In the aftermath of their victory over the Veil of Illusion, the Timekeepers found themselves facing an unexpected crisis. Reports from various realms revealed a growing disturbance—a ripple in the fabric of time itself. Temporal anomalies disrupted the natural flow, causing chaos and endangering the delicate balance they had fought so hard to restore.
The Timekeepers convened an emergency gathering at the Timekeeper's Citadel, where representatives from the realms shared their accounts of the anomalies. Fear and concern hung in the air, for the stability of time was at stake.
Among the attendees was Galadra, a wise sorceress from the realm of Arcanum. She spoke with a sense of urgency. "The temporal anomalies threaten to tear our realms apart. They manifest as fractures in the continuum, warping reality and unleashing unpredictable consequences. If left unchecked, they will unravel the very essence of time."