

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Unknown Location

Zenith Tower

The Councils of the hidden world as implied constantly are the ruling power of both the known world and the hidden world. Although, their popularity was overshadowed by the governments and security personnels but the zenith power above all authorities were the Councils. They ruled everything.

They're the minds that acts correspondingly, the eyes that sees through many eyes, the ears that hears through many ears and the noses that smells through many. They're unknown to many but understood by majority of high superiority, they're not just guardians of the hidden world but predecessors of the hidden world and every creatures that resides within, including the human race.

The Zenith Tower was an extra-dimensional reality mixed with unreality that exists within earth and out of its perception but on a different perspective from the senses of everything residing, so detecting the Councils domain would be like looking for what does and doesn't exist simultaneously.

He opened his eyes but the light reflections shook his eye balls so heavily he shuddered them shut rapidly, he felt a heavy pain down his spine as he realized he was lying helplessly on the metal ground. He turned on the floor, rolling on his chest slowly struggling to stand on his feet, he could hardly feel himself anymore. His system has started trembling like he just experienced dehydration, he was starving and the hunger was weighing him down rigidly. He couldn't stand on his feet but sure sat on his butt, he was marvelled to the large room before him.

The surrounding was a very wide room with a slim tower in the middle that stood so high it height was undetected by the eyes, the walls encircling the room were concentric with smooth metal surfaces which had gems ornamented within. He looked deep and he could see figures standing long length before him, they were dressed like ninjas but with no masks and they appeared mixed. He could perceive the distinct smell of personality from them and could easily tell they comprised of different species in the hidden world but he thought there were only vampires and werewolves in the world. Behind these guarding figures were four but three occupied high thrones that reach high into the sky.

"Welcome Dhampir!" A voice boomed that thundered throughout the room which brought Clancy back to reality from his sobriety.

He only looked above but couldn't see clearly, it was like his vision has been clouded by smoke. Perhaps, it was his hunger weakening him. He has never been so hunger, he could devour anything at that moment.

"What an envious influence to have you here, we've been watching you for a very long while now Clancy Lockwood." Another voice added.

From the midst of the guarding figures, a man walked out holding in his hand a sachet of blood standing a feet before Clancy. His face was clear at the target and rapidly, even before the man could react, Clancy dashed at him, drew him closer through his right wrist and WHAM! He sank his fangs into his neck rigidly and heavily crimson liquid splashed out like paint. The man grumbled and struggled but no one helped, they only watched as he slowly departed under Clancy's vicious clutches.

His vision became as clear as day and his senses heightened, he has never fed on a human, he mostly feeds on artificial hospital frozen blood or sometimes, animal bloods. He felt so revived his metabolism commemorated in joy.

"You'll need your strength Clancy!" Another voice thundered and he looked up, his lips and jaw oozing with blood.

He dropped the body lifeless and rose on his feet, he was still in his Rapidfire costume but his gadgets were gone, his guns and hidden blades were gone. He just stared at the councils not knowing who they were and back at the guards, he snarled silently and growled nicely.

"Calm down now Dhampir, we only summoned you here to talk." A voice added but this time, it sounded feminine and almost like she had read Clancy's mind.

He sped forward, his nails extracting into razor sharp claws in the process but as soon as he got closer, a wave struck him so heavily he screamed and went on his knees painfully.

"Stay down now Dhampir, we need the human in you, not the Dhampir. If we wanted you dead, we would have done that ten times over." A masculine voice warned and the psychic torture elapsed.

Clancy breathed heavily in relief, his face was down on his four like a jaguar. He looked before him as he sensed some figures approaching him and to his surprise, he saw three figures hovering from each thrones like gravity doesn't apply to them.

"We only want to talk, have a little chat with you." A man from the Councils said. He wasn't too old, just an average human height with cold blue eyes and grey eyes. He was dressed in a long brown jacket that stopped at his feet and underneath, Clancy could see black jean and black polished boots.

"Who are you people? What did you just do to me?" Clancy asked the man.

"We are the Councils of the hidden world, i believe you haven't heard a lot about us but we've heard and seen a lot about you. I've to say, you're really impressive and great." The man spoke looking slightly at the two figures beside him.

"You've to be kidding me, i don't know who you all are. So let me get the hell out of here." Clancy tried to stand on his feet but a psychic wave pressurized him back on his knees wearily and he groaned as it did.

"We are the forefathers of the world, we have been even before the birth of humanity on the planet. We are the watchers of all life." The man addressed.

Clancy shouted angrily under the influence of the psychic pain "who the fuck are you!" And he was released which left a light breath under his nose.

