

Clancy Lockwood was born a Dhampir which changed his life exclusively because he never grew up knowing who his mother was or what she looks like, he was raised artificially in an incubator by Doctor Lloyd Wright. Driven by the rage of vengeance and thirst for revenge, Clancy attained the moniker Rapidfire hunting creatures of the night, mostly vampires as a vigilante because he believed through them, he would be able to reveal his mother's murderer. During his hunt, he was apprehended by the Councils of the hidden world who are the governing power ruling both the known world and the hidden world of mystical creatures. Through them, certain revelations were revealed which kept Clancy on the path of righteousness but in exchange for the murderer of his mother. Numerous secrets were revealed concerning Doctor Lloyd Wright using Clancy as an experiment to cheat death on his daughter, although no one knew the motive of his plan but soon, Clancy revealed Lloyd was using his blood to create and turn his daughter into a pseudo-vampire amongst the human race. Although, Lloyd aim was to save his daughter from death and protect her against the hidden world creatures but along the way, his motive changed and Clancy was forced to undo what his foster father has done. For Clancy to neglect his past and assemble the missing piece of puzzle in his life, he had to exterminate a greater threat that has been even before the birth of humanity placed on their forefather Cain known as the ancient evil that would befall the hidden world and the physical world and eventually become the end of life. Now, to avoid humanity from extinction and also put his mother's murderer to justice, Clancy must find a way to defeat the ancient evil and put everything to order and pure unrestricted justice but first, he had to augment himself to match the ancient evil of Armageddon. Speaking of the ancient evil, no one knows who he is, except the councils. A secret hidden for countless millennia. Bishop Daimon, Catherine, Scott and Amelia would eventually become the new councils of the hidden world taking over each paces at which the previous councils ruled with different laws, states and dominion while Clancy Lockwood went beyond searching for a way to bring back what he had lost.

Kayler_Hood · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Archaic Revelations II

Violetwall Town


"Enough!" The voice repeated.

They were all sent asunder but Scott was the first to emerge, his spine cracked loudly as it relocated back to their previous joints, his heart felt a little bit frigid for a moment then after a yoga breath, it was back to it mediocre beat rate. He looked more surprised than he has ever been, his attentions were on Rapidfire not knowing a worst beast resides behind them. Immediately he walked pass the slumbering pack, they slowly stood back on their feets.

Rapidfire was the second to get on his feet, then Amelia and Bella. They looked petrified for the yellowish leaflet before them wasn't natural, it was harmful against Bella and she hid behind Amelia. The witch was afraid and perplexed, she learnt Nelapsi are like vampires but has no related vampire weaknesses. Bella proved her right but she was weak against whatever the leaflet was made of or contains.

As the leaflet allotted, two figures approached them in the middle. It was an aged man that looks like a pastor and a young attractive lady, Rapidfire seems to really recognized the lady pretty well and he almost flare out in anxiety.

"What? Impossible!" Rapidfire said walking towards her but the pastor halted him.

The scene was intense with each group's sharing straining gazes, the werewolves snarled still thinking of attacking while Amelia and Bella stood ready in hidden action. Rapidfire on the other stopped before the pastor and the girl, he was so stunned he couldn't utter a word for minutes. He remembered during his time with Lloyd, he would show him his daughter's pictures, her shinning appearances ranging from when she was a kid to a youngster and eventually, a full grown woman.

"You are Catherine?" Rapidfire asked taking off his glasses "I'm Clancy Lockwood, your father..." His words were cut short by Catherine's intrusion.

"I know who you are, we've been living together for years without your knowledge." She replied.

Clancy was driven off course, he felt gullible "You were the one living in the basement!" He recognized "You murdered your father!" He said almost snarling with his eyes turning dark yellow but bishop Daimon stopped him.

Scott noticed this, then he knew the man known as Rapidfire isn't just a mere human. He wanted to discuss but the situation wasn't clear to him, so he just kept his mouth shut and observed.

"I would never hurt my father, he gave up everything saving my life. Why would i ever want him dead?" She shouted almost sobbing.

