
Chapter 105: Tragedy

Her face must have given her away because the man's expression morphed into one of sick satisfaction. "You've finally figured it out then."

Her eyes narrowed. "Where is he?"

The man had the audacity to shrug. The movement should have been pathetic since he was dangling off the ground, her hand still firmly around his throat, but his nonchalance sent a shiver of fear down her back.

"I might as well tell you. My job here is done. He's at his home. I presume you know where that is, but you won't be able to save him anyway. It's too late for the both of you."

Goosebumps trailed her skin, following the wave of dread that spread throughout her body. In her rage, she tore the man's esophagus out of his body and threw it to the floor, and yet he still died with a smile on his face.

He didn't win, she told herself. Erik would have never believed…