
Cinderella Psycho Boyfriend

"Let go of me!" I yelled, trying to get free from my so-called psycho boyfriend. "I want to devour you. Right here, and right now." He declared with an authoritative voice, causing me to swallow my saliva hard, for I felt disgusted. I don't want to seem weak in front of him, so I decided to act smart. "Let go of me you jerk." Immediately after letting out my statement, Brian held my chin forcefully, as he leaned closer to me. He smirks devilishly and was about to place his lips on mine, which causes me to spit on his face. "You stink!" I coursed. Brian got so angry, and he raised his fist, ready to hit me on my cheek... But all of a sudden the door of the restaurant flies open. A young handsome man with a completely white outfit suddenly made his way inside the restaurant. He seems like a white knight in charming armor, who's coming to rescue the poor me from being assaulted. _________ They say being fat, and chubby is a freaking bad thing, but as for me, being fat is what makes me. Me! Seriously! Do all girls have to look like barbie dolls? I'm Ashley Connor and I'm freaking fat. Having an online boyfriend is something that I admire, and lucky for me, I met Brian Fergus. He's everything a lady could ever dream of, but after meeting him in reality. I figured out that he's a beast. Getting away from him is my biggest concern, and just when I finally found a white knight in shining armor, I became stunned to figure out that he was gay…. Well! That was what he had proclaimed to be. "What would happen when I no longer want to be Brian forever?" "Can I be able to make Mister White Knight fall in love with me?"

Elona_Alone · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Brian is way fatter than I had expected. He looks so different. 

All the pictures and video calls that I made with him show how handsome he's and it also shows that Brian is a model, but currently it just seems like I bump into the wrong individual.

"Is there a problem?" Brian asked, causing me to snap back in reality. 

A smile forms across my lip, and I shake my head sideways. "Nothing! I'm fine." I whisper, before settling in properly in the chair. 

Brian nodded his head, as he raised the menu book, and started staring at it. 

"Do you mind if I ask the reason why the restaurant is empty?" I question, because it seems very odd for the restaurant to be very empty. 

"I bought the restaurant this morning." He utters, as he continues to gaze at the menu book. 

"Do you mind if I ask the reason behind that?" I questioned. 

"I like my privacy. And besides, I'm a model, so I don't want people to take pictures of the both of us together. I mean it would make me have a bad reputation." He stated, and with that, he raised his face to stare at me. 

"Do you think I'm going to bring a bad reputation to you?" I interrogate.

"Yeah!... Well! Not really." He shrugged, before waving his hand to the air. 

I closed my eyes and decided to compose myself. "So how is country G?" I asked because I want to change the topic. 

"It's fine." Brian winked, before raising his hand to signal the waitress. "Why are you fatter than I had imagined?" He added, as his brows were slightly arched. 

Is he for real? Gush!

"I gained an extra pound some day's back," I replied, forcing a smile across my lips. "Now tell me. Why do you talk differently, look fat, and why are you different from all our video calls?" I questioned. 

Brian is looking different from what I had expected, and yet he went as far as telling me that I look fatter. 

In all the video calls that we had both made, he has a blunt hair that was neatly combed to the back. His eyes are coffee brown, but currently! He's the opposite. 

"Ohh! Those videos." He paused for a while, placed his hand beside his ear, and started whispering something that only he is aware of.

When he was finally done, he smiled before shifting his gaze toward the waitress. 

He ordered the biggest size of the pizza, before dispatching the waitress. 

I continue gazing at him, as I silently wish that he continues his previous statement, but too bad because he didn't. 

The waitress brought the pizza to the table, and after bowing down her head slightly... She excuses herself. 

"I thought I told you that I don't fancy pizza?" I question because there was a time when I was doing a video call with Brian. He was eating pizza at that time, and when he asked me to join him, I simply told him that I'm not a fan of pizza. 

Currently. Brian behaved as if he didn't hear what I had just said, because he started eating, without even asking me to join him. "Finally!" Brian declares, staring at something or perhaps someone behind me. 

I shift my gaze to behind me, and then I saw 'My Brian'. 

The person that's currently behind me is Brian. I mean the person that I have been talking to all through video calls. 

Wait! I don't understand. 

"What's going on Brian?" I question the person behind me. 

"Hmm. The guy behind you is my secretary. His name isn't Brian." 

The word of the fat dude who's currently in front of me felt like a bomb in my ear. "Sorry I don't get what the hell you are trying to say." I declare while being sincere because I'm confused right now. 

"That guy is Henry and he's the one who's behind all those video calls," Brian said, describing the person behind me. 

Everything just didn't make any perfect sense to me because he's the Brian I know. The sweet lovely caring online boyfriend. 

"So are you saying that your name is Brian, and not him?" I interrogate, trying to get things right into my head. 

"Woah! you are really smart, just as Henry had described you to be." Brian said as he smiled wide with his teeth being exposed for view. 

I became speechless. This night isn't coming out just as I had expected it to be. 

"Why?" I mumble, staring at fat Brian. 

Why did he have to play me like this? 

"I don't know. Besides, do you possibly think that a model like Henry would fall in love with a fat chubby pig like you?" He question, before smirking devilishly. 

Now that is it!

Being insulted by others is something that I hate the most, and I can't just sit and watch Brian insult me. "And did you think that a sexy chubby girl like me is going to fall in love with you?" I question with my brows slightly arched. "Besides you stink Brian. You have a serious body odor and you eat like an abandoned pig." I added, making sure that I added salt to his injury. 

Brian scuffed, before shaking his head sideways. He let go of the fork which he had been holding, as he slowly placed his hands beneath the table. 

I waited for him to say something but to my surprise his hands did the talking. 

I felt the tip of his finger slowly crawling to my thigh. 

Disgusted. Yeah, that's what I feel. 

I felt disgusted at him, so I angrily rose on the chair and hit the table with my fist. 

I use a lot of force in doing that so the table breaks into pieces. 

First of all, he claims to be Brian, but not the Brian that I have been spending my entire free time with. 

As much as I want an answer right now, I still want to get away from this good-for-nothing freak. 

"Guards!" Brian declares, which causes a lot of individuals with guns to suddenly run inside the room. 

They were all fifteen in number. 

I have already told Brian through a previous video call that guns are one of my weaknesses, and it seems that I unfortunately tell the enemy himself about what he can use in killing me.