, today I was studying accountancy, economics, and statistics. And, there was a group of boys who tried to approach me, but I simply kicked their ball away, and they fled, crying," Polina, the youngest daughter of the Gyzen family, recounted, a proud smile gracing her lips. Her sisters couldn't help but share a small, amused laugh at her boldness.

The others stared at her and shared a small laugh.

"Well done, my daughter. You did the right thing. If any male approaches you, kill them and don't show them any mercy. Their existence is no more significant than a dog seeking a female to mate," Mspiien said before turning her attention to the next daughter.

"Today, I did swordsmanship training and learned some communication skills," the girl next to Polina, the second youngest daughter, said formally.

"That's good, my Gazien. You should learn how to communicate effectively when necessary to complete your tasks and keep yourself safe," Mspiien replied, then moved on to her next daughter.

"Today, I studied the language of art and social welfare," the third youngest daughter, Megein, said.

"Very good. I always expect something like this from you" Mspiien praised her and moved to the next.

"I remained in the mansion and trained with the soldiers," she said with a hint of subdued enthusiasm.

Mspiien's eyes softened. "You should smile, my dear. It pains me to see you in sorrow. Now, give me a smile, Suren."

"Alright, Mother. I will smile." Suren nodded and offered a gentle smile.

"Good. And what about you, Gozen? What did you do today?" Mspiien shifted her gaze to the last girl standing, while the rest of the sisters watched with curiosity. This sister was taller and possessed a more mature physique compared to the others. It was easy to assume she was the eldest among them.

"Today, Mother, I went to confront the human who claimed to have wed our goddess. However, the Suquen family prevented me from approaching him. They said I could have my way with him tomorrow, as it's to be his execution day, and then they ordered me to leave," Gozen explained, her frustration evident.

Hearing Gozen's reply, her sisters exchanged perplexed and dumbfounded glances. Mspiien gave Gozen a slightly cold gaze, fixating her stare on her. Gozen and the others could feel Mspiien's gaze like an impending storm, and they sensed that a reprimand was about to befall her. Fear and sympathy welled up within them for their sister and what she had done.

"Gozen, who granted you permission to enter another family's mansion and demand to see their guest? Do you comprehend the gravity of your actions? By entering the Suquen family mansion alone, you have not only brought disgrace upon yourself but also upon our family name. What impression do you think you've left on others? The daughter of the Gyzen family, demanding to see someone in another household and returning empty-handed," Mspiien reprimanded sternly, her voice carrying the weight of her disapproval.

Gozen immediately realized the gravity of her mistake and knelt before her mother, her voice filled with remorse. "Mother, I am deeply ashamed of my actions and the disgrace I have brought upon our family name. Please forgive me for the grave mistake I have committed."

"I forgive you, my child. I never wish to see you in pain and sorrow. I implore you all to consider your actions carefully. I cannot bear to witness any of my beloved daughters in distress," Mspiien conveyed with warmth, her gaze sweeping over her daughters.

"Yes, Mother. I comprehend, and I shall refrain from acting harshly," Gozen affirmed, meeting her mother's gaze.

"I wish to hear this affirmation from each of you."

"Yes, Mother, we understand," the other sisters echoed in unison. Mspiien's expression softened, and she released a contented sigh. She crossed her legs and regarded them with a measured intensity.

"Now, do you all comprehend why I have gathered you here?" Mspiien inquired, awaiting a response.

"Mother, I'll explain! I'll explain!" Polina eagerly raised her hand and began to bounce in place.

"Okay, go on," Mspiien encouraged.

"We are here to discuss that lowly human who has dared to touch our Ice Goddess with his filthy hands and had the audacity to call our Goddess his wife," Polina finished her words and looked at her mother.

"Yes, exactly, my daughters. That wretched human has tarnished our Goddess's purity and her standing among the people of the Ice Realm. When I was her closest disciple, she never allowed any male to approach her, let alone touch her body. I was the only one who had seen her divine form and beauty. It was my duty to protect her body from the savage males of the world. But one day, she left the Ice Realm without informing me of her decision. I was shattered when I heard the news that a vile human had married our Goddess and had been intimate with her..." Mspiien paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

"My Goddess... He defiled our Goddess... That human must suffer! After taking our Goddess's virginity... I will exact vengeance and make him pay for what he has done to her," Mspiien said with intensity, her anger apparent in her voice. She looked at her daughters, her eyes blazing with determination.

Mspiien's daughters gazed at her with an unwavering determination to assist their mother. "My daughters, tomorrow we shall inflict unimaginable torment upon that human and subject him to the profoundest despair he has ever known, all after he has touched the sacred body of our goddess."

"As you wish, Mother. We shall ensure that he does not meet an easy death. We shall make him suffer until he takes his own life," they affirmed in unity, pledging to carry out their mother's wishes without hesitation.


"Get inside, you wretched human," one of the guards gruffly ordered, pushing both me and Luna into a dimly lit room. The room was small, its stone walls enclosing us on all sides. There was a single bed and a lone door for entry and exit.

The guard slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside. Luna clung to me, fear evident in her eyes. "Onii-chan, they're going to kill us. We have to escape from here," she whispered, her voice trembling.

"We'll find a way out, Luna, but for now, I'm exhausted after that long journey. Let's rest a bit," I reassured her, making my way to the bed. It wasn't as comfortable as the one on that Disney-looking flying ship, but it would have to do for now.

"Onii-chan, what are you doing? Those guards are going to kill you if you don't take action. Just like how you defeated that dragon that attacked us," Luna exclaimed, her anger clear on her face. Her cute, furious expression made me smile.

"Luna, if I wanted to, I could destroy this entire place. But my plan is to make this mansion and its inhabitants my servants," I explained, letting out a sigh of exasperation.

Luna stared at me, her face a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean, Onii-chan? Make them your servants?"

"You'll understand soon enough," I replied with a mysterious smile, leaving Luna puzzled by my enigmatic statement.

"I haven't slept and have lovely night with Rose, Sendra, and my Mother..." I mused, my thoughts wandering for a moment. Then I turned to Luna.

"Luna, do you want to sleep with me?" I asked, a playful glint in my eye.

Luna responded with a mischievous grin. "If you don't ask me, I'll sleep with you anyway," she declared, and with that, she jumped onto the bed, ready to make herself comfortable.