
Chapter 3

After saying my goodbyes in a semi-awkward manner, I headed to the post office and rented a mailbox. It had been challenging, but the bargain six-month contract was a welcome relief. It was well worth the three days it took me to explore as much of the city as I could in search of recyclable bottles and cans.

While I was usually successful in avoiding regulations and other forms of interference, I had now discovered that I needed a regular mailing address if I wanted to stay in touch with people. Having a central location for all of my important paperwork, whether it be government forms, school assignments, or requests for financial assistance, has made a huge difference in my life.

It wasn't always a lot, but with the major life event I was nearing, there was always something. I unlocked my little box, took out my letters, and organised them in the lobby before catching the elevator.

It ended out that none of it really mattered. Nothing except spam and advertisements for luxury brands I'll never be able to purchase.

I started laughing at the concept and put my palm over my lips before I could stop myself.

though I was alone as I walked out of the mailroom. While I did not like having to steal, I did sometimes find the thrill of the chase exciting. Hardly the healthiest outlook, but one I tried to justify by telling myself I was making the most of it.

I had stopped at the door to discard some trash mail when I saw something... odd.

I don't remember what prompted me to glance up and see the guy who had just entered the lobby, but I did. A tall, dapper gentleman, he was on his way to the hotel's much too ritzy restaurant under the lobby. His hair was the colour of the earth itself—a rich, royal brown—and his eyes were a deep, ominous amber. He looked like he belonged at an exclusive cafe with his wide shoulders, powerful face, and sharp attire.

There was a split second—just a second—when I felt an odd attraction to him. I couldn't help but go back to sixth grade biology class, when the instructor had placed two powerful magnets on opposite ends of his desk and allowed them to attract each other. I had no adequate words to describe it. The only thing I was aware of was that my whole focus had shifted to the dashing stranger on the other side of the room.

His piercing blue eyes had me paralysed, and I was sure I could smell his perfume even from this distance. It wasn't overpowering , it had a scent that made me salivate since it was more woodsy and natural while yet carrying the unmistakable smell of masculinity and power.

What the hell?

Suddenly rousing from my daze, I slammed my head down and briskly made my way to the lift. That's never happened to me before, so I guess I'm just weary. Oh, the shame! My heart was racing like I'd just finished a marathon, and my muscles tensed up like I'd been petted vigorously. I knew I was starting to feel the effects of all the pressure I was under.

Fortunately, I was able to regain my composure and feel like myself again by the time the lift dropped me down on my level. I took a deep breath and got up to check the community board for information on when the next tours would be happening.

Goodness, I loved that the building’s owners were so transparent. Being a squatter, it greatly simplified my life. The trips of which I was aware were being offered included

There were appointments with potential flat tenants all through the weekend, but as long as I departed at a reasonable hour, no one would suspect a thing.

Once they left, I could return to one of the three apartments I visited at night. I would have to conceal the little possessions I did have, but I was accustomed to that by this point and had plenty of places where no one would ever look.

After reviewing the plan many times to help it stick in my mind, I set off for the first flat, certain that I could spend the night there without any problems. Since I had a graduation ceremony to get ready for, it was extremely crucial.

As I reached my misguided haven, I set down my stuff with a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, I wanted a shower badly, so I didn't have much time to relax. Even after a decent exercise, I felt like I smelt a lot stronger than normal, and I knew I had worked really hard.


The stress undoubtedly played a role, so I quickly took a chilly shower and then a shower hotter than the flames of hell.

While I was in the midst of unwinding after a long day at work, I overheard one of the realtors admitting guests into an adjacent apartment. Her statements were jumbled and I didn't understand a word, but she seemed to be enjoying herself. That wasn't the first time that I was relieved that she didn't notice the source of the flowing water when it came from a vacant house.

While I cleaned, though, I couldn't help but speculate about her tour group. Was it affluent travellers on the lookout for a second home? Someone famous on the internet who craved the bright lights of the big city? Whoever they were, they probably had a lot of money. Pickpockets might score big on the building's occupants if they didn't have to follow the golden rule of never robbing a person's place of residence. It would have been too obvious, and I didn't need the police nosing about my building to find out why there had been so many theft complaints.

The only option I see is to keep my hands to myself until I've left the area. Keeping myself safe was a major concern of mine, and it had done just that.

When I dried off after my shower, I got down to send letters of gratitude to the professors who had helped me along the way. Whether it was covering the cost of my sports equipment when I was younger, providing me with lunch money when I didn't have any, or just being there for me in general,

I wanted to demonstrate my gratitude, but I knew that sending them money or asking them to write me letters of reference for schools I wouldn't get accepted to would be pointless.