

Unknown Space, Unknown time,

"Are you sure about this plan?" asked a man wearing a black robe that covered all his features,

'Do not take me lightly, mortal, even though I may not be as strong as I once was before the disaster, I am still a God and am certainly more powerful than those fake gods' spoke the massive being in front of him that was dressed in clothes similar to the modern man with plain shirt and pants,

"I do not doubt your power Shiva, neither do I doubt the powers of the deities of Earth, even though most of them had long since perished due to the near extinction of mankind, leaving the Hindu, Shinto and the Christian pantheons as one of the strongest pantheons to survive, what I fear is an intervention caused by Him" the man spoke as the Hindu god of destruction merely tilted his head, thinking back to the monstrous entity that had single-handedly ended many dimensions and had almost claimed his own dimension, only to be saved by the mysterious man in front of him,

This enigma of a man in front of him may be suspicious but he was trustworthy, for he had proved his worth when he stopped the entity from devouring this dimension the same way it had done before to many other dimensions,

'I know that the plan is risky, paradox, but the gods no longer have the power to stop the entity from devouring this universe by themselves, it has already cost the Earth dearly to just stop the being from entering our dimension, YHWH, Allah, Vishnu, Brahma, Amaterasu, Susanoo, and all the other major gods have already sacrificed themselves to create a seal on this dimension so that the entity may not gain access to this dimension, I am the last of the Gods left aside from the Egyptian who chose to stay behind and make sure that the Aragami did not end humanity in our absence, all we can do now is hope that our decision was right'

Shiva said as the man called Paradox replied wryly,

" 'Three dimensions together are better than one' is it?, truthfully, I am still against meddling with the dimension that is not your own, but desperate times demand desperate measures I guess, but I am still worried as to how the Gods of light and darkness would take this new development? , with none of the powerful gods available to protect it, Earth may have to face the wrath of those foolish young deities, not to mention the other dimension which you plan to merge with ours, I can guarantee you that the watchdog organization will not be pleased with it, but i guess it does not matter in the end, after all, they do not have any gods in their dimension, that was one of the reasons why the primal emotions of man had given rise to the horrors they have to face on a daily basis"

'It does not matter if they have gods or not, even in the absence of gods, magic, or any other form of external factors, humanity will always come out on the top as the survivors, it was this uncanny ability to adapt and survive which had caused us, gods, to be moved in the first place all those millennia ago, it was their tenacity and will to never give up that had caused Odin to create Valhalla, a place where such a brave race would be rewarded after their death, it was their capability of great compassion which had caused YHWH himself to come down and walk among them by taking their form, to gift them with his blessings and order his creations, the angels to watch over them, It was their sheer will power to go on the face of great odds that had caused Vishnu to take on his ten avatars time and time again to protect humanity from foes far beyond their comprehension, make no mistake, there also exists darkness in this beautiful race, the kind of darkness that had spawned Angra Manyu, that had created SATAN, the kind of darkness which had resulted in the manifestation of Rakshasa, the youkai and so on, but even then, they are a race worth our sacrifice, worthy of our love for them, and so, we shall do anything to prevent thme from going extinct even if it costs us our existence' Shiva said as a disting wave of power suddenly started to roll in waves originating from the planet known as Earth,

"It is time," Paradox said as Shiva slowly started to glow, soon, his clothes were replaced with what he was normally depicted by the Hindus to look like, his blue skin exposed to the world with a cobra around his neck and his hair braided with the avatar of the moon serving as its decoration, a third eye manifesting on his forehead which would remain closed until needed,

'We only have one chance at this Paradox, I will initiate the spiritual resonance between the three worlds while you will manipulate their vibrational frequency to synchronize them with this dimension, once that is done, Earth will merge with the two parallel versions of it that we have selected, by restoring the population of humanity to be at least minimum required to empower the gods once more, we might be able to release the Gods from the seal and become just strong enough to repel the entity' Shiva said as Paradox nodded and followed Shiva in his plan,

And thus, the fate of three worlds was changed forever,


Earth, Japan, 2090

In a room reserved for important people, a man with white hair and brown eyes can be seen sitting in a chair as he watched over the latest reports sent to him by his best unit, suddenly, the ground started to shake as a woman with a strange red bracelet ran into the room,

"Director Sakaki!, we need to evacuate to Aegis now!" she shouted as the man stood up and said,

"What happened Amamiya?"

"A massive earthquake has hit us, Aegis is also reporting the same phenomenon along with all the other branches of Fenrir!" Tsubaki Amamiya shouted as the director was taken to a jet ready for him on the building, he watched as all of his God Eaters were scrambling to the borders of the Fenrir branch to make sure that no Aragami took advantage of this situation to breach the walls,

"Just what the hell is going on?" He mumbled as the jet soon took off towards the only safe location in japan that was free of Aragami,


Vale, Remnant,

The entire city of Vale was in a panic as an unprecedented earthquake shook the people who ran for safety, the same could be said for the hunter academy known as Beacon, where the first-year students were running around like headless chickens, the other higher year students were a little more composed as they led the younger hunters out of Beacon and to help stabilize the city, but what the students did not know was that their headmaster was in a serious dilemma over the situation,

Ozpin had lived for a very, very, long time but even he had never seen an earthquake like this, and to add insult to the injury, he was sensing a strange and vile form of energy suddenly permeate the atmosphere along with something else, something sacred,

Whatever was happening, it was sure going to be a pain to deal with,


Earth, Britain, 1600s

In the kingdom of Valiante, everyone was in a panic and was praying to gods as the earth shook beneath them, but their panic could not be compared to what was being felt by an organization known as the Watchdog center, the order that was dedicated to protecting mankind from entities from Makai, known as Horrors,

but right now, the head of the order was having a serious headache as she sensed the divine and vile energies that had suddenly sprung upon the planet, as if it was not enough, she also sensed that the planet itself was being forcefully fused with another world, a world that she knew nothing about,

"sigh, I wish I never took this annoying job all those years ago" she mumbled,

Thus, three worlds with three different histories, with three different destinies, were combined by a higher power, these are the record of the interaction between these worlds, this Clash of Worlds.