Clancy was drowned by her loss, his eyes turned normal as he walked towards her and this time, the bishop never stopped him. Clancy stopped before her and placed his right palm on her cheek tilting her face towards his gaze.

Clancy smiled, she was more beautiful than she was in the pictures shown to him by Lloyd. She was attractive. He scoffed wiping the tears off her cheek systematically.

Catherine was lost in his gaze and she blushed a little.

"I'm sorry for your loss, it was my fault." Clancy muttered but Catherine cut in.

"No, it's not! It was my fault, I watched the man barged in but couldn't do anything to stop him. I am useless even with these powers?" She said.

Clancy's eyes opened wide "You've powers? My blood gave you powers?" He asked smiling.

Catherine scoffed slightly "Yeah!"

"So what are you?" Clancy asked but the bishop answered instead.

"She's a pseudo-vampire, one of a kind, just like you and her!" He pointed at Bella who was speechless against him.

Clancy looked at the bishop "And who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Bishop Daimon Earl but before further questions, we need to get out of here. It's not safe!" He requested.

Clancy looked at Catherine and asked again "Who would do such a think to Lloyd? Who would want him dead?"

Bishop Daimon scoffed "It wasn't him the intruder wanted dead, it was you. He was just a victim of death."

"Who would want me dead? Why me?" Clancy asked the bishop.

"Here's not the right time all those questions, we've to get out of here." Bishop Daimon interrupted but before they could move a muscle, Amelia interfered.

Even with Bella standing beside her, Amelia wasn't skittish of her anymore "We still have to take her to the councils Clancy!" She said.

Bella responded instantly "I'm going anywhere except the councils, I made a promise to my father I'll never return to that pit hole."

The bishop looked at Amelia, he was certain of her devotion towards the councils. He knew how adamant and determined she was on taking Bella back to the councils realm but forcing the Nelapsi won't end well for her. He was certain of that. He walked towards her a little and looked at Bella beside her like a switch "Trust me, what you are about to learn will change your life forever." He said to Amelia.

Amelia sighed looking him in the eyes "And if it doesn't?" she asked with a cunning smile.

The bishop smiled with a side of his lips "Then, you are free to take her to the councils afterward." He professed.

Amelia looked at him, she breathed to his confidence and looked back at the others "You've yourself a deal!" She agreed and the bishop chuckled. Amelia was amazed by his white fangs, they were attractive and loving, so loving she sighed in pleasure.

"My pleasure!" The bishop nodded affirmatively before turning at the others.

Clancy looked back at Scott "Where ever we are going, he's not coming with us, I don't want sweating dogs tagged behind me." He outraged.

Scott scoffed while his pack growled "Offensive but I'll take that as a repercussion for my improper earlier approach. But to know where this scenario is heading and what the dude knows about the councils, I think i'm going to stay." He offered but Clancy rejected.

"Enough, everyone's coming. This is a matter of sophistication, not war!" The bishop cut in and they listened nodding significantly. Assured of their submissions, the bishop concluded "Fine, let go!"

Sharing absurd gazes, they finally walked towards the bishop and behind him until they ceased out of sight by the night's darkness like apparitions.


Behind a building, two figures stood, they were swaddled and embellished by the darkness of the night but their glowing red eyes could still be seen in the shades of darkness. They stood in patient as their victims walked off like hyenas and as soon as they were gone, they retreated deep into the darkness leaving not a scent of their presence behind.


Unknown Location

Zenith Tower

Seating on their high tower-like thrones were the councils of the hidden world, they were entirely shrouded by the darkness of the room. Beneath them were troops of warriors dressed in ninja-like outfits arranged in columns like preparing for war but it was their normal stance of guarding the councils. Before the troops were two men both dressed according to the other warriors but with masks covering their faces revealing their red eyes only, they went on one knees while watching the councils in honor.

"What news did you bring for us watchers?" The councils asked in unison.

