
Chronicles of the shadows of Orion

Can I survive...

Itsmegravity · Fantasía
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6 Chs


*POV change to Stella Orion's sister*

Master decided to take me to the local mage association to get me registered in the magic tower since I finally became a low tier mage (although it sounds week it's very hard for her age). The magic tower offers amazing rewards to its people in return for completion of quests and emergency help.

For wizards knowledge is key and the grand library of the magic tower is every mages dream to access the higher tiers of this library I will need to become a high mage with at least 1000 merit points. Only few mages have access to library including my master Venessa who is a disciple of the archmage of destruction, since there only four archmage's it's quite an honour to be a taught by a disciple of an archmage not only that but master is said to have the talent to become a archmage herself.

Sitting in the carriage, I couldn't hold my excitement when I heard knock on the door, opening the door revealed my small brother Orion, although I loved him he was not someone who enjoyed spending time with me since he could rather practice. I looked towards master awaiting her reply , "please do join us young lord Orion".

"You can drop the honorifics miss Venessa it doesn't serve you right" replied Orion. "Very well , please take a seat" nodding away Orion sat opposite to me and master. As the carriage started moving Orion started staring outside while pondering something and master as usual was in her own mind probably creating a new spell or potion. As we slowly entered the capital city of our territory we moved the bustling streets with a lot of people , vendors and merchants.

"Sister, how is your training going?" ,good I replied instinctively as Orion seemingly interested in my life, "may I ask where are we going" towards the mage tower Orion replied master as she somewhat started to look at Orion. Now something was off master never talks unless she needs to and she looked at Orion as she spotted something unusual.

"Did young master have a accident of sorts?" asked master curiously as she eyed Orion , starring at my brother I also became curious unlike other families both our parents were very busy with mother handling merchandise and father managing the estate so we as a family only spend time during some dinners when both our parents were at home.

"Yeah a small accident miss Venessa, nothing too worrying" replied Orion as he smirked a bit and said miss Venessa you look quite beautiful but I am afraid you must not get told this a lot. Laughing master replied quite right Orion it seems accidents lead to positive changes. I was baffled by this talk between master and my brother, who previously wouldn't bat an eye for anything change. 

Slowly halting our carriage stopped outside a somewhat small shop with a glass exterior and a wooden sign saying "Magic tower association", following behind master me and Orion left the carriage and entered the shop. 

I know there are some errors, I am going to restructure the novel once I reach 10 chapters and come out with a leveling chart as well

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