
Hashimoto's monologue

// Hashimoto's POV //

I've met a lot of people in my life, I've always been outgoing. I've met a lot of 'normal' people who are just interested in mainstream stuff and live their life based off of popularity and crafting their image to make them popular. 

I also know a few loners too, you know? People who like to keep to themselves and avoid the headache that comes with having separate personalities that they show to different people. I find they're the more intelligent people when it comes to academics.

I thought the worst type of people were the 'brutes' as I like to call them, you know? the people who don't care about hurting others to seem 'cool'? Yeah them. I used to think they were the scum of the earth, I mean how can you do that? It's just not right.

I'm all for fighting when it comes to protecting those close to you but I would never start a physical fight. I did recently find out though, those 'brutes' at least have some sort of moral compass. They know when they're about to go too far and stop, at worse they would just knock someone out and be done with it. 

The reason I have come to that understanding is because of the girl named Lucy Hall, I hate that girl with all my being. She goes against everything I stand for, she doesn't have limits. She doesn't care about others. All she cares about is herself and her own goals, no matter who gets hurt in the process, nor how badly. 

Because of her I've had trouble sleeping, that day when I hit her I thought I had hit rock bottom. I grew up being told that woman beaters were the worst type of people out there and even those 'brutes' wouldn't hit a girl. But because of Lucy, I had hit a girl. I thought she would dodge or block as I know she is physically fit but she didn't. She messed with my mind to try and get me to feel guilty and do what she wants. 

In the moment I had an adrenaline rush like no other so I didn't succumb to it in the end but... It killed me inside for that whole cruise. I barely slept, ate or drank any water. I was able to cover it all up in front of everyone but inside... It hurt.

But after I told Sakayanagi about the whole thing when we left the cruise, she told me something.

'From what I've observed, Lucy Hall is dangerous. Her mind doesn't function like other people. The way she just switches up her personality is genuine and not necessarily influenced by the people surrounding her. I don't know if she had a rough childhood or anything but that girl clearly doesn't have the capability of empathy.'

After she came to have lunch with us those words were reinforced in my mind, everything Sakayanagi had said was true. 

Lucy Hall isn't a girl. 

Lucy Hall isn't a human.

Lucy Hall is a monster!