
Classroom of the Elite: Maniac’s Formidable Strength

Synopsis: Ying Ye Zhenshi- A student admitted to the Advanced Nurturing High due to special circumstances. Enrolled as a class D student, he will have to navigate his way around this unique environment, all while digging up information on the school’s rules and bending them as he desires. Note: The MC does not have knowledge of the plot. [T/N: Basically, someone with no knowledge of the plot enters the school. He has a problematic background and a twisted personality, etching him as one of the problem kids in class D and Year 1 as a whole. Funnily enough, the problem kids seem to band together in such novels *wink Kushida wink*. Oh, MC’s pretty funny too.] Extra Tags: Academy, Bullying, Carefree Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Contracts, Crazy Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Curious Protagonist, Delinquents, Fearless Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Money Grubber, Mysterious Past, Playful Protagonist, Pretend Lovers, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Ruthless Protagonist, Scheming, Selfish Protagonist, Twisted Personality Patreon.com/countp for access to 12 advanced chapters of this story. Check out my other projects! • Fucking Streamers With My Infinite Coins Cheat • Transmigrated To Another World The Day Before Finals (R18) I am not the author of this work! I am just improving general readability. OG Title and Author are posted in the top review.

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98 Chs

Chapter 48: Negotiating The Points Compensation

"Kouhai, let's just talk about compensation now. I'll give you another one million points. You've seen all the previous data, right? Many of those injuries were even more serious than yours, and none of them had received as much compensation as you are being offered."

Nagumo's expression was a little stiff.

He clearly hadn't mentioned anything outside of the compensation matter, yet he was having speculations on his own circumstances thrown his way.

He had felt this weird feeling once before, and this was when he was in the student council office when Horikita Manabu was dealing with the situation.

Given his discomfort, Nagumo changed the subject forcefully.

"That's where the problem lies. I am getting much more compensation for injuries that are not as serious as those listed. I didn't think I would have such luck to be able to encounter such a good thing. Therefore, there is only one possibility. Someone is involved in this decision to drop the matter, and the interests of this person are too great. That's why I had a problem just now with the amount, and it seems I have discovered who this someone is. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have guessed it would be someone like you who is the vice president and a senpai. You didn't pay much regard to this situation at all, and only acted like a businessman trying to get a deal done."

Ying Ye Zhenshi looked at the person in front of him, as Horikita Manabu who was next to him raised his glasses and took a step to the side very calmly.

"I kind of get what you mean now."

Nagumo Miyabi glanced at Horikita Manabu.

He had thought of what the senpai in question had reminded him about not underestimating how he phrases things in front of this kouhai.

"So what? You deduced something new, huh?"

He regained his composure and looked at Ying Ye Zhenshi.

"It's probably related to a school mechanism that we first-year students don't know about. The punishments that President Senpai said just now should be the punishments they are willing to negotiate with me. So as long as I refuse, the fate of the second year will become more serious. Of course, I may not get compensation in points if I contest the judgment."

Ying Ye Zhenshi continued thinking out loud.

"It's good that you understand your situation. This is a win-win deal." Nagumo stated.

"So I was thinking… Why give me two million in the first place? Isn't it obvious that the remaining students in the class could just break away from those students who made the mistakes? It is impossible for the class as a whole to pool together two million for those students. These points are ultimately the loss of the whole class. Or, is it that those students who messed around can just take out two million points so casually? I remember that some of those guys were students from Class D, and they wouldn't even be able to gather something like that together."

Ying Ye Zhenshi continued to analyse the situation.

"So, it's unlikely that they could take out two million by themselves, so the class must be willing to help them with their own shared points. The only logical conclusion then is that their folly has affected the whole class and so they have to help. Given the circumstances of this school, I believe that is very likely. I am ninety per cent sure that is the case. Just now, President Senpai also said that the students would be suspended, and then I recall that school absenteeism would also result in a deduction of points. If I think about it carefully, is it possible that the scenario I am thinking of in my head occurs? Regarding the deduction punishment, as long as the suspension continues, the class's scores should be deducted too, so, as long as their punishment time is longer, more points will be deducted from their class, and there may be some other situations and mechanisms involved that I am not aware of, with further points being deducted as a result. If there is no problem with this conclusion of mine, then expulsion should also be punished heavily, and the class points should also be deducted if the number in the class is reduced. If it was just the case that suspensions or expulsions resulted in no loss for the class, then it would be acceptable to have them removed altogether. After all, their behaviour is so bad. Unless the school has a negative scoring mechanism. If that were the case, then when the time comes, all students would seek out loans from the school, but as far as I know, that being the case should be impossible, as if that were the case, the students in class D would have all dropped out of school by now. So, my earlier guesses are probably right. In addition, I am also quite curious about the way the school hands out points. At present, my homeroom teacher said that the points will be issued on the 1st of every month, but if we were to drag out this matter to after the 1st, would the points be held back? I wonder if the monthly points will not be issued to our cards because the matter has not been dealt with and because the school does not know how many points will be deducted from the class, so there would be no way to issue it on their end. For these various reasons and circumstances, it seems quite a bit implausible that senpai is the uncontested ruler of the second year."

If someone suddenly wants to give him two million, either they were being kind to the recipient of the money, or the recipient was useful to the other party in some way.

So, Ying Ye had to pay close attention to the pie in the sky.

"Why have you gone so quiet? Could I have guessed wrong? That would be too shameful. Or are there still more things I haven't worked out?"

Ying Ye Zhenshi looked at the two students who were silent, with a look of embarrassment.

"I'm wondering about what you have experienced so far, to have come up with these sorts of strange deductions. Someone is just doing you favours, and all you can think about is all this shit. What a horrible and twisted mind you have."

Naturally, Nagumo had read some of Ying Ye Zhenshi's information beforehand, but he felt that the bio presented was very limited.

His ability to judge and observe was truly quite amazing.

And this guy was actually in Class D!

In his eyes, he suspected that this boy was hiding a bigger problem, which the school didn't inform them of in the student bio.

"I'm just an ordinary high school student. Why does Senpai have such strange ideas? Looking at your expressions, my guesses should all be right. At least, most of them are probably right. This makes me feel more at ease in this negotiation. How about giving me 15 million points based on this information?"

Ying Ye Zhenshi said.


Nan Yunya gritted his teeth and responded.

'Fifteen million? Why not just rob me?'

He didn't even have fifteen million.

Seeing that the other party was going to get rich overnight, he felt more uncomfortable about the fact that the boy was going to make money than that he was about to lose money.

"Even if my classmates were to accept it, it is impossible for me to accept this."

"It seems that the vice-president senpais control over the year is not so solid after all. If the year group had been perfectly integrated, this would have been but a small matter."

Ying Ye Zhenshi smiled.

In fact, having the blame on oneself was normal.

Everyone was still a student.

If they did well, people would naturally follow them.

But if they didn't do things well, no matter whether it was their own fault or not, they would have to take the blame for the mistakes.

This was the unfortunate reality of being the leader.

T/N: If this chapter felt messy, it's because it was. Really hard to understand because he keeps repeating the same shit lol and monologuing out loud.

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T/N: Going to need to pick up the pace for 500!

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