
Chapter 14

"Alexander Hek here; I lead the pack alpha." He pulled out his wrist to exhibit a tattoo on it, as if it had some significance.

That's not a tattoo, wait a minute!

To my surprise, it turned out to be a brand—a sun and woods burnt into his body, as shown by the raised skin. My heart was racing in amazement as I gazed at him, and then he raised my wrist to examine it.

"What the heck is that?"

A faint laugh escaped him, more wistful than patronising. You don't understand what it means, do you? "

"No, of course not! "

It was as if I'd been transported to a foreign land where everyone spoke a foreign language and used words in ways that made no sense.

No idea what you're talking about! Take the place I am right now as an example! It was I who initiated the close this time around. I had no idea where the nerve came from, but I started prodding his chest like I belonged there. "Hey, you want to respond to that question, pal?"