
Classroom Of The Elite: Another Student

How did he get there? That was the question he asked himself. Life was so boring that he had to take some extreme measures to get some entertainment. Elementary school, middle school, and now high school. He was hoping that the last one would at least keep his interest for a decent period of time. After all, the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School was made to foster the next generation of people that will support the country in the future, the test's should be entertaining at least. ___ The only thing I own is the OC Everything else is goos old plagerism.

Zeckan · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Delayed points sucked, yes, for others.

However, the fact that Sudo got into a fight and there was a complaint delivered to the student council sucked more.

Kenji was sitting in his seat, reclining back in his chair as he pondered on the situation.

This could be useful if Sudo got expelled, he could find out if there were any penalties for having someone leave a class, however... Sudo was useful, while not the best at academics, he was trying, and he was athletic.

Strength was useful... Humming in thought, Kenji leaned forward on the chair. He wanted the information, but not in the way it would sabotage the whole class.

Man, this whole high school business was more complicated than he expected.

Why was he scheming like a thirty-five-year-old mafia boss? Jesus.

Releasing a sigh, he stood up and walked out of the classroom, taking out his phone and texting Fūka.

She was a second-year in this school, So she was a well of information.

(K: Yo, what are the consequences of someone being expelled from a class?)

He texted, and a few seconds later, he got a response.

(F: Class point deduction, but it can change depending on the situation, why?)

Kenji Hummed in interest... So the class was fucked, nice.

(K: I'm going to need a little favor.)

The response came immediately.

(F: What's up?)

Kenji paused for a moment, thinking if it was worth it to ask her, however, he had nothing to lose.

(K: I need you to gather some information about the First Year Class C, anything that might lead to the incident that will be discussed in a week.)

The message was read, and the three dots indicating that the receiver was typing, but it disappeared, appeared again before she responded.

(F: Sure, but you owe me one.)

Kenji had a bad feeling about this...


Turning around, he raised an eyebrow at Horikita who was walking up behind him, pocketing his phone as he waited for her.

"Do you believe Sudo?"

Well, wasn't she direct?

"I do."

She sighed, looking down as if disappointed.

"This was a waste of time..."

Kenji raised an eyebrow in interest. She did not want his opinion, she wanted him to say what she wanted to hear. Did she think this was kindergarten?

"Grow up."

The sudden rebuke made her look up at him, glaring.

"What was that?"

Kenji was not amused, expression blank, he leaned down slightly, staring into her eyes.

"Why do you think people like Hirata, Koenji, Kushida, and anyone who is above average in academics are in class D?"

She was about to answer, but he cut her off.

"Most of them lack physical abilities, but the school gives us all an equal chance, Sudo is athletic, so is Kiyotaka, so is Koenji, so is Hirata. They are meant to balance the playing field. A team, if you will."

He took a step closer, and she took a step back in response.

"Right now, people from class C are taking away our class' one of the most valuable members, someone you can utilize to reach your goal, and you are letting it happen."

Another step, another backstep.

"You want to get to class A? Well, you are losing the one person who can be the most loyal in the class, and let me tell you, loyalty does not come easy, you are spitting on it and throwing it to the side."

She finally reached the wall.

"Grow up, Horikita, open your eyes to reality, and stop looking at the back of your brother like a lost little child. He isn't important to you, he won't help you reach your goals, Sudo is, and Sudo is slipping through your fingers."

Sighing, Kenji straightened up, looking away from the girl.

"I'll help you this once, however, I'm not going to interfere if things don't align with my plans. I have my own reasons to reach class A, and as of now, you are useless."

Sparing her a last glance, Kenji walked off to the cafeteria.

Horikita, as of now, was dragging the class down. He tried giving her something to work with. Sudo could be loyal, he could act as muscle, and if thought right, if she could have gotten the redhead's temper under control, Sudo would be very valuable.

She messed it up in one fell swoop. She could fix it, but Kenji suspected that the result was subpar.

Kenji did not want that. Three students, from what he gathered from Sudo explaining himself, were trying to get my classmate expelled. The points the whole class gathered would be gone, lost and we would be set back to zero again.

If Kenji allowed that to happen, the others might loose motivation, if there is no reward, why even work for it? Some would try to keep the spirits up, but ultimately fail.

Class C wanted to crush class D into the ground...

He would return the favor.