
Classroom of The Elite Re: Light

Kira is dead. Light Yagami believed that everything ended at his defeat by Near. However, he was mistaken, instead he was placed in a white room in a new world.

KirathenewGOD · Cómic
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5 Chs

1 - First Impressions

The sun shined on another beautiful day in Japan. The flowers bloomed, birds chirped, and the people walked happily as the day seemed like any other day.

However, for one individual by the name of Light Yagami, me of course, the day was very important. I was riding on a bus that would lead me to the closest thing that I would get to freedom. The first proper time when I would get to make the decisions I wanted.

Staring out the window I could see the beauty of the world as lively as ever if it only was all true. Accompanying the outside was my reflection from the window. I began practicing my smile. Retaining my original appearance, I quickly got accustomed to the predicament I was putting myself into.

'Smile, smile. Perfect.'

Practicing the smiles I would put on with my teeth, I nailed the performance. I went back to my regular face and continued.

With a simple smile now on my face, I looked around the bus. Many other people with the same uniform I had on, which could only mean they were students of the same school as I.

Then there were people in business suits and formal wear. At a time like this, you would only wear such clothing if you were heading to work.

But despite the difference in our destinations, there were no distinctions between the activities most of the people did. Eyes on their screens and hands-on their phones', people bothered little to appreciate the surroundings outside.

'What a waste.'

Modern-day Japan. There were discernible differences between our worlds, the most notable one being technology and history. In my original world, Japan didn't have such an advancement in technology compared to the rest of the world but here, Japan has the advantage. There is an overall vibrant feel to this Japan that I now reside in. In regard to history, in my original world, Japan had miraculous economic growth spurge after its loss in World War Two, this Japan had never joined the Axis nor really impacted the World Wars in any big manner. In fact, it was a lot more prosperous than the other. But while the economy was at an all-time high, the government was weak. It needed change.

From the broken justice system that still reigned even in this world to the bad infrastructure planning that had led to a few dozen deaths from residents to workers, the instability was being hidden from the regular citizen. The politics are a complete mess, politicians regularly bickering with one another, supporters calling out the flaws of another party, and yet refusing to even acknowledge that the party they support is also causing damage, it all needs to be destroyed and built once more.

'Broken. No other word to describe it all, from an outsider's perspective, Japan seems like a beautiful place but what about the student debt? The harsh exams that can easily ruin a person's life, either dooming them to be an office worker or the superior. The criminals who can pay their way out of jail, the rich have it easy, the taxes that are purposefully lowered for them and the power they have over others is unbelievable.'

Looking to my right, my eyes focused on a book that a raven-haired girl was reading.

'Law and Order, how ironic.'

The girl was wearing the same uniform as I, and didn't seem to have the most pleasant expression that one could have especially if you were going to such a prestigious school. The school was ranked as one of the highest in the entire world, from high-ranking Japanese officials constantly mentioning it on the news, to students all around Asia wanting to have a chance to take the entrance exam. It was highly sought after, especially with the government's backing which pays for the regular cost of entry and even more. Not a single cent has to come out of your pocket.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?" The outside world intruded on my thoughts unexpectedly.

I saw a lady who appeared to be wearing her office attire scolding a blonde-haired, young man who was sitting in a priority seat with the same uniform as me.

The situation got the attention of the other people on the bus and the voices of the participants became the only thing that could be heard.

"Can you not see that this old woman is having trouble standing?" With dissatisfaction in her voice and discontent written all over her face, the woman made her thoughts clear for everyone to hear.

'The student is seated in a priority seat when an elderly woman is clearly having trouble standing.'

"That's a crazy question, lady." The blonde-haired man responded, with a smile on his face. He had his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"Why should I, a young man, give up my seat to an elderly woman?" Flicking his hair when saying 'young man', the student spoke with a condescending tone.

"Isn't it only natural to give up your seat to the elderly?" In a confused manner mixed with a bit of frustration, the lady continued.

"I don't understand, priority seats are just priority seats, I ultimately decide whether or not I move. And as of right now, I have decided to not move."

While the student's argument may have seemed completely flawed, he was actually right. By law, you don't have to give up your seat to an elderly passenger if you don't want to, but that doesn't make him any less rubbish.


"I am a healthy young man and would have no trouble standing up, but standing up consumes more physical strength than sitting does. There is no reason to give up my seat." Pushing his argument further and further, the lady stammered when she realized the situation she was in.


"Please lady, do not continue for it consumes my energy and I would love to be in excellent shape when I arrive at my destination."

With his confidence still present, the student smiled as he used exaggerated mannerisms even when he was clearly being shunned by everyone present.

The office worker herself appeared as if though she were about the cry but the old women's gentle tone calmed her down.

"It's alright dear, don't worry. My stop is close anyway."

The situation wasn't going well for the office worker, while she was morally correct in this situation, she simply didn't have the voice to continue her argument.

The same could be said for the other passengers as most people seemed to be disgusted by the way the ordeal was going but didn't say a single word.

