
Way of the world

"Miyu, I'm hungry~" Lucy had dragged her words.

"Lucy, I'm sorry but I can't exactly make you breakfast when you don't have any ingredients." This was the third time, that these exact words had been exchanged in the last ten minutes.

~sigh~ 'I can't believe I forgot to actually go into the shop yesterday.'

"Lucy we need to leave for school soon, would it be troublesome if people saw us together?" Miyu was conscious of the words Lucy had told her on the first day of school.

"Don't worry I can make it work, in fact it may be useful later on if people think that we became close friends." Lucy began to mumble about all of her ideas.

// Lucy and Miyu walking to school //

It was a nice morning, sunny with a slight breeze. Lucy and Miyu where walking to school, with calm smiles on their faces. "Miyu I have some advice for you, despite recent developments," Miyu's cheeks reddened slightly in embarrassment, "If you still want to give me that challenge then you have to know that private points are more valuable than you think."

Miyu looked down, "Hey I was thinking, do you think the teachers will allow me to switch classes if I asked?" She spoke quietly but Lucy had no trouble hearing her, Lucy could tell she was slightly ashamed to ask as she had just given her advice when it comes to opposing her.

'To be honest I would rather Miyu would be my spy in class D, it would be troublesome if any major changes came up.' Lucy took a quick glance at Miyu's form. 'I spent a lot of time thinking last night, and I think that getting 20 million points to switch classes is the most boring way to win in this school. I want Miyu to graduate in class A with me but I need a spy in class D, and Miyu is the only one I trust to not betray me.'

'The best solution that I came up with is to wait until our 2nd year for those limited class changes in the sports festival, I have no doubt about Miyu's physical ability's so it should be no problem.'

"That's a good idea Miyu, you should definitely ask!" Of course Lucy knew what the answer would be, there is no chance that Miyu will be allowed to switch classes for free. Despite this, Lucy can't exactly tell Miyu about her future knowledge so she decided to show support for Miyu's idea.

~Grymble~ "Lucy, lets go to the shops to get breakfast." Lucy became excited at the prospect of food.

The two walked in comfortable silence, passing by a few students every now and then until they reached the shop. ~Ding~ A bell had rung when they entered through the door.

Lucy's eyes locked onto the basket full of random low quality items, with a sign that reads, 'Free! 3 items maximum per student.' 'I should come back later and get a few of those.'

When Lucy had turned away from the sign, she saw Miyu holding two bowls of vegetable ramen, with a deadpan stare Lucy spoke, "Not a chance Miyu, get me a different one."

Miyu's face became stern. Lucy frowned and made her form smaller but still held her ground. "Lucy, vegetables are very important in a person growth and diet. Besides you know the rules, if you don't eat your healthy food during the day, you don't get any pudding after dinner later on."

Miyu knew she had won the argument when Lucy crossed her arms, pouted and grumbled out a "fine ~humph~"

Lucy had lost one battle today, but she would win the next one, and she saw that opportunity instantly. When Miyu went to pay for the food, Lucy tapped her phone on the machine before Miyu could, taking her by surprise.

Before Miyu could beret her, Lucy turned around and went to fill up her bowl with hot water provided by the shop leaving Miyu with no other option but to sigh and follow her actions.

The shop keeper had a sweat drop on the side if his face, 'What a weird bunch, it's almost as if the taller one is her mother or something.'

// Class B, Ichinose's POV //

~RING~ The class had just ended and our first break of the day had just begun, before anyone could leave Lucy had already gotten to the podium, her face one of disappointment, "To be honest I am appalled with the behavior of my class." 'This shocked many people in the class, including me.'

"Sensei has done nothing but try to teach us important information that will do nothing but help our future and yet there are still students who interrupt our learning by talking and whispering in lesson."

'She is not wrong, sitting in the front row of the class, I can hear whispering behind me all the time for the last two days.' I nodded at Lucy, to show that I support her in this endeavor. She gave me a smile, in thanks.

That smile quickly went away though, "I don't know how your old schools operated but surely they didn't allow this right?" There where many who had a guilty face, "I think from now on we should respect sensei a bit more and limit unneeded talking and phone use during lessons."

'I smiled, I couldn't help it. To find someone like Lucy and have her lead our class is truly a blessing, she seems like a girl who can do no wrong.' Ichinose will not know how wrong she is for quite a while.

"I think Lucy is right," Ichinose looked slightly behind Lucy and bowed toward Hoshinomiya sensei, "I apologize for our actions sensei." The rest of the class, including Lucy followed this action.

// Class B, Hoshinomiya's POV //

'I never thought that this would happen, this may be it. My chance to climb to class A,' Her gaze turned to Lucy bowing a mere two feet away from her, 'This girl is truly something special, to gain control of a class this early.' Hoshinomiya smiled, she couldn't believe that a class would get a grip of their behavior before the first month, let alone in two days.

