
Cinder Potter and the Prince of Destruction

Tired of being cast aside by the Wizarding World, Cinder Potter finds a mysterious tome to help her on the road of vengeance. Filled with ambitions, Cinder will start a revolution to change the world for the better... and she'll have the help of the Lord of Change to bring her ambitions to fruition. I don't own Harry Potter nor The Elder Scrolls. (Dark/Anti-Villain Harry! intelligent/Cunning Harry! Powerful/Godlike Harry!)

Darth_Revan95 · Otras
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4 Chs

Rise of the Phoenix Queen

Amelia Bones had her face in her hands as Kingsley Shacklebolt told her and Scrimgeour about what happened at #4 Privet Drive. Needless to say, she was pissed off at Dumbledore and Fudge. If it hadn't been for either of them, then Cinder Potter wouldn't be on the path to becoming the most feared Dark Lady since Morgana le Fay! Still though, Bones couldn't find it in herself to care anymore. They brought Cinder Potter's wrath on themselves. She just hoped that Potter would spare the innocent... not that there were a lot of innocent people on the Wizengamot. Only Bones, Longbottom, Greengrass, Davis, and Ogden voted for Cinder's innocence, while the rest voted guilty. Oh, there would undoubtedly be hell to pay if word got back to Fudge that Cinder Potter's bindings had broken, and was now on a warpath. And Bones would be standing there with a grin on her face as Cinder turned Fudge into a well done sirloin.

She finally looked up at the others in her office. "So, what are we going to do about Potter?" She finally asked.

"Should we attempt to bring her into custody?" Scrimgeour asked, earning a shake of her head from Bones.

"No. I can't explain it, but I feel there's a higher power on her side. I feel a foreboding that there's nothing that can possibly stop her." Bones replied. "All we can possibly do is stay out of her way, and pray to any god that will listen that she doesn't go after innocents. This quarrel is between Potter, Fudge, Dumbledore, and You-Know-Who. She has no reason to go after innocent people." She reasoned.

"I'm pretty certain that Cinder no longer believes there ARE innocent people. After all, she's been abused by Muggles for years, and nobody helped her. I know I would go after those who sat back and watched me be abused for no other reason than being a witch. After all, you're only as bad as the abusers if you sit back and do nothing." Tonks said as her hair turned red to show her anger.

"And we already have that confirmed by the fact she tried to torch Surrey to the ground using Protego Diabolica. She's out for blood, and others are going to stand in the line of fire. The lass won't care who stands in her way, she'll turn you into fried bacon if you try to get between her those who've treated her like shite!" Moody added his two cents in.

"Agreed. It's best to just wait and see how Potter will handle this declaration of war." Shacklebolt mused.

"You know, there's a Muggle saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", and Cinder sure does bring a whole new meaning to that phrase." Tonks said as she shook her head to make her hair go back to being pink.

"If that's all, then you're all dismissed." Bones waved the trio away as she pulled out a tumbler of whiskey. She was going to need it, she felt. "Merlin help anyone who crosses Cinder Potter. I have a feeling we're going to be hearing about arsons soon." She mumbled as she took a drink.

"Why arson?" Scrimgeour asked.

"Cinder Potter specializes in Fire Magic. What better way of sending a declaration of war than to burn down someone's property?" Bones replied. Both Bones and Scrimgeour was not looking forward to this war at all. It was already hard to accept that You-Know-Who was back, but now they had a Dark Lady that had it out for the Ministry and those who've allowed her to suffer in darkness. No sir, they were not looking forward to it at all. Fudge, she couldn't even feel sorry for. He HAD brought it upon himself, after all. But Bones DID feel sorry for any innocents that were caught in Cinder's path of destruction.

~Scene Change~

Cinder walked into Gringotts, wanting to see if she could be emancipated early. She then walked up to the nearest Goblin and bowed politely. "Greetings, could I perhaps talk talk to someone about my family accounts, and possibly set up a meeting with your boss about a possible alliance?" Cinder asked, earning a raised eyebrow from the Goblin.

"Name?" He asked.

"Cinder Potter. Don't even try to look at my scar, I got rid of it recently." Cinder replied, earning a nod from the Goblin.

"I'll still have to verify your identity. You're a person of great interest, so these fools think they can get access to the Potter accounts by pretending to be Cinder Potter. The Potters have been our oldest and most influential clients, having been friends for centuries. But I digress, please prick your finger and let your blood drop into the basin." The Goblin ordered as he handed her a dagger.

"Will you destroy the blood immediately afterwards? I'm afraid mine was used recently in a ritual to revive Voldemort. Blood of the enemy, forcefully taken." Cinder asked.