'In a situation like this, the bystanders are the ones who can cause the most damage.'

"Um...I also think the lady is right." Unexpectedly, a voice from the back of the bus had become just as loud as the others.

"Ho-ho, I seem to be attracting many women today, and this time a pretty girl." In a narcissistic manner, the student spoke as if though he was being blessed by the world.

The girl who spoke earlier stepped forward and was now the center of attention. She had short beige hair and wore the same uniform as every other student there.

"This old lady seems to have trouble standing. Won't you give up your seat? If you do that you will be contributing to society."

"Ho-ho, society you say? Now, why would I-"

The situation wasn't going to be properly resolved without another solution being proposed. The student who is seated is firm in his decision and won't be convinced otherwise.

'Don't argue with a fool, for a fool will always be satisfied with himself.'

Getting up from my seat, I made my presence known as I allowed my voice to be heard.

"Hey, you can have my seat."

This got the attention of everyone on the bus and I immediately felt their gazes on me.

"Thank you so much!"

The student who had come to the aid of the office worker and elderly lady had appeared ecstatic as soon as I finished what I had to say.

Leaving my seat, the elderly woman thanked me.

"Thank you, young man."

"It was no problem at all."

Passing the woman she took my seat as the office worker had also thanked me.

While standing up, I had pulled out a book from my bag.

Getting back to the page where I had previously been, I didn't even get to read a single line as I was approached by the last participant in the fiasco earlier.

"Hello, I just wanted to thank you once again for all your help."

Turning towards the girl, I smiled.

"It was no problem at all, really, I didn't do much anyway."

"Still, it was nice of you to offer your seat when you didn't have to."

Finishing her thoughts, the girl appeared to be thinking about what to say next in order to avoid an awkward silence.

"The name's Yagami Light. It seems like we'll be students of the same school, the Advanced Nurturing High school." Offering my first and now fake name, I would have to get accustomed to saying my last name once again.

Cheering up, the girl happily continued speaking.

"Yes! It seems like we are! My name's Kushida Kikyou, and I hope to be friends with everyone in school."

"Is that so? Well unless you already know someone from your previous school then I'm assuming I may be your first friend here." Closing the distance between us was easy with the persona Kushida was putting on, and so I spoke in a joking manner.

"Haha, you are! Speaking of which I'm in Class D and you?"

"Class D as well, thought that the other classes would give their students much more work so here I am." Jokingly I lied about my reason to set myself on Class D.

'Just another lie, after all, I wanted the full experience of arriving as nothing to eventually leading the school. I plan to treat this a bit like a war, to test an idea that I had.'

"Haha, well I can't be too sad since it's still an incredible school, and I've heard such amazing things about it!"

"Haha, as have I, I'm looking forward to being classmates Kushida."

"Me too!"

After we finished our conversation, the bus had arrived at its destination.

My new school 'Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School'.

As I calmly walked up the steps to the entrance, the other students quickly passed me in order to not be late for their first day.

Looking at the campus, there were signs that pointed the new freshman to the gymnasium. The entrance ceremony was taking place there.

As I was making my way to the entrance, I was suddenly stopped in my tracks by a girl.

"Wait!" A yell directed towards me suddenly stopped me in my tracks.

Very quickly the same raven-haired girl I saw reading a book on the bus, ran in front of me and stopped.

"Yes, do you need something?"

"You were looking at me. Why?"

'What, does she think she's special or something?'

"Your book, Law and Order, I've read it before. I was interested since I didn't know anyone else who was reading something having to do with the law." Quickly coming up with an excuse in order to avoid this confrontation, I spoke without even thinking about it.

"Don't think I'm anything like you and I'm also not looking forward to getting chummy with anyone here so don't bother speaking to me." With the same distasteful face she had when reading, she spat out her words.

Looking at her with a blank face, I just walked past her. I could see her surprised face as her mouth hung open. She probably thought I would refute her statement but I had no time to waste with her.

Walking quickly this time, I hoped that I didn't see her again.

Following the signs, I saw Kushida in the distance admiring the 'sakura trees' or the cherry blossoms, whichever name you prefer.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I spoke as I approached Kushida.

"Yes! I haven't seen beautiful ones such as these! They're incredible." Kushida's eyes lit up as she faced me.

"Well, they're usually grown in the Northern Hemisphere because of the climate."

"I see, so you live in the Northern part of Japan?"

"Not exactly, I have visited many parts of Japan which is why I've seen many things."'If you count looking at textbooks and studying geography for most of your life then I've 'visited' all of Japan.'

"Ah, well if I ever need to know where the best vacation spot is then I'll definitely ask for your help!" Very enthusiastically she said.

"Sure, although it may be a while before you have a vacation."

"Hmm, what do you mean?" With curiosity written all over her face, she asked.

'She doesn't know? The school doesn't allow us the leave the campus for any reason whatsoever unless it's permitted by the school.'