// Class B, Lucy's POV //

'With this, I can limit the amount of points that we will lose in the first month due to behavioral problems. The next thing coming up is the midterms, where we can gain class points.'

// 1 month time skip, class B, Lucy's POV //

It was a normal morning, the class was full and chatter was abuzz. Everyone had gotten 83,000 points. Most students where slightly disappointed that it wasn't 100,000 but Lucy knew that this was a huge improvement as in the original class B came out of the first month with 650 class points where as now they have 830.

The class settled and the mood had shifted to a slightly happier one when Hoshinomiya sensei walked in happier then I had seen before, she was also holding a rolled up poster. "Good morning class, I have excellent news to share with you. You have successfully retained your position in class B! Good job!"

Hoshinomiya sensei put up the poster as she was speaking, that was what Lucy's attention was focused on whilst everybody else was focused on the fact that there are 'class positions'.

Ichinose as the 'second in command' brought the point up to their sensei, "Sensei what do you mean by 'retained our position'?"

As hoshinomiya explained the S-system further, Lucy was in a state of confusion looking at the results of class C.

Class A: 940 class points

Class B: 830 class points

Class C: 300 class points

Class D: 0 class points

'How do class C have only have 300 class points? That is 190 less points than they had in the original. I'm sure that Ryuen has already taken over class C, I'd be surprised if he hadn't. My best guess would probably be the fact that Ryuen had gotten into more fights than he did in the original, it must be the drive to be in charge. He had been a simple body guard who protected me before now so he must want to go to extra lengths to keep his position as class leader. This just means that Ryuen has to work harder than before, and I have little doubt that he will do so.'

'It's good to see that Class A and D are the same though, anything too drastic and I may lose my biggest advantage of future knowledge. The only thing I have to make sure of is that people stay consistent and predictable.'

Despite all of the thinking that she was currently doing, Lucy made a note to keep an eye on a specific student that she's had her eye on for a while now.

// After school, //

Lucy walked up to a desk two away from her own in the same row, "Would it be possible to have a word with you? Can you stay back for a few minutes?" At a nod, Lucy smiled at them and walked back to her desk looking at her phone.

Name: Lucy Hall

Class: 1 B

Class points: 830

Private points: 547,745

~Ding~ A notification popped up on her phone, 'You have been transferred 25,000 points by Hirito Ishioka'

'It seems he hasn't forgotten.' Lucy took another look,

Name: Lucy Hall

Class: 1 B

Class points: 830

Private points: 572,745

Lucy smiled, and saw a shadow looming over the front of her desk.

// Class B, ???'s POV //

'I was just packing up my things when I heard a voice in front of me,' "Would it be possible to have a word with you? Can you stay back for a few minutes?" 'I had no option but to nod in acceptance.'

'To be honest I have wanted to get close to Lucy Hall for some time now, of course I have her number but that's nothing special, everybody does. Lucy is undoubtedly the most popular girl in our class, I have gone out to kyaki mall with her three times and she has been the center of attention at all times. Her presence commands it, and people are happy to give it to her.'

'I told my friends to go on without me, and they where fine with it, they didn't even offer to wait for me. That is where I realize I failed. I want to be popular, but I just don't know how to do it. For the mean time I hang around with a decently large group and tend to take charge some times but it's not enough.'

??? stood up and walked over to Lucy's desk when everybody else had left the classroom, and waited for her to done on her phone. One minute, two minutes and finally after 3 minutes Lucy had acknowledged her.

"Tell me, do you know what just happened?" This question unsettled ???.

"e-erm, I waited for you to finish what you where doing?" ??? was nervous, Lucy was the most influential figure in class B and had suddenly gained a look of schadenfreude, as if she where enjoying her nervousness.

Lucy chuckled, "two," Lucy held up two fingers, and ??? looked confused so Lucy continued, "There are two people who don't belong in this class, not truly. Do you know who those people are?"

'What the hell is she talking about?', "N-no, I don't." 'Damn, why do I feel so nervous, she's just another human being!'

Lucy looked around the room, "Well it's not hard to figure out, there are only two of us in here at the moment. This class is comprised of meek, gullible people who are naturally subservient and some genuinely kind. I, Lucy Hall am a naturally dominant person, and you Himino Yuki is a person who knows what they want and how to get it, but doesn't have the confidence to get it."

'What? Me? I don't belong? No confidence? I have confidenc-'

~Bang!~ ~Gasp~ Lucy had slammed her fist down on the table to surprise Himino "I know what your thinking. 'I have confidence, what the hell is she talking about?' If you had considence then tell me why did you wait for me instead of forcing me to acknowledge your existence? I know you had plans, so why not try to rush this and catch up with your friends? Oh wait, there not your friends. If they where your friends then why did they not wait for you?"

Himino stood still, mouth agape and in shock. 'She's right, I don't really have confidence. I know there not my real friends, there people I use to appear popular.'

