

Amery's Pov

It all happened in a flash. So suddenly out of nowhere, I found myself staring into the eyes of a huge white wolf.

It was a bizarre thing to happen and what was even more bizarre was how calm and collective I was. I wasn't freaking out or yelling cause not only was I seeing a wolf for the first time but I was also staring at it closely- yet I was calm , my whole being drawn to it .

There was something about its eyes that oddly confronted me as I look into them, like the weren't something I was to be scared of, the bought me an odd feeling of solace.

It felt magical. Like we are having a moment to ourselves. And just as my lips were about to utter a word maybe its name. Our little moment was quickly interrupted by a loud growl.

For the first time in a while, I shifted my gaze from the wolf to se two other wolves approaching us . It is crazy. How did I go from never seeing wolf to seeing numerous ones in a short timeframe?

Before I could say anything or move, the two newly wolves pounced on the white one, startling us. A gasp escaped my lips I fear as I watched the white wolf retaliate immediately, the trio immediately getting into a brutal fight against each other.

"Stop" I tried to yell to hinder them from fighting. It was terrifying and was all happening so fast. "Stop".