
Clandestine Volume 1: Loyalty

The simple life of a child was changed one fateful day when his home and everything he knew was taken away. An angel wanted to have it back, giving him a home, a place to call his own. When Kai Hinata came of age, his savior told him of her job, she, and the people she work with are the line between the world, the things that go bump in the night and total chaos. With that knowledge came a choice, become a hunter and protect this teetering world... Now, he's the best of the best and things are going pretty good, but a new partner secrets, and the rise of conspiracies threaten to once again take it all away... What kind of bond will he and his new partner form? What secrets lie in store? Can they keep everything Stable?

MorganLionheart · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Loyalty VS Duty

Present Day:

"How can you say that?!" Kai slammed his hands down hard on the desk.

Ms. Hinata sighed, looking at him. "I'm sorry but it's out of the question." She was trying very hard to keep calm.

"How can you say that?!" he asked again. "For as long as I can remember, whenever I needed or wanted information you got it for me, even when it crossed lines from time to time!"

Ms. Hinata nodded. "Yes, getting that information never had the chance of causing an international incident."

He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. "What are you talking about, you run the organization!"

The woman shook her head. "You know that's not how it works. I was put in charge of the branch here in Akira City. Each country that participates in this program has a branch of this organization run by their government, and lead by their representatives. Because Akira was the first to try the program, I was allowed to hold the training here. But once Cassandra graduated the training program, she was brought back to her own government and Akio Haruka chose to go with her. As soon as that happened both went out of my jurisdiction."

Kai slumped down in the chair in front of the director's desk and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine, your hands are tied, so give me the name of the representative in charge of the U.S. branch."

The woman shook her head. "I can't do that. There are channels you have to take, and I don't have the time—neither do you. You and Kokona have a job to do."

Kai hit his hands on each arm of the chair. "And that's what I'm afraid of. She's not ready for this. She isn't in the right mind, and you know what? I can't blame her. All she wants is to see, or at least know, what's going on with her brother. Keeping this "classified" may jeopardize everything!"

At this point, the woman could not even look Kai in the eye. "If it turns out that Kokona cannot perform her duties, you know what will have to happen."

Kai's eyes got wide as he bolted upward. "You can't be serious!" His fists clenched at his sides as he spoke through gritted teeth. "You mean to tell me that you would give up on her, just like that?! It's not like she doesn't want to help us, she's doing her best!"

Ms. Hinata shook her head. "It's hard to believe you're the same guy who just yesterday couldn't even stand her. Kai, I like Kokona—I really do, and I wish I could help, but my hands are tied."

Kai stood up from the chair and turned toward the door, his hand nearly on the knob when he suddenly turned half way. "I remember when loyalty actually meant something to you."

"Duty is loyalty, Kai."

His fists clenched again. "No, loyalty is standing by the people you care about DESPITE duty," he said as he turned the knob and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Something was wrong. Nothing Ms. Hinata said made any sense—he had to find out what was going on, and there was only one person he knew who could help him with that. He checked his watch as he headed out the door. Six o'clock…plenty of time for me to find her before I have to head home.

He got into his car and started down the road in a hurry. Himari had a lead on her mother every night when she came home from one of her advanced afternoon classes. That was because Mrs. Hinata always worked late. Lucky for him her house was not far from the base.

He pulled into the driveway and got out, walking up to the door. Looking up he noticed the welcome sign above it. He still remembered the day they had made it. He and Himari both had their handprints on either side. A smile tugged at his mouth as he knocked and waited for a response. Moments later the door opened revealing Himari.

"Are you sure you're not psychic? I was just wondering how you were doing," she said with a slight chuckle and roll of her eyes. He looked up at her and nodded. "I don't think so, but you never know. Anyway, I need your help." He pushed past her and walked inside.

The inside of Mrs. Hinata's house was the one thing that made you think she might actually enjoy nice things since it was very well decorated. The sitting room right inside the door was painted a pleasant off-white with beautiful oak flooring and a dark feel to the furniture. Kai sat down on the couch and Himari sat down next to him, crossing her legs.

"So, what's going on little brother?" He looked at her for a moment, chuckling. "You know, the only reason you call me that is because you graduated middle school a year earlier than I did. That doesn't really mean you're older." Himari shrugged. "It never seemed to bother you, so I just went with it. Anyway, what's up?"

Kai wrung his hands for a moment and bit his lips. "I know you're good with the computer, and I need your prowess."

Himari's face contorted into a worried frown. "What exactly do you need me to do?"

He leaned in and lowered his voice as if he really wanted to make sure no one was listening. "I need you to get into your mom's office while she's gone and find any information you can on Akio Haruka."

Her jaw dropped like a weight. "W—why don't you just ask Mom?"

"I did, but she spun me a story about how the information is classified."

Himari sighed putting her hand on his knee. "Kai, if Mom won't tell you anything, have you ever thought maybe she has a good reason? Since the day she brought you here to live with us she has always done what's best for you, even if you didn't understand it at the time."

Kai rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Except this time it's not just about me. Kokona deserves to know what's going on with her brother, that's all she wants."

"Kai, Mom made Kokona your partner because she likes her. She has been really good friends with the Harukas since she brought her brother into the organization. If there is, in fact, something that she's holding back from her, it's probably for her own good, too. I know it's hard, but maybe you should just leave well enough alone."

Kai groaned, hitting the couch cushion and causing Himari to jump back a bit. "Please, Himari, this is important!" His eyes flashed bright blue causing her to throw her hands up.

"Ok, easy Kai, calm down." He closed his eyes taking an exasperated breath. "I'm sorry, please..."

Biting her lip, she finally nodded. "All right, Kai, I'll do what I can, but I am not promising anything."

"Just the fact that you'll try means the world. Thank you, Himari."

She nodded and stood up heading toward the door. "If you really want to get this done without raising any alarms, you'd better get out of here. Mom could be home any minute."

Kai followed her towards the door as he nodded in agreement. "Thanks," he said before walking out and getting back into his car to head home. He had to be ready tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Himari rubbed the bridge of her nose. Oh, Kai…what are you getting me into?