
Chronicles of the Sword God

I'm a guy without a talent for magic or anything. Can I become stronger? My name is Arthur Cromewell, I will become the sword God and show my father that I'm a Cromwell as well.

lubei · Fantasía
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2 Chs

0 Prologue : The Begining of Magic

Year 001 of the Magi calendar.

In the Kingdom of Elvania, a dark elf named Marlo discovered a blue shining ore near a fall with the ability to emit water limitlessly.

The discovery of the ore made a huge uproar on the whole continent. Marlo the dark elf who discovered ore got sick and bedridden for a few days.

Many in the palace suspected that the long exposure to the ore may caused some kind of sickness. Because of the rumors, Marlo was summoned to the royal palace by her highness Elvania's Empress "Miara el Elvania."

When Marlo entered the palace her highness ordered the guards to bring the ore in front of him. She thought that if he encounters ore again maybe she can get some kind of clue what the true abilities of the ore are by analyzing his reaction towards it but something unexpected happened.

After the ore was brought near him the ore and Marlo started resonating with each other blue energy started emitting from both of them and water in the surroundings started flowing toward him thus he gains the ability to control water.

The ability to control something unimaginably is called 'Magic.' The blue energy surrounding Marlo, which is the source of power to magic later it's called mana. Thus the birth of the first Mage and a new era called the Magi era.

This information spread throughout the continent everyone started searching for ore with such abilities. they named the ore with similar abilities a "Magitate."

The magitates divides into four types earth, water, wind, and fire each of them has a corresponding ability to control each element and for each element, the color of your mana also differs with water is blue, the earth is brown, the wind is green and fire is red.

the earth magitate were found in the cave and deep underground tunnels, The water magitate were found near big water sources like lakes, rivers, and falls. The wind magitate was found in the hills and the fire magitate was found in volcanos

Five years after the great war...

A great war broke out in the cicilia continent between the five kingdoms for the world tree that is located in the kingdom of elvania.

The world tree is famous for its beauty and a big ecosystem with an abundance of resources including the biggest earth magitate mine on the continent.

Since 'Elvania' a kingdom of elves and 'Rass' a kingdom of humans have a nice relationship the Rass kingdom sided with Elvania and fought against the other three kingdoms the kingdom of dwarves 'Dwarak,' the kingdom of vampires and werewolves 'Dracania' and the kingdom of goblins and orcs 'Secreed.'

In the war, most armies were annihilated by the magician on both sides and nearly half of the civilians in the cicilia continent were massacred.

Because of the big losses from both sides, Marlo suggested to the empress of Elvania that they had to stop the war before it gets even more complicated then the losses would be unbearable, and recovering might not be as easy as they thought it would be.

So, the empress suggested to the other kingdoms that she would export the magitate for low cost and even help them to recover from the war. But in return, she asked the other kingdoms to sign a peace treaty for a thousand-year with a blood pact magic.

The blood pact magic is created by Marlo in the Elvania kingdom. one who ignores the blood pact and acts out of their own will die most gruesome way possible and it will pass down to the successors of the person bonded with the pact for a thousand year.

Since Marlo had a bit of a struggle during the war because of the spell activation time and spells that he has memorized effects and their types.

He formed a magic research team to find a way to use a spell just by imagining. He created a book that can store spells by just imagining the user and use spells by thinking of using them and each one of the books contains a small pure magitate.

Each of them has its personality and preferences. The book chooses its master according to their interest and preference.

The process of awakening and being bedridden for a few days isn't needed because you don't have to be awakened you just needed to have an affinity to a certain magitate. Instead, the book will be awakened when you bonded with it. they named it a grimoire.

Because of his creations and knowledge of magic, he is considered a genius given the position of a grand magus of the Elvania kingdom and in the future, he is known as the great sage.

After years pass by in each generation the magic element evolves and brings up an even more complex different element of magic. So, they become more and more dependent on magic.

Because of this magic became more and more popular than swordplay and martial arts thus it began to go extinct.

This is my first work. So, if there are mistakes, Im sorry for that. I'll be sure to never repeat those mistakes again and if you like my work please support me. It'll be fun you won't regert it.

lubeicreators' thoughts