"Well we're still students and unless you have parents who are willing to pay for a vacation then you'll probably just be stuck at home." Quickly coming up with an excuse to avoid saying my real thoughts, I lied perfectly.

"Haha, I see, you're right. Though it's a shame, I would really love to adventure to different parts of Japan." Looking downward Kushida spoke in a sad manner.

"Well if you'd like, I can take you anywhere you'd like when you're free." To keep up my persona, I acted friendly with Kushida though it may be seen as flirting.

"Ah, that'd be great!" Quickly becoming hyper, Kushida responded.

While I spoke with Kushida, I saw the same raven-haired girl walk past us quickly.

Kushida saw me glancing at her.

"Oh is she someone you know?"

"No, I just spoke with her a bit. Didn't even get her name, she doesn't exactly seem like the friendly type, unlike you Kushida."

"Hmm....well, I still hope to make friends with everyone, including her. Regardless of how difficult it is to speak with them." Seemingly undeterred Kushida proclaimed her goals.

"Haha well, I'm sure you can do it Kushida. You can ask for my help if you need it." Offering my assistance, I could make connections from Kushida's circle.


"Should we get going?"

"Yep, let's not be late."

Walking to the building, we eventually made opened the doors to the entrance and soon we were inside the gymnasium.

'Lots of students.'

Looking among the students there were a few who stood out. From a young girl with lilac hair who held a cane to a tall black student who had an incredible physique.

We were soon told to begin lining up in groups based on our classes. Kushida and I were at the front of the line and simply waited.

"Man...I should've gotten some more sleep.."

"Yeah, but did you finish that anime I told you about?"

"Nah I'll just finish it ton-"

The whispers among the students, or more specifically my classmates, began to die out as our purple-haired girl began to speak on the microphone.

"Thank you. I am the secretary, Tachibana Akane and we, the student council, welcome you to your new school. From here on out we expect you to hold the standard for which this school is known. This school will now serve as your education, your path to a career your desire, and the place to retire once the school day is over.

'Serve as our place to retire, huh. Looking into the school, the information about it seemed incredible from an outsider's perspective. But the more I learn about this, the more I begin to think something is amiss here. An on-campus school that doesn't allow you to leave, and not just that but the facilities here are made to replicate the outside world. While it may seem like a fair trade, there wouldn't be a reason to need those facilities if you would simply allow your students to leave the campus. What is the government's plan here? Why back this school?'

My thoughts raced as the secretary continued.

The facilities on campus will provide you with all that you need and the phones you will be given can be used as a map of the school as well as other information to get accustomed to your new life here. The school will test many of your attributes and help shape you into a better you that is prepared for the real world. Thank you, and now a few words from our student council president."

Walking away from the podium, another student passed the secretary. He had black hair and glasses, with a professional mannerism, he stood at the podium.

"Thank you for the introduction, Tachibana. My name is Horikita Manabu, newcomers, as a representative of the upperclassmen and your student council president, I extend a warm welcome to you all. As I'm sure you are aware our school is known for its prestige and distinction on all fronts and boasts impeccable employment and college entry rates across the board. We take pride in this, in fact, it's our school's number one priority. We all work together to hold that standard of excellence. Now you are a part of that too. We expect greatness from all of you and know you succeed with the effort you put in. Your success here hinges on merit so you alone control your path. Thank you."

After finishing his speech the student council president bowed and walked away. We were soon told to begin making our way to classes as the entrance ceremony began to end.

Kushida and I walked, and talked, our way to the class. Simply speaking about what we would hope to do.

"You think they have karaoke booths?"

"Yes! It would amazing to get to sing with friends. Back in middle school, I had so much fun going to karaoke booths during our various breaks in the school year."

"Haha, well if they have a mall then I'm sure they have at least a few karaoke booths."

"What about you Yagami-kun?"

"Well you may find this a bit odd, but I look forward to seeing if there are any shops for sweets. Preferably ice cream."

"Hmm...do you have a sweet tooth Yagami-kun?"

"Well, you could say that." Dodging having to explain why I haven't tasted sweets for the years that I've been alive on this planet, there was some truth to me wanting to taste ice cream.

I walked inside the classroom, Class D, to be more precise. Since I was one of the first there, there weren't many people in the room.

"Ah Yagami-kun, I'll introduce myself to some of the other people here, if you don't mind."

"Of course, go ahead. I'll find my seat and we can talk after class if you're available."


I walked to my desk which I could easily identify since it had my name on it. It was located at the back, near the window, a place to go unnoticed. This is not what I wanted, I would've preferred sitting in the front of the class but I am adaptable to my circumstances.

I sat down and looked out the window with a smile. A peaceful moment....which was immediately interrupted.

"What an unpleasant coincidence."

The raven-haired girl that stopped me earlier, was going to sit next to me.

'So your seat is next to mine, I really have bad luck don't I?'

My sarcastic thoughts were the only things keeping me company now.

'It's going to be a long year.'