"Yes, I shall see to it that your blood is destroyed immediately after the procedure." The Goblin assured.

Once her identity was verified, Cinder was taken to her family account manager where she found out she was the head of several ancient and noble families such as Potter, Peverell, and Slytherin, and was heiress of the Most Ancient and Royal House of le Fay, and heiress apparent to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. She also had her parents' will read, where she discovered that she was never supposed to live with Petunia, but rather was supposed to go to Sirius, Amelia Bones, Alice Longbottom, or Professor Snape, and also discovered that Dumbledore and Molly Weasley had created a marriage contract between herself and Ronald Weasley. No doubt to control the Potter fortune if she had been killed off after the "wedding". After doing everything she need to do in regards to her familial duty, she finally got to meet King Ragnok, the Goblin in charge of Gringotts.

"Now, Ms. Potter. Sharpclaw tells me that you were interested in an alliance?" Ragnok asked.

"That's right, King Ragnok. I have been stepped on by wizards and muggles alike. Voldemort's back, and Fudge refuses to believe me, and instead of helping me stop him, he's burying his head in the sand. He's been slandering me since I announced Voldemort's return, and this summer, two Dementors tried to give me a make-out session. Then, I get in trouble for defending myself, and I get my wand snapped, and my magic core bound. However, I recently had it unbound, and now I'm out for blood. My proposition to you is this; will you and the Goblins of Gringotts aid me in taking down the Ministry?" Cinder asked.

"The treaty between wizards and Goblins have been on its last legs these past few years, and now with everything we've learned that Dumbledore has done to you.... His actions have just destroyed the peace treaty. As you may know, Lady Potter, your family has been our longest and best clients to date. To NOT help you would be seen as a travesty, and an injustice. We Goblins will put our blades behind your cause, Lady Potter." Ragnok assured. "As your official advisor, Lady Potter, I would propose that we start by making an example of the Goblin that betrayed you to Dumbledore and Molly Weasley nee Prewett." Ragnok proposed with a feral grin, which was shared by the ashen-haired teen.

After the alliance was formed, the duo walked back to the lobby, where they demanded the Goblin that helped betray the Potters to Dumbledore be brought before them. The Goblin in question was Griphook, much to Cinder's shock. "Griphook? You conspired with Dumbledore?" She demanded. She didn't feel sad, or betrayed. No. Cinder Potter felt rage boiling under her skin... or that might be fire trying to manifest. The fact that her wrists were burning underneath her skin told her that it might be both.

"Dumbledore promised me a lot of coin if I worked with him to achieve his plans. It looks like the plan's been foiled." Griphook grumbled.

"You're damn right his plans are foiled, and because you helped him to keep me subservient, I'll make an example out of you." Cinder snarled as a puff of fire came out of her nostrils before transforming into her Animagus form... a massive, black dragon with sinister red eyes. Her form was so huge, she almost filled the whole lobby.

Griphook looked on in fear as the Draconic form of Cinder Potter incinerated him with azure Fire Breath, leaving a blackened spot where Griphook once stood. After executing the Goblin, she transformed back into her human form. "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you. I don't tolerate betrayal. If anyone else considers joining Dumbledore, then you will be made an enemy of me. The same is true if you join Voldemort." She warned as her amber eyes glowed with the promise of agonizing death by her hands.

Everyone shivered in fear at her tone, and silently promised to never piss her off if they could help it. They were lucky that Cinder decided to not just burn down Gringotts and wash her hands of them for Griphook's betrayal. Some of the Goblins who knew or at least suspected what's been going on thought that Griphook's dealings have finally caught up to him. The next time a Goblin crossed her might just be the end of all of them. They were thankful that Cinder was more merciful to them to give them a chance to redeem themselves.

The girl in question was about to leave when she heard a familiar voice. "Cinder?" The voice of Fleur Delacour asked in fear and awe.

"Fleur! It's been awhile. What are you doing here?" Cinder greeted.

"I work here now. I'm learning to be a Curse Breaker like Bill." Fleur replied, earning a raised eyebrow from Cinder.

"Bill? As in William Weasley?" She asked with a sneer, causing the blonde girl to flinch back at the sound of utter hatred coming from her younger companion.

"Oui." Fleur replied, not quite sure what William did to earn so much contempt from Cinder.