The watchers as named aren't just members of the councils warriors, they are in fact essential to other warriors. They are the eyes and the potent messengers of the councils over everything that happens in the hidden world and the known world. They are like the inconspicuous eyes of god watching everything from above and below. They're virtually the best hybrid race on the planet.

"It's a very bad one my lords." The watchers responded.

After sharing uncertain gazes, the councils asked "How bad?"

"Very bad!" They replied.

The councils shifted uncomfortably on their thrones and commanded in unison "Speak!"

"They found the Nelapsi." The watchers responded together.

Corvinus asked maliciously "Then, why don't you bring them to us? The Dhampir and the Nelapsi?"

"You said we should watch over them, not attack!" A watcher responded.

"Those two can't be together, they are abominations." Lady Sif cut in thoughtfully at the other councils "And abominations can keep seeding other abominations. We mustn't let that happen!" She added.

"Indeed," Dracula thought "Nevermind, Tjandamurra will take care of them. I've him sorted out already."

Second watcher cut in "Tjandamurra is dead."

Dracula frowned "By whom?" He asked.

"An ascended vampire."

Dracula thought aloud "The Earls son!? I thought there was none of his lineage left to take over his mantle as an ascended vampire."

The councils heaved chiefly, they looked at each other petrified with fear for the inevitable. Something was bugging them within their very deep soulless body, they looked at each other uncertain of their next plot.

"The prophesy is coming to past, they are assembling. We need to stop that from happening before it's too late." Lady Sif explained curiously "The prophesy included a son of Earl, a Dhampir, Nelapsi and an alpha werewolf. Good thing they don't have an alpha yet!" She sighed in relief.

"Now they do, although not willingly but an alpha is close to them as we speak." The first watcher interrupted which brought more fear upon the councils "I believe the prophesy is coming true my lords, what should we do?"

They couldn't help but think contrarily, Dracula specifically was lost in his imaginations. He looked more thoughtful than the other.

"Everything as proclaimed by the ancient evil would start with those four pathetic creatures but ends with the Dhampir, we have to stop him. We have to kill him." Corvinus conveyed.

"You're wrong Corvinus, truly it all started with those four but ended with the Dhampir but the real genesis of their plots began with William." Dracula corrected.

Corvinus and lady Sif we're amazed and lost, they just looked at him off course.

"What are you talking about?" Corvinus asked.

"Come to think of it, William is the real source of the prophesy coming true and for us to be able to eradicate the prophesy, we have to eliminate it genesis." Dracula idealized.

Corvinus and lady Sif laughed systematically.

"We can't kill William. Have you forgotten the laws that binds us together? The laws that made us who we are? He's one of us and if he dies, everything he represents dies with him." Lady Sif said to Dracula.

"Only if there's no one to embody his authority." Dracula cut in "Come on, we don't exactly personify all races on the planet, we are just conduits. Progenitors to be precise, the ancient evil blessed these upon us after we all rivaled and dethroned him. Same thing happens whenever anyone dethrones us." He explained "The only law governing us is not to murder each other no matter the circumstances." He paused "We'll just find someone worthy enough to kill him and take his place as the progenitor of mortality and immortality." He smiled ending his examplification.

Corvinus scoffed "It's not that simple Vlad, you know if William die and there's no one worthy enough to take his place as the new authority, the ancient evil will rise again. That alone is a huge problem, worst than the existence of a Dhampir and a Nelapsi." He clarified thoughtfully.

With that concluded, they sighed depressingly.

"We are just decoys, if he wake up again, there won't be us. We won't exist. So, our mindset shouldn't be murdering our brother. Instead of destroying the Dhampir and the Nelapsi." Lady Sif enlightened and Dracula sighed.

They looked down at the watchers "Find the Dhampir, the Nelapsi, basically everyone that follows them. Find them and kill them all." The councils ordered in unison.

"Including the witch?" A watcher asked curiously.

"We repeat, everyone! Don't leave a single being undead." The councils affirmed and the watchers nodded in unison.

"Consider it done my lords!" The retorted before walking out of sight like dissipated images.