
Chapter 3: Risk

His smile wavered. "Sometimes you know me far too well."

"Maybe, but I also know when you're trying to change the subject. What is it?"

Greg ran his fingers through his hair before clasping his hands together. He slouched forward, elbows resting on his knees. "A security alert was released early this morning. Since Mya was on her way back from her vacation, she didn't receive the notification, but her team and the security team did. They looked into the matter quickly and found that the bank transfers were initiated internally. Both teams scanned the system three times." He paused as his gaze met hers. "The credentials that were used to log in last night and triggered the alert were yours."

Daniella gasped. "What?"

"Ella, we know it wasn't you. But the person who did this, they were smart. They left almost no trace. Even Mya is having a tough time tracking them down, but they left that information, which means they did it on purpose."

"Oh my God!" Daniella squeezed the bridge of her nose as she held her face in her hands.

He leaned forward and stroked her forearm. "Hey, what did we say? This was not your fault. I need you to understand that. A competitor could have done this. You are one of the founding pillars of this company. It wouldn't have been hard to get your name. Our entire team's roster is up on the website."

"But my fucking credentials aren't!"

"No, they're not, which makes me think it was an inside job."

"I don't leave my credentials lying around the office, Greg," Daniella bit out.

"I know you don't," he said softly, "but anyone on the IT or security team with enough know-how could have stolen them. We're a growing company. We're interviewing and filling positions that we have never had before."

"So it could literally be anyone?"

He nodded. "Yes. I have an idea of how to figure this out, but I need your help."

Daniella looked up at him. "Greg, whatever you need, just ask me."

"I need you to take a vacation."

Her eyebrows rose. "I'm sorry, what?"

"There are only so many reasons someone would want to go after you here, one of which would be to steal your position. If you were gone for a couple of weeks, that person would think things were working in their favor. Then they'd start rumors, try to help more than necessary, and we would find out who's really responsible."

"Case closed."

"Exactly." He could see the wheels turning in her head as she pondered the plan.

"Greg, if you think this will work, I'll do it, but it doesn't feel right to me. Why go this far just to get me fired? There are plenty of easier ways to try. It feels like they're not only going after me, but the company as well."

"I don't think they're only after you, either. But I do think you're a part of their plan and this was the only way they could try to get rid of you. You can't reason with someone's irrational logic, and we won't know exactly what is going on until we catch them."

Daniella took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll stay out of the office for a few weeks. But I'm going to monitor every transaction that comes in or out of the corporate account. While I may be willing to cooperate with this ruse, there's no way I'm letting the accounting get that far behind."

Greg smiled as some of the tension left his body. "Yes, ma'am."

* * *

Anyone who watched Greg walk out of the elevator and down the hall - his steps measured, back straight, head held high - would think he was having a nice, calm day. But that calm was a practiced lie. The moment he shut the door to his office, the deep-seated rage and need for justice broke out of him. His fingers curled around the mahogany desk, tightening to the point that he left impressions in the thick wood.

Breathe, he commanded himself. Breathe before you lose it.

Today was a nightmare, and it wasn't over yet. As the president of this company, it was his job to make sure that he appeared professional at all times. But as the current leader of the Novak Clan, the reigning circle of vampires in the Northeast United States, it was his duty to be ready at every moment. He did not get peace, he did not get pity, and when his people died, he took it personally. Greg carried the weight of his title with his muscles tense and ready for battle at every turn, and now they sensed a new opponent charging towards his door.

Luke stormed into his office, shouting a millisecond after the door had slammed against its frame. "Gregori, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Lucas," he warned, but his cousin was clearly in a red haze and did not understand how close Greg was to losing control.

"You sent Daniella away? What the fuck is the matter with you? How could you ever believe she's the reason for any of this?"

Greg's anger was feeding into his power, his need to unleash, to break, to destroy. He counted backward from one hundred, trying to tune out the accusations.

"Did you not see how hurt she was? None of this would have happened if you had taken the proper steps to ensure her safety!"

"Enough!" Greg's eyes flashed red and he slammed his fist so hard against the desk, it buckled under the blow. His power surged around him like a shock wave. The room darkened, shadow seizing light as Greg's powers expanded and grew. The black was so dense that it blocked out the sun's strong rays.

Luke froze, his mouth hanging open at his explosion.

Greg's voice was low, dark, when he said, "Do you think to question my judgment?"

"Most days," Luke replied, his retort earning him a growl.

Greg closed his eyes again. Breathe in, breathe out. He balled his fist and called his power back to him. His family meant everything to him and he would never hurt them, but there were times when they pushed him too far. He could only take so much, and today was not the day to test him.

As Greg spoke, the glowing red of his eyes dimmed. "Let me connect the dots for you. Daniella's credentials were used to log into the system."

Luke's eyes narrowed. "I already know that."

"Then let me tell you something you clearly missed while you were busy berating me. They left them there on purpose. The attack on our finances was done directly after the attack on our people, by Zachariah. Not because he needed the money, but because he knows, Luke. He knows Daniella is my mate."

His cousin gasped. "That's impossible, the only people who know - "

"Work in this building." Greg rubbed the corner of his eyes and sighed. "They're the only people who have seen us together, and only an immortal would have been able to sense our connection. We have a mole, Luke. Daniella is not safe here, nor is she safe at her home. That is why I sent her away."

"Greg - "

He shook his head. "I know how much you care about her, and you know how I feel about her as well. But we lost twenty-two people last night from the attack." Greg clenched his fists again. "I have already failed those people. I am responsible for their deaths, and when I catch Zachariah, I will enjoy watching the blood drain from his body. But Daniella..." He shuddered at the thought. "I will never, ever risk her life or her safety. I can't."