

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

History II

Pacific Ocean

Middle Ocean East

William's Ship

Everything just happened in instincts and with a glare of his closed eyes, he found himself in a wide room, on a comfortable sofa seating beside unconscious Bella, the bishop, Scott, Amelia and Catherine. He couldn't at first dictate what just happened until he had a flash back. His head ached to these and he groaned silently in pain, he was starving but before he could thought of it, a glass cup of crimson fluid was stretched to him.

Clancy not knowing what's happening looked up at the man before him, he was cool and cold. Too handsome to be described as one of the oldest men alive, he looked so young. Out of hunger, Clancy collected the cup while looking at his unconscious inmates.

The room could be described circular but it has an indescribable shape though, it just looks like a penthouse arranged with white neat sofas assembled in an arc form. In their midst was a classy table that separated the man from Clancy and on the table, he could see some arranged filled tumblers and judging by the scent of the liquids, he could tell they were fresh blood.

"Who are you?" Clancy couldn't help but asked looking around paled and weak.

William chuckled resting into the sofa "You should have known me by now, I saved your lives." He said "I'm William the first!" He addressed.

Clancy almost jolted in panic but his weariness nuzzled him back, he immediately thought they were in the den of the councils but judging by the soft flow of the wind and the motion of the room, he could tell they were on a ship. He looked back at William's calm face noticing gratitude on his face, he could not tell why the council felt so happy and joyous but perhaps it has to do with the prophecy.

Taking a sip from his cup, the scent attracted Catherine, Bella and the bishop, they sluggishly rose on their buttocks looking at Clancy like predator but before their minds could shift or process thoughts, they each took tumblers from the arranged tumblers emptying the cups in no time.

Clancy took another sip trying to satisfy his throat and another until there was nothing left in the cup, he dropped the cup and looked back at William. He could feel himself back in glory, he leaned forward and sighed.

"I believe you owe us an explanation!" Clancy approached.

Bella, Catherine and Bishop Daimon looked at William but before they could utter some questions, Amelia and Scott grumbled awake. What a lovely dream they had.

"Why did you bring us here? It's not like they won't find us!" Clancy asked but instead of answering immediately, William rose on his feet and walked behind his sofa towards the glass partitioned wall, now staring down at the calm equilibrium of the ocean he heaved.

Not getting an answer, Clancy and his inmates stood except Amelia and Scott, they still couldn't get themselves. Scott was still having severe body ache while Amelia was a little dizzy from her previous attack, she almost drained herself of her life force.

"How are we certain you aren't one of them!" Clancy asked again which made William chuckled. Out of rage, Clancy decided to maneuver but with a sharp turn without leaving his position, a force pressured them back to their seats like glue.

William staring now at them sighed "C'mon Dhampir, if I wanted you dead, I would have done that over and over and over and over incessantly!" He said.

Clancy was relieved but it never showed on his face "Then why are we here?" He asked.

William sat back on his sofa and crossed his leg "There are somethings you need to know that you haven't understand yet." He muttered.

Bishop Daimon leaned forward attentively, he was quiet expert with observation and reaction based on intellect. Been a counterpart of the councils, the bishop knew William must know a lot to abstain from his brothers and sister, he should be able to help them on their journey because deeply, he doesn't know how they would be able to defeat the councils.

"What is that I need to know than I'm a curse to the councils placed upon them by their father!" Clancy replied impatiently.

William smiled "That's just the least of your knowledge dhampir!" He said but Clancy cut in again.

"It's Clancy Lockwood!"

"Yeah, yeah! The one murdered by a vampire!" William recollected but it sounded a little egregious in Clancy's ears.

He squat his gaze at the man while trying to figure what what he meant but he couldn't find any tangible explanation "What did you mean by that?" He asked.

William leaned forward "So, they never told you!" He asked.

They were all petrified staring at each other intense and speechless, they obviously have no idea what the man was about to say except Bishop Daimon. As an old man, he could easily correlate the council's words together realizing the end of his enlightenment.

"Who never told me what?" Impatient Clancy asked angrily.

The bishop cut in "The councils killed your mother!"

On hearing this, Clancy went soft. He became drowned in his own imaginations, he couldn't believe what he heard, it was like made up words. He wanted to believe the bishop but he just couldn't, it was like the man was playing with his emotions.

"Actually, it was Dracula!" William corrected.

He laughed "If you're trying to mess with me, believe me, you succeeded!" He said at William, eyes red with rage.

William looked deep into his eyes, exactly what he was looking for, the wrath of the dhampir. He smiled and sank back into the sofa nodding thoughtfully at him. Clancy couldn't figure out his nodding reference but knowing it meant what he thought, Clancy jumped up at William but instead of strangling him like he would do to other beings, he just stared at him harmless and emotional.

On these, the bishop, Bella, Catherine and Scott rose on their feets not knowing what to do. Either attack the man or just observe because they couldn't tell why William would want to joke with Clancy's feelings.

William been the father of all humans ranging from hybrid humans to immortal humans and to all various humane species on the planet, he controls how they feel and how they react. Not controlling Clancy from attacking, he would have ripped his head asunder for the anger dwelling within him is immeasurable.

"That's it, that's it!" William said stroking Clancy on the chest, not romantically but a little rigidly "Exactly what I'm been searching for, the wild dhampir! Still holds the rage of his mother within flaming and roaring to let itself out." He explained.

