
Climbing to Supremacy with a Chat Group

Amar an ordinary 19 year old boy with some anger issues encounters a very desperate situation. In his desperation he unlocks his innate power and that starts a series of events that lead to him climbing a path that can grant him supremacy. A/N: English is not my first language but I will try my best to prevent any grammatical errors that I see. I am particularly bad at punctuations so yeah. Anyway this is my first fanfic so if you have any ideas to make it better then put them in the comments I will try to address them. P.S. The cover is not mine.

ImmortalVirgin_0980 · Cómic
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46 Chs

A talk between 'Old men'

I put the sweets in my Pocket so that they retain their temperature by the time I return home. And then I continue on my way.

When I reach the intersection again, I take out my newly bought wireless earphones that are resistant to many different environments. They were worth whole 200 points. Truly worth it.

I started the music playlist on my phone since it was getting a bit boring now that all the excitement of finally seeing Japan died out. Well to be fair, I came a few decades early to truly enjoy Japan. Also, this city is not that great in the entertainment department in the future either.

The first song on the playlist was We don't talk anymore by Charlie Puth. I know I know my song choices are very basic but I suppose I am basic when it comes to music.

What? Were you expecting some Japanese anime song like Unravel or something? Don't worry I have them too along with some K-pop songs. I am a cultured man after all, though my sister can be merciless when she critiques my music choices.

But I know under all that tsundere facade she likes that anime music too. Or maybe I am just looking too much into that, who knows.

While listening to the music and humming along with it, I reach Riverside Park in Miyama Town. I am obviously using Presence Concealment at the moment since I don't want people to see me and disturb me.

I then see an old man sitting on a bench near the park. For some reason, I have this vague sense of familiarity with this old man but I can't place it.

So I put away my earphones and stop my playlist and then go toward him after deactivating my Presence Concealment.

"Mind if I sit here?" I say to the old man while pointing toward the space beside him on the bench.

The old man just nods at this and says, "Sure, young man."

We just then sit there for a few minutes in silence.

The old man was silent because he was probably in some deep thought.

And I was silent because of my poor conversational skills. I mean I can easily talk to random nobodies but I don't know if he is a random nobody or not because of this feeling hence I don't know how to start.

"Are you new here, young man? I have never seen you around here." The old man finally speaks.

"Yeah, I just moved here from my home country recently with my wife since she quite liked the culture here." I use Bullshit-no-Jutsu.

"Oh? What a coincidence!" He makes a shocked face.

"What coincidence?" I say while raising my eyebrow.

"Just that your reasons for moving here are similar in nature to mine." He says with a smile on his face. "By the way, my name is Glen Mackenzie, nice to meet you."

He says while extending his hand for what I can only think of as a handshake.

While shaking his hand I say, "Amar Thomas, and likewise."

That's not really my surname if anybody is having a misunderstanding, it's just that it's the name written on my passport here so I am going to use it for now.

Of course, I remember now who this guy is. After I heard his name, it became quite clear. He is the guy Waver Velvet hypnotizes so that he can save expenses for living here for the duration of the war.

"Do continue," I urge him to continue his story since the man seems a bit eager to share his experiences with me.

The old man then goes on to explain how he came to Japan four decades ago for work but ended up loving the atmosphere here in Miyama rather than in his hometown in Toronto, Australia. He ended up becoming a businessman here and ended up settling here along with his wife who also was fond of Japanese culture.

"So do you have children, Old Glen?" Sorry old man for digging old wounds but this is quite important for me.

The old man then shakes his head and says in a gloomy tone, "I do have a son who is currently living in Australia but we don't talk anymore."

My lips almost twitch because of the last phrase in his sentence but I control my expressions.

"I am sorry to hear that." I pat his back while thinking that Waver has not yet arrived here, or at least he hasn't hypnotized them yet. At least this tells me that I have a few days before the war starts.

"It's alright, but I hope that you don't repeat the same mistakes I did."

"I hope so too."

We talk a little bit more after that. Even exchange addresses.

"Little Amar, you sure talk like an old man." Glen says at the end. It irked me that he called me little considering how experienced I am, even if it was mostly war.

"Yeah sure you old fossil." And then we both chuckle at that. It was a nice meeting honestly, I suppose we could be considered friends sort of.

After leaving him behind, I go towards Fuyuki Bridge and then start crossing it to go to Shinto. Of course, I activated Presence Concealment again.

Waver not being here is quite good news since I now have more time for preparation for the war.

Anywho, let's think about the bonus objective of this quest. Additional member huh?

Let's go over the Servants in this war.

First, we have the Saber class Servant Artoria Pendragon, also known as the legendary King of Knights. She is just the gender-bent version of King Arthur who most of the Type-Moon fans simp over.

Second, we have the Archer class Servant Gilgamesh, who is also known as the King of Heroes. He is two-thirds god and was supposed to be the key connecting Heaven to Earth before he rebelled. He also has almost all the archetypes for all the weapon-related Noble Phantasms in his treasury which he can access through his Noble Phantasm Gate of Babylon.

Third, we have the Lancer class Servant Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, who holds honor in a very high regard. So he is not really a possible target for that objective.

Fourth, we have the Rider class Servant Iskandar or Alexander the Great. I don't think there needs to be much explanation about him and honestly, in my humble opinion, he should have been the strongest because of how famous he is. But whatever.

Fifth, we have Caster class Servant Bluebeard or Gilles de Rais. He is a person who derives pleasure from first providing his victims a moment of relief before terrorizing them and then killing them. He also has some unhealthy fetish for Jeanne d'Arc but let's not get into that. Not a fan of this guy.

Sixth, we have Berserker class Servant Lancelot du Lac. He is a guy who can use any object in his hand as a Noble Phantasm. He is mad because of his class so not really a fan. Of course, there are other reasons like how he NTR'Ed King Arthur so yeah.

Seventh, we have Assassin class Servant Hassan of the Hundred faces. He is a servant who can appear as multiple entities at once but not really a fan because of how weak it is in combat compared to others. If it was at least Hassan of the Cursed Arm then I would have liked him more.

So after thinking about it, I think the choices come down to Saber and Rider. Saber is preferable since she would be more loyal.

I would have to think long and hard about how to convince Saber or Rider.

I reach Shinto while thinking about all this in my mind. Reaching this part of the city gave a very modern feeling compared to Miyama. You can see tall skyscrapers all around.

Of course, this resulted in the air being less clean.

Let's look around for some familiar places that will be important in the near future.


So that was the chapter, hope you liked it.

Do give your thoughts on the chapter. Did you like the section with the old man Glen? I just thought that it was a good scene or maybe not. I will try to post the map of Fuyuki City but no promises since the image is quite big and the webnovel has some weird thing about file size when I upload.

Honestly, webnovel is weird about many things but at this point, I have gotten used to it.

See you guys in the next chapter.

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