
Clone battalion

This is something I decided to write in my free time and to be honest my writing skills are horrible but if you like it then awesome. P.s the times I update are probably gonna be random as I get burnt out easily

dragongod4949 · Cómic
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11 Chs


Stepping out of the police cruiser I headed to the trunk and grabbed the bags taking extra care to not lose anything.

"Alright, folks remember the gummy bear squad heads through the left and the big mouse goes through the back, everyone ready?"

Walking through the hospital corridors reminds me that despite Metropolis being a 'safe' city there's a lot of destruction from the bald version of tony stark to Superman's evil clone.

Taking a deep breath I decided the best way to help this world was not to be a hero but to be the reason why crime hides to do this my morals will be tested and pushed to the limit.

Telling my partner for this hospital event I needed to use the restroom but to no one's surprise, he followed claiming he also needed to but I knew full well he was just monitoring me.

Upon reaching the restrooms Edward stepped into a stall a few minutes passed before officer Martinez decided to take a piss, the second Martinez's shoes turned the stall door opened, and 4 Edward's rushed at the officer.

Officer Martinez heard the commotion and tried to draw his gun while turning only for the clones to grab Martinez dragging him to the ground he tried to struggle but he was overpowered in the last ditch effort to call for help he yelled only for it to be cut short as Edward boot made contact with his jaw knocking him out.

*tsk*" these clones aren't good at anything, hmm I'll be borrowing your gun if you're ok with that."

Making his way down the hall Edward entered a nearby elevator with his clones, "Hmm it seems like they found my partner."

Ignoring the blaring alarms and emergency announcements sounds off I check my pistol making sure it's loaded.


The door of the elevator opens showing dozens of armed swat pointing their rifles at the elevator while the front line holds shields in case of return fire.

"Remember," Edward says while his clones rush past him "no Russian"

Bullets whizzed past my head as my clones returned fire those that were struck would keep charging no matter the damage from elbow being shot clean through to femurs being snapped and once they made it to the shield wall it was over as they climbed over like the undead the sounds of their bodies clashing sounded like a cannon and the screams of freight and nervousness would haunt any person who was within earshot.

After the shield wall fell the riflemen weren't able to hold for long as their backs were quite literally against a wall and they could no longer shoot in fear of striking an ally but this did not deter some men as they let their rifles lose not caring of it struck friend or foe as long as they were victorious they could care less of others.

A clone shoved a rifle of one such man to the side but the man pulled his rifle trigger sending a bullet staring into his ally's knee this injury caused the man to be overrun in less than a second his career most likely over and in the hands of a trigger happy dumbass.

"disgraceful" Edward muttered as he had his clones collect the dropped rifles and shields these would be the foundation even if He would go down in the wrong side of the history books his goals would be accomplished.

Leaving the hospital my clones and I rushed for the swat cruisers knowing full well that Superman would be here any minute.

Getting into the cruisers I made dozens of more clones to slow the cops that were on route and to buy me some time to figure out how to operate the dame thing before long police cars swarmed the surrounding area each taking out their rifles.

"Surrounded or we will be forced to use force"

The speaker echoed from a police cruiser and bounced but only an echo answered.

"This is your last warning come out with your hands up or we will use force"

The roar of an engine sounded out as the swat cruisers came to life their lights blinded the officers for a second and when they regained their vision the cruiser smashed through the blockade of cars,

Bullets sounded out as the officers dove for cover when the bullets stopped they peaked their heads but the cruisers were long gone and all they left were a dozen or so clones standing still.