

This is going to be a short but intense chapter


// Ryuen's monologue //

Death is a very emotional concept. When people lose someone close to them, they undergo a massive change. Sometimes that change happens over time, sometimes that change happens in an instant.

My mother died when I was young, my father became abusive toward me. It started gradually. Verbally berating me for the smallest of things. Then came pretending that I didn't exist, and neglect. Finally came the hitting. I ran away from home at the age of 6 and was homeless for a month before I was taken into the orphanage, that place was poorer than poor. We had to fight to keep our abysmally small portions of food, it was that or starve. That was the first time I had used violence.

I have killed two times in my life time so far, the first victim was a snake. It may not seem significant but it was a turning point in my life. When I killed that snake I thought that life was unfair, that is until I realized that it's not unfair. It just favors those who will do anything to get what they want, and violence was the only way to get what you want.

I was 10 years old when I joined scorpion. I was one of the very lucky few who where introduced to the one they call 'master'. That little girl managed to create a nation wide gang at the age of 10! How crazy is that?

It wasn't until 2 months later that I realized the only crazy thing is Lucy herself. I had stolen a bunch of alcohol for me, Lucy and Miyu. Miyu had gone to throw up in the toilet after a few sips of the sake meanwhile Lucy had started fighting me. I couldn't hold my own against her, her fighting style derives off of multiple martial arts including krav maga, muay Thai and jiu jitsu. She is a very scary person to fight, she almost chocked me to death and would have to if Miyu hadn't caught her off guard and knocked her out completely.

It wasn't the fact that she almost killed me that I found crazy, it was the words she spoke to me whilst fighting. She believes that life has no other meaning than to be the strongest, to do nothing but further your goals until you can do so no more. To climb to the top and have fun doing it. "Life is nothing but a game", she said. "If you die then so be it, you always have another shot!" she said.

I think that Lucy has lost someone very dear to her, for her to end up like this. She is the first person to ever instill the feeling of fear in me. That girl is both delusional and insane.

// End of monologue //

// Lucy's room, 3rd POV //

On a bed, was two girls. The taller girl was asleep, her head on the others lap. Said other girl was quietly stroking the lilac hair of the sleeping girl, with her eyes closed Lucy hummed a song.

Ryuen had believed that Lucy had lost someone very special to her and he was right, multiple people.

When Lucy died she had lost everyone; her father, mother, older brother, grand parents, aunties, uncles, cousins and one more person.

She had lost herself. Lucy was conscious for the full 9 months of her mothers pregnancy, she wasn't able to sleep for 9 months. She had suffered through 9 months of sleep deprivation and it had a huge impact on her psyche. Her thoughts were plagued by all the people she had lost, the only way for her brain to cope was to trick herself into believing that all those people where fake. That they where filling up space in a world built for her to have fun in.

Lucy Hall truly is insane.