The man sighed "I'm Corvinus, father of all werebeasts and these are my siblings." He addressed and Clancy looked up at him. He couldn't really believe his ears, he was kneeling before the originators of the hidden world.

He has been reading a lot about vampires but his pleasure for knowledge made him discover the shady mythology behind the existence of all creatures in existence on the planet. He learnt the basic fact that dated countless decades ago when the planet was nothing but sketchy. He acknowledged every species hidden from the face of humanity were created by four bodies known as the ancestors of the hidden world, they were also the oldest beings on the planet, old enough to predate the dawn of humanity. They're Corvinus, Madam Sif, William the first and the youngest of them all, Vlad Dracula.

Corvinus Micheal was the father of all werebeasts and as werebeasts categorized, he was the originator of all beasts ranging from werewolves, werefoxes, werecats, weredogs and werebats. He was the prime being that originated them all. As a matter of fact, he was deemed the oldest of the siblings.

Madam Sif, also known as the queen of magic or the lady of magic. She was the founder of magical forces, although many believed she utilizes chaos magic to alter reality on a universal level but she doesn't. She was the source of magic to other entities on the planet ranging from witches, wizards and other hybrid species related to magic known as the mystic humans and the mystic vampires.

William the first, also recognized as the father of men or the founder of mortality. He was declared openly by many as the first king over humanity for eras during the age of empires and kingdoms, he was also the godfather of humanity. Although, he procreated two human races known as the immortal, unkillable and never aging humans, the immortal breed and the known weaklings who are at the end of the food chain, the mortal humans. For eons, his evolution on the human race has gotten to an ascendant point even he couldn't control his creations. His creations went viral amongst the human race spreading from just mortal and immortal breeds into ascended humans to mystical humans and to put these under manipulation, he fled the Councils and has been lost and was never found but many believed the Councils knew where he was but just choose to ignore the fact he was hiding from the fate proclaimed by the divine creator, the Councils had to maintain his asceticism.

The youngest and famous of them all, Vlad Dracula. Mostly spoken of in various folk tales and mythological stories related to vampires and undead creatures but according to real myth, he was the youngest of the Councils. Youngest but cunny. He was the true first vampire to ever exists, old enough to tell the tale of the creation like he was present when it happened. He was the father of two species known as the vampires and his bastard forgotten son, the Kudlak but as eternities passed, his species grew exponentially breeding from vampires into ascended vampires and slowly into ascended vampires to mixed species. It got to an era, vampires mixed with magic attaining another breed, the mystic vampires.

Clancy slowly and sluggishly under pain rose on his feet before them, he could now get how lethal they were to him. He's not just their generational son but the last of the hidden world hierarchy. He was the weakest of them all but why do they need him? He could hardly believe they were other creatures other than vampires and werewolves lurking in the night, he thought the myth was just a legend lost in time.

"What did you want from me?" Clancy asked, now curiously.

"Just a brief request in return for your greatest desire." Dracula said. He was as white as snow with no veins or blood pulse to characterize under his skin, his woollen white hair fell down his face like a ghost shadowing his red eyes from sight, his nose pointed out like a goblin and as he spoke, razor sharp fangs could be seen. He was dressed in a long white jacket-like robe that stopped at his feet, black boots and grey wrist band.

Clancy frowned his face "What are you talking about?" He asked.

Madam Sif cut in instead, her voice was what caught Clancy detained in her astonishing beauty. She was a neatly shaped lady, too young for her age. Her black shining long hair fell down her spine like tendrils, she had green intimidating eyes, pink lips, dressed in long oak coloured robe which had furry edges and brown boots "We know what you've been searching your entire life for Clancy, even if everyone decides to turn their backs against you, you'll never still give up on the hunt against who killed your mother." She said.

Clancy looked at her, she sure was right. His wrath was always boiling and never squelching, he felt like killing until he finds who murdered his mother whom he never saw for once.

"What did you want from me?" He asked ignoring her emotional seductions.

Vlad chuckled "it doesn't work that way Dhampir, you haven't even heard what the offer was all about!" He said mildly.

Clancy looked at him for a moment as he could witness the chilly cold smile on his face before turning back at Corvinus "What are you offering me and what is it you want in return!"

"Not an easy task but if you get it done," Corvinus paused "we'll deliver to you who killed your mother." He concluded.

Clancy felt like a gas inside him just erupted, he felt like grabbing the latter and force him out to tell him who the killer was but he had no such authority and besides, such motive would result in his death because dealing with the Councils would be like dealing with his ancestors.

"What did you mean?" He asked.

"We know who killed your mother Dhampir." Corvinus finalized.