
Clash Of Twin Systems

A popular quote once said, " To survive, strength is a must, to bend the rules of society strength is a must, strength represent beauty, authority, dominance and law, with it you can do as you please", what will happen when Crimson and harmon two youngsters destine for greatness. with their systems they wish to rule the world and be the only strongest of their kind find out about each other ? will they wish to eliminate each other or will they unite and bring their races to the top of the food chain? *** The extermination of human races is fast looming. After five thousand years of waging war against the shura race, which looks like a typical human except for the horn on their forehead, The human after hundred of sacrifice were able to push the shura race close to extinction, but unexpectedly the shura allied with the dragons and demon races, with their forces they almost wipe out the humans, but unfortunately the humans survive. But what will happen if the shura race successfully awake their god who had been in slumber for the past five thousand years? can the humans who have no god be able to remain standing or will they face extinction?

Daoistf7YZbm · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 "fuck, my head hurt like hell fuck!" A teenager sat in a hospital bed while holding his head, he is Gustave or rather should I say 'Harmon', after waking up Harmon found out he was in a different world, something that only happens in xianxia novels or movies happen to him.Back in his world, he was just a normal University graduate who apply to join the zero wings guild, a vrmmporg game guild. Oh yes, I forget to tell you in their world technologies have taken big leaps and bounds so there are vrmmporg games and Harmon dreamed to become one of the best players on it sadly on his first day of the interview which involves him fighting against someone to determine the winner. Something happen the vrmmporg capsule he lay inside suddenly spark and explode killing him inside, but strangely his soul got transmigrated over to this world. "Damn if only those scientists back home will believe me that there is a world out there I'm sure they will go crazy over this news," Harmon said just as he was about to lie down he jolted back to his sitting position and quickly mumbled. "Interference" Suddenly some words pop up in front of him, [Chaos system: Host info...] Name>> Gustavo WalkerRace>> Pure humanClass>> 0/50+Lvl>> 0/50+MP>> 0%HP>> 78%Exp>> 0/100 Strength: 15Defence: 10Agility: 15Speed: 15Perception: 9Endurance: 10Fatigue: 2Skills[Active: 0][Passive: 0] [Quest] [shop]--Interference close-- "I'm kinda surprised, like how the hell did the vrmmporg character system able to follow me over here? Or am I gonna be the next MC of this world? Saving jade beauties while offending brainless young master who later gets their ass wiped by me and calls their family elders to beat me...sign" just thinking of an MC's life got him sick, deep down although the life of an MC is really interesting he never wants to live it, rather he prefers to game in peace and earn his money while making a name in some reputable guild. Let's see if there's a way to go back to my world, I miss Mom how can she cope with her health condition and little sis won't have anyone to protect her from her school bullies" with a determined look Harmon who is now Gustave suddenly open his interference and with a single thought he quickly login to quest. [Quest: Daily/Monthly/yearly] "Mmm let's see the daily quest first" he squint his eyes as he use his thought to enter it and the interference changed again. [Daily Quest: Bring despair to one person each day][Reward: 20 Exp][[Failure to do so: -1 stat] "Wait what!!, I thought I will be the MC why the hell is my interference showing I should bring despair to someone's life? Lemme check the other monthly and yearly own first" Although he felt shocked he quickly adjust his emotion and click the monthly one. [Monthly Quest: Bring heavy casualties to a certain household of not less than 10 people, let them experience despair or let their evil desire take over them] [Reward: 60 Exp][Failure to do so: -4 from each of your stat and you will be in a weak state] [Yearly Quest: Bring despair, pain, and hatred and make a kingdom or federation to unleash their evil desire on each other] [Rewards: 1,500 Dark energies points, 30+ to all your stats, earn a title of chaos son][Failure to do so: the destruction of your soul] Gustave felt numb seeing this, he wasn't expecting such a brutal mission, he quickly close the interference and lay on his bed with his eyes close.It was like nothing happened but after a few seconds... "Fuck!!! Am I the villain who's gonna have his ass wiped down by the MC?" He almost yells out loud making the nurse on duty rush toward his ward."Are you okay boy?" The middle-aged woman asked with a gentle voice, to which Gustave answered with a vexed look, "Do I look fine to you grandma? I'm going through the worse phase of my life now and ya asking such a bullshitty question!!!?" The woman almost got a heart attack seeing how Gustave was shouting, she thought he was suffering from an emotional setback after learning that he will not be able to cultivate again in this life, she felt pity for him as she knew that no teenager will want to experience such fate as everyone wants to be powerful."It's not the end boy, even if you lose your sea of souls you can still be someone useful, like Cheng Feng, his sea of souls was destroyed when he battle the shura but that didn't stop him from creating mankind first ever battleship known as viva, Mo fan, he was also a warrior who got his sea of the soul to destroy when trying to protect mankind from a dragon, but still he struggles and was the first human to create the supreme drug which can make someone live for 600 years, what about William he was the first..." "Hold it, ma'am, I never ask for a motivational quote!!!" Gustave rudely interrupted her, he felt like his blood pressure was getting high "If you don't have anything to say ma'am please let me rest and say no more!!!" The nurse was stunned but didn't say anything {sign, all these Scions are always arrogant till life teaches them a lesson} she thought as she turn back to leave the room, but suddenly Gustave shouted "Hold it, ma'am!". She turns and looks at him with doubt in her eyes " Is there a problem I can help you with?" She asks "Yes, there is" With an apprehensive but evil smile Gustave answered while looking at the quest that the system just gave him. [Quest: Make her cheat on her husband][Reward: +4 Strength and a random shop spin][Failure to do so: Non] {Well, this is much better, at least I will be able to release my pent-up frustration on her also} while giving her a quick look which she didn't see the added {She has this MILF vibes too} *******Somewhere profound in the cosmos, on a desolated realm filled with volcanoes.This is known as the watery flame seal, it's a world made by three gods to seal the most powerful demon god, a god who can combat ten gods of his level at once. The liquid flame is a special substance which seals the demon god and his 1,500 billion champions.Until the flame gets exhausted, or else he will never be able to escape it, cause it's the azure flame.Known for its usefulness in suppressing a demon soul. Deep within a vast cavern, a platform stood at the center, surrounded by four massive pillars. Each pillar bore strange runes, and chains as thick as a man's thigh stretched from each pillar to the platform, where a silhouette knelt. The cavern was filled with red rock and bubbling pools of molten lava, the heat and light from which cast eerie shadows across the walls. It was a scene that seemed to belong in a nightmare, rather than in the waking world. "Mmm? It seems the chosen one of the chaos system has been birthed, hehe let the world be prepared for my coming cause Doom is bond to be their name when I finally get released by him but for now" with a deep and scary voice he said and slowly raise his head, his eyes were as red as the flames and his face was covered by his long hair "get stronger and be able to break this yoke binding me"