"Word of advice, Fleur. Don't trust anyone with the name "Weasley". Molly's a greedy whore who would drug you with Amortentia, marry you to one of her sons and leave you for dead just to get her filthy hands on your money. Believe me, I just nullified a marriage contract between myself and Ronald Weasley, William's youngest brother. Do yourself a favor, Fleur and get rid of him. You can do so much better than a lying, thieving Weasley." Cinder advised, earning a shocked look from the blonde. Cinder then turned to look at Ragnok. "Can you have my friend tested for anything? Spells, potions, and the like?" She asked.

"Of course, Lady Potter. We'll have Ms. Delacour tested for any signs of coercion spells or potions, and if we find anything, we'll deal with it effective immediately." Ragnok assured as he escorted Fleur to their infirmary while Cinder left the building altogether.

Once she was finished, she went to a clothes shop in Diagon Alley called Twilfitt and Tattings, a shop that was more suited to the aristocrats. "Welcome to Twilfitt and Tattings, milady. What can I do for you, today?" A woman asked.

"I need a custom job. Can I get a crimson dress with yellow designs. Preferably something that would make me look classy. Oh, and please make it with Acromantula silk. I've just come into my inheritance, and have more than plenty of coin to spend." Cinder ordered as she gave the woman a parchment with the design of what she wanted. Thankfully, she was wearing a dress that Sirius gave her that used to belong to one of his cousins instead of Dudley's old cast-offs. Anyone who ran a high-end shop like this would most certainly sneer at her had she walked in wearing those dreadful rags.

"As you wish." With that, the lady went around to the back to have the dress made while Cinder browsed the shoes for high heels, but was interrupted by a grating voice.

"Potter! What are YOU doing here!?!" Draco Malfoy demanded, prompting Cinder to turn and face the blonde ferret, and sneered at him.

"Well hello to you too, dearest cousin. I was simply buying a new wardrobe since these belong to your aunt, Bellatrix. I'm more partial to reds and yellows. The colors of fire." Cinder replied as she conjured a fireball in her left hand, scaring Malfoy out of his wits.

"Now, Draco, be nice." Narcissa Malfoy admonished as she and, much to her ire, Lucius made an appearance. Narcissa, she could handle, but Lucius was someone she'd like to bathe in Hellfire.

"Lady Malfoy. Lord Malfoy." Cinder greeted with a bow, suppressing the sneer when she saw Lucius.

"Ms. Potter." Here, Lucius didn't have the common courtesy to be polite, and really DID sneer at her.

"LADY Potter, Lord Malfoy. As the last member of my family, I've been legally emancipated, and took up Ladyship of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, the Most Ancient and Noble House of Peverell, the Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin, and the Most Ancient and Royal House of le Fay. As my Godfather, Sirius Black, is still alive, he's technically Lord Black, but if he dies, Headship of the House of Black will go to me. It doesn't hurt that I have Black blood running through my veins as Dorea Potter was a Black by blood, so I have just as much a chance of becoming Lady Black as Draco does at becoming LORD Black. Best not fuck with me, Lucius, you're already on thin ice with me." Cinder warned, causing Lucius and Draco to pale, while Narcissa grinned. It looks like the little Ashwinder has fangs after all!

"Well, you've most certainly become... different." Narcissa noted. "It suits you, Lady Potter." She adored.

"Thank you, Lady Malfoy. I'm just tired of being pushed around by everyone. If you corner a snake, it's bound to bite back." Cinder remarked.

"True, true. Though, I suppose you're not even a snake. From what I hear, you're much more of a DRAGONESS! Rumor of your little display in Gringotts made its way to MY ears, and I have to say, I'm more than impressed." Narcissa praised. "Even if it wasn't a subtle way of dealing with that Goblin, you've established your power and authority over them, and that in itself is remarkable." She commented.

"Yes, Griphook made the mistake of helping Dumbledore forge a marriage contract between myself and Ronald Weasley... and I let Griphook know just how much I didn't appreciate that." Cinder snarled as her eyes glowed in irritation.

She calmed down when she saw the woman come back with her new dress. "Your dress, Lady Potter." She said as Cinder took the dress.

"Thank you. Now, so terribly sorry to cut this short, Lady Malfoy, but I must take my leave." Cinder bade as she left after paying the woman. Cinder saw the Phoenix rise over a dawning sun on the folded dress, and smirked. Cinder Potter, the Phoenix Queen. Once a weak, frail little girl, now a strong and resilient fighter. Meeting Mehrunes Dagon was her rebirth, and she would re-forge the world in fire. She would become the queen of a new Earth.

(A/N: And cut! That's chapter 2. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry it wasn't as long as chapter 1, and there wasn't much action... if any, but I'll try to make up for it in future chapters. Anyways, I'll go ahead and get started on chapter 3. Please let me know what you thought in the comments. Ciao!)