After waiting for 30 ish seconds, Lucy spoke up again, "I'll tell you why you waited. You waited because you know that I am your better. You have it in your head that you are not worth as much as me. You have delusioned yourself into believing that my matters are more important than your own."

Himino frowned and bit her lip slightly, "What do you want from me?" 'I don't need this!'

Lucy stood up and despite her small stature walked up toward the taller Himino and made solid eye contact, "It's not about what I want from you, this is about what you want from me. Tell me what do you want? What is our goal?"

Himino finds herself at eye level with Lucy, she had unconsciously lowered herself. She gulped in hesitation, "I... I-I want to be popular, I want TO BE LIKE YOU, I WANT PEOPLE TO LOOK TO ME WHEN THEY MAKE PLANS! I WANT PEOPLE TO DO WHAT I ASK THEM!" ~huff, huff~ Himino shouted at the top of her lungs, at some point tears had started to fall.

Lucy smiled, "How do you feel? Does it feel good, now that you've said it out loud?" Lucy grabbed Himino's chin and forced her to look her in the eyes, "Tell me."

Himino's chest felt light despite the blood and adrenaline pumping at a thousand miles per hour, "I feel... I feel a lot better." She said with honesty.

Lucy let go of her chin and slapped her cheek, not to hard to cause pain, just hard enough to bring her attention back on Lucy rather than herself. "I can make all that happen for you, and you know it. You just want to use me don't you? Because that's all that matters to you. I should punish you for those thoughts."

Himino's eyes widened at those words and the slap, "N-no that's not true."

"Oh who are you kidding? Of course it is, that's how everyone with you mindset thinks, that's how I think. To use others only to complete your own goals is how people become famous. To sabotage others going for the same position as you is how you get the position that you want."

Himino looked down in shame, "Now don't get me wrong, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's just the way of the world. It shows that you have the ambition to be successful. I respect that, but I'm afraid I can't let thoughts of people using me go unpunished. How do you think you should be punished? What do you deserve?" Lucy had a disgusted look on her face. She fully intended on showing this girl her place.

Himino looked at Lucy, almost begging for mercy with her eyes. "Please, I'm sorry." Himino couldn't get anything more than a whisper out.

Lucy slapped her again, harder this time, "You will become my servant do you understand? You are going to fulfill my every wish, and if you do a good job you will be rewarded." Lucy placed her forehead against Himino's, "I will give you the popularity that you want so bad."

More tears feel from Himino's eyes, "Ok, I understand."

Lucy grabbed her face again and turned it, she kissed the cheek she had slapped, "Good, expect a call from me within the next two to three days. Until then don't make contact with me."

Himino stood there for what felt like hours, Lucy had left a good 5 minutes ago. With a hand covering her cheek she thought to herself, 'What just happened? I'm struggling to process it.'

She replayed the whole thing in her head over and over but the thing that was at the front of thinking was, 'Why did that kiss feel so relaxing and nice?'

// Lucy's room, Lucy's POV //

Lucy was sitting on her bed watching TV whilst Miyu was cooking for the two of them. "Miyu, how easy do you think it will be to teach someone to cook as well as you do?"

Miyu was cutting cucumber as she responded, "Well if it's you then I don't need to teach much, You know you would only have to see me make the dish once, then you can do it from memory perfectly."

"It's not for me, it's for another girl."

~Stab~ The knife Miyu was using was stabbed into the chopping board, "Another girl? What, did you get another servant or something?"

Lucy saw the jealous look on Miyu's face and smirked, "In fact I did, and she's very beautiful. She has brown-purple hair with strands of blue, and her eyes are a nice dull purple with a hint of blue as well. She has nice 'assets' as well."

~Sigh~ "Miyu? Are you preparing for the mid terms?"

In an empty voice she responded, "My class is holding study groups and I am attending."

Miyu walked over to the small table and placed down a plate holding 6 fajita's.

"I made short bread for pudding today, " As Lucy got excited and was about to dig into her food, Miyu revealed something, "however you have refused to eat your dinner so you don't get any."

At that Miyu pulled the plate full of fajita's back and emptied it in the bin.

"B-but.. I didn't get the chance to eat," Lucy's voice got quieter as she spoke and curled up into a ball on the floor.

// Miyu's POV //

'As much as I love the look on her face as she eats my food, she has been naughty so she must be punished. And if I have to use her weakness of food, then so be it.'

Miyu stood up and looked down at Lucy, "Bad girls who don't eat their dinner don't get their pudding." Lucy didn't move, she just lied there in silence. This was how she rebelled against Miyu when she enters her 'mother mode', as she likes to call it.

'I am the only servant Lucy will ever need!'


Name: Lucy Hall

Class: 1 B

Class points: 830

Private points: 572,745

This is very important!

How do we feel about a yuri harem? yes or no?

fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts