
"have to take any opportunity" and dependancy

There will be some graphic content in this chapter... multiple times


// After school, Lucy's POV //

My first day of school was surprisingly relaxing, I mean despite how unconventional this school is, it's still a school I guess. First thing I have to do is buy all my necessity's such as body wash, tooth brush, food ect...

I also want to catch the moment Sudo has his raging fit, outside that small shop. That is why i'm currently speed walking toward the dorms as the shop is on the way if I remember correctly and... well my memory hasn't failed me yet. As I got closer to the shop, I pressed a button on the front screen of my phone.

Earlier on, mid lunch break I thought of the possibility that I would have to use my phone with out anyone seeing so I learned all the processes and where very single button was.

As I was about to turn the corner I caught a glimpse of Sudo angrily walking off and Ayanokoji picking up some rubbish before a boy bumped into me, I let the impact of the push push me back around the corner out of view of Ayanokoji. "OOF", It was important that all sounds of 'pain' are exaggerated, "ow, that hurt!"

The boy who I now recognize as one of the boys who caused that rage in Sudo earlier, I guess I should milk this for all I can. The year 2 boy looked down at my fallen form, "Who the hell are you?" He said in a inquisitive tone.

"e-e-erm, i'm Lucy Hall, from class 1 D. I-i'm sorry for bumping into you!" I put on a terrified voice to make this boy feel even more superior than he already does.

His face became one of disgust, "Ew, class D? You should apologize properly in dogeza, you scum." He gently kicked my shoulder.

"OW! I-I said I was sorry, why did you kick me so hard?" 'Just bare with the humility a little longer Lucy I kept telling myself.

'She must have really weak body' He thought to himself. "Huh? Why should I have to explain myself to some class D scum like you?" He sent another kick my way, this time in the elbow. 'How can someone so weak act so high and mighty?'

"I'm sorry ~hicup~" I fake cried, "~snif~ why do you keep kicking me?" My voice sounded like it cracked.

"Tch whatever." He started walking away in silence until he heard his own voice.

'Why should I have to explain myself to some class D scum?' I stood up and smirked, "I recorded that whole thing you know."

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets, "Wait, what? W-Well it doesn't matter, no one cares about a stupid class D student anyway!"

At this my smirk only grew larger, "I'm willing to bet that the student council will when they hear this recording, and even if they don't who said I was in class D?"

The boys face showed visible confusion, "You did, it's in that recording!" He pointed his finger at my phone.

"hahaha~. Do you know how easy it is to edit a recording with no video? Well the fact is i'm actually in class B, so what now? You just look like a senior physically and verbally abusing a younger student."

His body was shaking and that made me blow out into full blown laughter. "What do you want?"

I moved closer to him, and pointed down with one finger, "Kneel down and kiss my shoe, you scum."

It was hesitant but he got down on his knees and moved his lips toward the toes of my shoe, before I slammed my foot into his nose. "You pig. I'll tell you what I want you to do," I grabbed his hand and placed it over my breast to his confusion, "Now I have evidence of you attempting to rape me."

'Thanks for the idea Kushida, but my execution will not be as sloppy as yours.' "What class are you in?" It seemed the shock factor is still in effect on him as he didn't answer. "Tell me." I said as I slapped him across the cheek. He had blood dripping from the nose and dribbling down his chin.

"C-c-class 2 B." He struggled to speak due to the already swollen cheek.

"Wonderful, now i'll tell you what, if I don't receive 25,000 points from you every two weeks then this uniform will be given in as evidence along with rape charges. Do you understand?" He nodded with silent tears dripping down his face.

"Good, now give me your phone." He shook his head, "No, not my phone" and held his hand over the trouser pocket his phone was in.

There was only one thing to do in that situation, I slapped him in the face until he handed it to me. Luckily it only took 2 slaps, he's crying hysterically though. I do have rough hands due to all the training I do to be fair but still, he's a man.

'WOW, how does he have 760,000 points? Surely being in class B can't give you that much right? Not with Nagumo in class A at least.' "Well don't you have quite the sum?" I said sarcastically, he looked down and closed is eyes, maybe in the hope that this situation isn't real? I sent 400,000 to my account, I didn't send the full 760 thousand otherwise it might be too much for him and he may just leave the school all together.

"I have taken 400,000 points, you don't mind right?" He didn't respond. "I've also got your phone number memorized, if I call you, it's because I want you to do something for me. If you don't want to comply with what I say then that's completely fine, but your future on the hand... well let's call it a day shall we?" He gave me look of pure hatred and fury, "Oh don't give me that look, listen if you want to succeed in life you have to take any opportunity you can get." 'I'm such a sage, maybe I should start writing poems?'

As I took my blazer off and straightened out my uniform I turned around and spoke some final words to him, "You might want to go to the nurses office, it looks like you took quite a tumble! I'm worried for you! ~chuckle~"

// 2 hours later, Lucy's POV //


'hm?' I was lying in bed watching cooking videos, as I have never cooked in either life. Suddenly I got a message from

Ichinose: I gave some girl your phone number, I hope that's okay

Lucy: That's fine, do you know the girl's name?

Ichinose: I did ask, she said her name was Miyu Abe I think

Lucy: Miyu Abe? Iv'e never heard that name before. Thanks for letting me know :)

Ichinose: no problem

'I wonder why Miyu asked for my pho-'


'Well I guess i'm about to find out'

Miyu: Lucy

Lucy: Miyu I thought I told you to have no connections with me?

Miyu: I'm sorry Lucy but I want to see you


Lucy: Okay come to dorm room 147

~knock knock~

It took 4 minutes for Miyu to get here, I answered the door to Miyu on the verge of crying, it seems like she's had a hard day.

"Oh Miyu, what the matter?" I walked her to my bed so we could be at eye level, she's a bit taller than me... 'damn small body!'

~sniff~ ~sniff~ "I don't know what to do, without you around I have no purpose. I thought it would be okay because you told me to give you a challenge, but then I realized that there is nothing to challenge you in. Your better than me in everything; Fighting, chess, running an organization and so much more."

I nodded, and gave a hum, "Lucy, I need you! You are my life! You are the reason I exist! When I think about not being around you, I just can't take it ~Sob~"

'I get it, I've been the only person that has stayed in her life since she was 5 years old. Her mother was always busy with her duties as a maid day in and day out so she has stayed by me for as long as she can remember. I didn't know it but me choosing to come to Japan has caused this.'

As Miyu lays on Lucy's lap bawling her eyes out, Lucy herself has started to feel a bit guilty. Over the last 11 years Lucy has come to see this girl as family even though she promised herself that she wouldn't make such meaningful connections as it would only bring grief to her in her next life.

"I have an idea, Miyu. What if I where to send a girl from my class to you-"

"NO!" Miyu hated that idea, it seems.

'Her dependency on me has formed over the last 11 years but we never realized. I caused this, so I guess I should be the one to help her from this.'

Lucy grabbed Miyu's chin and gently brought her face close, with a smile Lucy looked deep into her eyes before giving Miyu a light peck on the lips.

It was enough to calm Miyu down, but it also flustered her beyond imagination. "Miyu, I'm going to call you everyday at 10;00 PM, and when I do call you, you are going to come to my room to spend the night. Do you understand?"

Miyu cried again, this time out of happiness. She hugged Lucy around the mid-section, and cried until she fell asleep.

"This is all my fault. I thought life was just a game, why else would reincarnation be real? I don't understand. Hang on, maybe it is a game, and I'm supposed to find people to continue my adventures with me? That must be it, oh Miyu, we will be together forever! You are my first companion." Lucy came to a final conclusion, Miyu is meant for Lucy.


name: Lucy Hall

private points: 500,000

That's all for chapter 7!

A bit of an emotional one but I hope you liked it.

Lucy has blackmailed a senior student with the help of her future knowledge. She has used an insignificant piece of the plot to get money.

A glimpse at Miyu's current mental state.

Next chapter will be released today as well, but it will be the shortest chapter yet.

fumei_unknowncreators' thoughts