
Clannad - Kotomi Route

The entire route was, of course, fun and heartwarming, watching Tomoya work his way into Kotomi's life and helping her live life to the fullest, while she simultaneously did the same for him without either of them seeming to realize it was so well done. Tomoya's growth in this route was especially amazing to see, from being a delinquent there by chance, to being a truant to see her, to showing up to all his classes for her, all the way to spending three entire days working tirelessly to fix the yard of their memories, was so well done.

loliconist · Real
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24 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT – Not her route…

I`d be lying if I said I wasn`t worried... But I shouldn`t worry. She has to do her best from now on. If she does, she`ll surely find some new friends at school.

"Are you listening?" To my surprise, Sunohara`s face suddenly appears in front of me.


"I asked what you were going to do about the juice."

"Yeah, sorry... with katsudon."

"About the juice!"

"Well I`m hungry."

"I`m also hungry! But as I said, I don`t have any money."

"Just chop off your finger and beg `Please let me eat with this.`"

"I`m not going to do anything that crazy for katsudon!" Sunohara presses the button on the vending machine. I could hear the sound of the vending machineas it pours in the ice and juice in a paper cup.

"Hey, we can endure this longer with carbonic acid in our stomach."

"Tch, all right, fine..." I waste away my time in the cafeteria. After that, before it got dark, I head home. And just as always, I got my change of clothes and left the house.

As I came out from the dorm hallway and into the corridor, I was greeted by a stampede of huge bodies rushing along. Do do do do do do do...

"Woah..." I quickly dodge all of them as they pass by. They`re a group of rugby club members. All rushing to their respective rooms and quickly closing the doors.

"Hey-----!" Chasing after them is a woman.

"Sigh... Darn those guys..." She stops beside me. This is the dorm landlady, Sagara Misae.Even though I don`t live here, if you visit often enough you`ll surely be an acquaintance of hers, even if you don`t like it.

"Peeping in the girls` dormitory... Are they grade school students...? Sigh..." She lets out a deep sigh, and retraces her path.

I go inside Sunohara`s room, lie down on his bed and start reading some manga.

"Hey... Didn`t I tell you this afternoon not to come?"

"Don`t say such lonesome words, I want to read some manga. After that, you`ll be here too."

"Am I just an extra?"

"You really want me to read next to you."

"You`re putting some meaning about me being next to you, right?!"

Flip... "Hmm..."

"Suddenly going on Ignore Mode?!"

"What? You`re noisy..."

"Give that back, I still haven`t read it!"

"You`ve read this before. Here, bury yourself in this crossword puzzle. Do your best now."

"The answer can be found in the next issue your holding."

"That`s all right, I`ll check your answer. If it`s correct I`ll praise you. Good luck."

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Your master."

"What do you mean?!"

"You`re noisy! I can`t read peacefully!"

"Arggghhh! Why do I have to obey you!"

Dong! "Shut up and be quiet!"

"Eek!"An angry voice makes Sunohara shrink into the corner.

"See, if you don`t shut your mouth, you`ll be bagged again."

"You`re a demon! Damn it... I`ll do the crossword then."

"Tell me if I`m right, okay?"

"Yeah, I`ll tell you..."

"Well, 1-Down... What`s the day three days from New Year`s Day... Ahahaha... what a stupid question. Its three consecutive holidays..."

…. Teacher, teacher, there`s a stupid boy here.

"I give up, this is weird..."

"What is?"

"The answer doesn`t match up, there is definitely something wrong here." There`s no doubt it`s your answers that are wrong.

"I quit, give up! Damn, this is boring..." He throws the crossword puzzle at the corner of the room.

"There`s nothing interesting to do."

"I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"Yeah. Get naked, and go next door... Then ask if you can borrow some soy sauce. I wonder what kind of a response he will give you?"

"He`ll pound me!"

"No, you`re asking in a very polite manner."

"Hmm... you`re right... it`s hard to know if you ask it like that..."


"Now, off you go."

"Alright! Eh?! Isn`t this only interesting to you?!"

"Doesn`t that thrill you?"

"But the next day, I`ll be treated as a pervert!"

"Well... I wonder about that... They might worship you as a holy person."

"This will be a bad place."

"Like I said, let`s test it."

"No matter what you say, I won`t do it!"

"You sure have no confidence..."

"Why don`t you go?"

Flip the book "Hmm..."

"Pretty fast in going back to reading, huh?!"

"Huaaah... I want to sleep now. It`s already 3 o`clock in the morning."

"Hmm..." Flip...

"Are you staying over?"

"I`m turning off the lights then."

"Woah! Stop right there!"


"I`m not staying..."

"Is that so."

"Well, I`m going to sleep, so can you please leave?"

"I will, even if you don`t say that..." I throw away the manga I was reading and stand up. I hold the door knob and was about to leave but I suddenly stop.

"Oh, that`s right, dead at night in this dorm..."

"What is it?"

"......(silence) I guess it`s nothing."

"Finish what you`re saying!"

"Good night then."I closed the door. I continue to hear someone moaning with fear inside the room. I ignore it and leave the dormitory.