
City Dogs

Augustus Graham isn't normal, even by werewolf standards. Born as a dominant omega, Augustus's very existence threatens the decade-old hierarchy of his pack. Shunned away and locked up by his Alpha, Augustus and his wolf only dream of one thing: getting the hell out of there. So, when the opportunity of escaping crosses his path, he decides to take it, risking his life to leave the place he’s despised the last few years. His only worry is what comes after the escape— how will he survive in a world that he’s practically a stranger to? And where can he finally call someplace ‘home’ again?

wildace · LGBT+
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

Sounds of gagging reverberated off the empty tiles of the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet, throwing up what little food I had in me. I wanted to get the taste of Damon out, I wanted to feel pure, and if vomiting up all my insides was the way to achieve that, then so be it.

Sweat coated every inch of skin and sent shivers down my body, yet somehow I was still an aching, hot mess. My forehead burned with fever so similar to my heat, except I knew this wasn't a normal reaction.

I slid my palms along the white tiled floor. My breathing came out in long, ragged breaths; it was all I could to do keep from dissolving into a hyperventilation ball of hysteria. Echo was with me, giving me a breathing pattern to follow and whispering small encouragements. I clung onto her the way the memory of Damon clung onto me.

Another wave of nausea found me clutching the sides of the porcelain toilet, coughing up non existent food. This time a shaky sob escaped my lips, a sound I've been trying so hard to conceal. I lay my burning forehead on the cold tiles of the floor, regaining my breathing back to controlled rasps.

This cramped bathroom was big enough to hold a standing-only shower, a toilet, and a small sink. The only source of light was a single flickering light yellowing with age. This room was connected to my cage by a door which only ever unlocked after a visit from Damon, and then locked again in the following hours.

I despise tiny spaces.

I dragged my limp body to the shower, which felt like a million miles, but in reality was less than three feet. The glass door was already open; if it wasn't, I don't think I would've been able to gather the strength to open it myself. The water was freezing, enough to tint my skin red and numb. Perfect; I didn't need a body that could feel right now.

I stuck my head under the cascading faucet, feeling the rush of cold water against my shoulder length hair. I watched as the dark auburn locks clung together by the force of the water, some strands falling out and swirling down the drain. Echo was silent as I did this, and I was grateful. She knew this was my routine, my way of feeling cleaner after Damon rubs against me.

<Make sure to dry off properly,> was all she said, her tone sad and quiet.

I nodded, running the water a few more minutes before turning the tap off. The floor was slippery from the excess water, but I didn't care as I grabbed a small towel from under the sink, scrubbing it aggressively against my scalp before exiting the bathroom.

There were no windows in either room, making them feel all the more cramped. The only pieces of furniture was an old cot shoved in the corner and a nightstand with holding a single lamp that didn't even work, making the only source of light a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling. Pleasant, right?

The sound of the doorknob rattling sent Echo on guard, her ears perked up and stance wide. I knew it couldn't be Damon- he never visited twice in a row, not when they were so close to each other... The scent of my Beta filled the room; I knew who it was before I heard his voice.

The door opened, revealing my second most hated wolf in the pack. Axel sauntered in, observing the room as if it were his first time in here. Echo was even more alert, pacing with stiff legs and bristling fur, but didn't pounce as she had with Damon.

Because Damon didn't hit us, not unless we fought him, but Axel would with no hesitation.

"August!' Axel exclaimed, striding up to where I sat on my cot. "It's been too long!"

I said nothing, even as Axel prodded me with the tip of his shoe. "Aw, don't be like that." He pouted his lip, pretending to be hurt. "I've missed you."

"What do you want?" I rasped, staring straight into his icy blue eyes, which narrowed in annoyance.

"Augustus," he said slowly, using my full name; that's never a good sign. Axel leaned down, grabbing the collar of my oversized, torn up T-shirt. Echo tensed up, more on guard than ever.

"Au-gus-tus," he said again, emphasizing each syllable. "You should know what I want by now."

"I don't."

"No? Well then, if you don't remember, perhaps I should teach you again," he hissed, the nice guy act dropping in a millisecond. His grip tightened on my shirt as he lifted it up, the sound of ripping fabric filling the air.

"N-No- stop! Stop!" I panicked, shoving at his hands. Echo bristled and I felt her push to the front again; this time I let her.

Our fist collided with Axel's jaw, and we used his moment of shock to scramble away from his grasp.

<Bathroom, the bathroom! It's still unlocked!> Echo urged, and we leaped for the closed bathroom door.

It didn't take long for Axel to recover. As I fumbled at the doorknob with shaking hands, he strode over to us, his lazy smile not masking the cold fury in his eyes. He shook his head as of he were more disappointed than angry, but I knew better.

The bathroom door swung open just as Axel lunged for us. I bounded toward the safety of the white tiles, but a second too late. Axel kicked the back of my knee and I stumbled into the threshold of the bathroom, the plan foiled by Axel who followed me.

"Now, now," he tutted, waving a single finger at me. "I thought-"

"Beta Axel!"

Axel was cut off by another voice from the main room, and Jude appeared in the doorway.

"Beta, the Alpha wished to see you," he panted, averting his gaze from his higher up. As the Delta for our pack, the only wolves superior to him are the Beta, Alpha, and previous Alphas.

"Why didn't you just call me over the pack link?"

"B-Because... it's an important message... Alpha Damon doesn't want to risk others hearing it on accident...,"

Axel snarled and glared at Jude and stormed out the room without a backwards glance at me. Echo was wary of our Delta but relaxed slightly, the threat of danger gone.

"Are you okay?" Jude asked, adjusting his glasses and pushing his shaggy brown hair out of his face.

I nodded, and he signed in relief. "I'm glad," he said, "although Axel might not enjoy a false summon."

I gaped at him. "Damon didn't ask for him?"

"No, he didn't," Jude said, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. "I heard a struggle coming from this room as I was passing by, and...well, I couldn't leave you, not after what Damon has just done..."

"Won't you be punished for this?" I dared to ask. These were the most words I've exchanged with someone in a long time.

"Probably," Jude grimaced. "But it won't be too bad... the pack wouldn't enjoy hearing about their Delta being punished, especially since they hate Damon and Axel as much as..." he trailed off, glancing at me. "Anyways, I'll be going now. You probably don't want me here too long."



"Thank you."

Jude's face softened as he exited the room. "I'll get you out of here," he promised. "One day, I will."

I really wish he wasn't giving me false hope.