Clancy out of confusion and pain staggered back, he couldn't say a word. He just looked at William emotionally and in callousness "Why would you do this to me!" He screamed exposing razor sharp fangs but they were all matter of threats.

William rose on his feet before him "You'll eventually kill me, but not yet." He said walking off Clancy and before the bishop "I know you know a lot son of Earl but I'll need to know where you stopped your tale." He requested.

The bishop looked at him diligently and replied "According to ancient scriptures back in the church, it ended saying a Dhampir, an alpha werewolf, a Nelapsi and a vampire would be the source of the councils death!"

Nodding accurately, William looked back at Clancy "But here's the interesting part the books left out, you Clancy Lockwood and your inmates here are the keys to releasing my father and i want him released." He said.

Clancy looked at him "I don't understand."

"Only the councils could free my father but due to the misunderstanding between we councils, we won't be able to do that." He explained.

Amelia reasoned aloud "I've been willing to ask, these ancient one, who is he? Or he just came to be the father?"

William smiled to her question "Believe me, if I explain everything to you, you won't understand." He replied walking back to his sofa.

"Try us!" She implied and William scoffed in frustration.

Thinking about it, as the future councils of the hidden world, they needs to know the truth. A truth older than the existence of life itself. William sighed under his soft relaxation nodding as a signal to Clancy taking a seat but still angered, the dhampir disagreed.

"I believe these story will sound familiar to y'all." William said before explanation scoffing slightly under his breath "Before the birth of humanity after the heavenly father created the world as said in bibles, he created everything and it was perfect except humanity." William said noticing the uncertainty on their faces "We humans are pathetic worthless impotent creatures, disregarded by the forces of politeness and unity." He though as he explained more.

"Enough discrimination!" Clancy cut in arrogantly.

William looked up at him laughing "You aren't human Clancy, you are a dhampir but specifically human though!" He chuckled clearing his throat to continue "As we all know, the first human to ever exist was Adam and his half bride Eve. All was perfect with them until the serpent came to them."

"Are you quoting the bible for us?" Amelia asked doubtfully not finding how that cooperated with her previous question.

William smiled "told you your feeble minds won't be able to comprehend what I'm about to explain." He said but bishop Daimon rushed in.

"Go on dear council!" He suggested.

Looking at his momentous face, William continued "The serpent..." He was cut short again by Amelia.

"According to the bible, that serpent was the devil!" She said.

William laughed heartedly "Actually, that was Lilith, Queen of all demons." He replied catching the suspense on their faces especially the bishop who shifted uncomfortably on his sofa "She succeeded in manipulating Eve against the will of God taking Adam with him." He heaved emotionally and thoughtfully.

That alone caught Clancy's sympathy, he knew William had also felt pain, he just couldn't describe it to anyone except himself. He never knew their deepest pain came from the very genesis of life, what an experience.

"Lilith succeeded in manipulating Eve, turned her against God's will and led Adam into the path of suffering and pain. After been casted off the paradise we were suppose to be like pigs, more suffering erupted." William explained "Within these agonies, Cain and Abel were born and in these same agonies, Cain murdered his brother. That's where it all started."

"What started?" Scott asked, no one knew he was more attentive.

"The hidden world!" William replied leaning forward with his hands clasped forward on his thighs "After Cain killed his brother, he was personally cursed by God and abandoned by his parents."

"The Mark of Cain!" Bishop Daimon muttered thoughtfully.

"Exactly, the Mark Of Cain was what birth the first supernatural phenomenon on the planet. It gave Cain hope of doing want God did in the first place, it gave Cain the idea of procreating." William smiled "Cain went back to Lilith and asked her hand in marriage."

"Wait, what? Cain married the devil?" Amelia asked.

"She's not the devil and yes, he married the godmother of all demons." William replied and continued "The endgame of their merge fully introduced metaphysics into these reality."

"So, you're saying Cain and Lilith created all creatures on the planet, in the hidden world?" Bishop Daimon asked and William nodded positively "So, we are all demons?" He asked again.

"As a word, yes but genetically? Nope!" William answered.

Catherine who has been quiet for hours finally asked out of tchotchke "So, how did the ancient one or the ancient evil came to be then?" She asked.

William was frightened by her question "The ancient one and the ancient evil are two different things."

This, Amelia wanted to hear just to prove Bishop Daimon wrong of him referring the ancient one as the father of the councils.

"After their amalgamation, Cain became wondrous of his creations but Lilith only wanted subjugation. Knowing how destructive Lilith could be, Cain segregated leading to the difference in personalities." William paused observing how misplaced they were "Cain is the ancient one, my father, your forefather while the ancient evil is Lilith, our godmother!" He burst.

This caught them inconspicuous and they looked at each other shocked including Clancy. Amelia then knew the councils were right but lied additionally just to keep the truth hidden. They were afraid of the ancient evil but why? She's still confused.

"How was the ancient one dethroned if the ancient evil lives?" She asked.

"My brothers and sister dethroned my father after he sealed the ancient evil within the balance of the planet, the balance at which we represent presently." William answered.

What a coincident, Bishop Daimon looked up at William after a brief thought then looked back at Clancy who immediately looked back at him. Perhaps they were thinking the same thing "So, if the councils should die or anyone of them should lose their authority, the balance would be hindered." He intercepted.

Clancy then chipped in "The ancient evil will walk the earth again!"