
Chronicles of the Interdimensional Ruler

Long ago, before the age of heroes existed, before even the gods cast their gaze upon Genkai, there was a man. Bloodshed filled the land as a result of greed, and lust for power, however, everything changed when he came. The Great Titan Jolvomoth Fell as the man chased after the other cataclysmic entities, disappearing from the universe entirely.

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6 Chs

Interruption by the King

"Why did it have to turn out this way?" A red-haired girl asked as she looked in the mirror. Her clothes was that of a wedding dress, clinging tightly to her voluptuous figure. As much as she wanted to shed a tear, or just let it her anger, she couldn't. She'd lost the rating game to Riser fair and square.

A maid from the Phenex family tapped on her shoulder, getting her attention, as she watched the maid do a curt bow. "Master Riser Phenex is beginning the party. You are requested to join," the maid said in a lifeless tone. "Ah, thank you. I will be there in just one moment," The red-haired girl said, checking the mirror one last time before heading out.

The banquet hall was packed with devils from all sorts of houses, including the girl's peerage. Everyone conversed amongst themselves, drinking expensive champagne, and eating all sorts of delicacies, before a blond-haired man grabbed a knife, hitting it lightly against his own glass of champagne which gathered everyone's attention.

"We are gathered here today in this momentous moment of Devil heritage, I, Riser Phenex with be marrying the Heiress of the Gremory clan, Rias Gremory in less than a day." The man known as Riser pointed toward the Red-haired girl, showing her off as if she were a trophy. "Riser thanks everyone for coming out here and celebrating his victory, even if it was obvious that I would win from the start."

laughing erupted in the crowd as all of those close to the Phenex clan, or at least people seeking to gain some sort of benefit from them laughed. Rias' eyebrows twitched as she did her best to contain her emotions. It was her fault that she hadn't trained longer, and now, she had not only put herself in a bad position, but her peerage members as well. The image of her pawn's battered body surfaced in her mind as a single tear began to stream down her cheek. It continued down, dropping off before landing on the floor.

"Now, let us hear my future wife speak about how gre-" Riser's speech was cut off-guard as light enveloped the room. A humming sound rang out from all around as the guards on standby pointed their halberds toward the source of the light. "Oh? Grayfia, did you arrange this?" The soft voice of Rias' brother asked a gray-haired Maid, to which she shook her head. "I gave Miss Kiryuu the invitation like you asked, I did nothing else," she replied. The light began to take the form of a person, before disappearing entirely, leaving a man standing Infront of everyone.

There was a gold crown atop his blond hair as his blue-green eyes analyzed the situation he was in. Looking further below Rias, as well as everyone else could see him adorned in what appeared to be plated armor, reminiscent of a medieval knight. Underneath the armor was a blue undercoat, and blue trousers. The coat itself reached down to his knees. The left side of his body was hidden with a blue wool Cape that had white furon the top, which rested against the man's neck.

The overall appearance of the man could truly only be described as royal, his posture, his gaze, hell, even the way the man breathed gave off the sense of a superior being to those who gazed upon him, which made even the Satan in the room go on edge.

"It's impolite to point your weapons at a stranger," the man said, to the guards sorrounding him. "Who the hell are you!?" Riser demanded, clearly not paying attention to the aura the man was giving off.

The man cast him a glance before looking toward Sirzechs Lucifer. "You are the strongest in the room, therefore you must be the leader," he said, outright ignoring the young Phenex. "BASTARD, DON'T IGNORE RISER!?" He yelled, as he channelled a fireball toward the mysterious man. The guards jumped out of the way as the ball of fire soared. "WATCH OUT!" Rias shouted, not being able to help herself.

before the ball of fire could even touch the man, it evaporated into thin air as the man turned toward Riser.

"Silence," he commanded, which seemed to take the very life from the room. Everyone paled as they felt their ability to speak disappear completely, the only exception was Sirzechs, and Rias, who was spared out of acknowledgement. He turned back toward Sirzechs. "Where am I currently?" He asked the Satan, earning a confused gaze from him. "Did you not know where you were going before you used a teleportation spell?" Sirzechs asked, just as confused as the man was. The man's eyes glowed briefly as he hummed.

"I've outdone myself this time," he said, to himself before patting Sirzechs' shoulder. "I will explain later but for now, let us free your sister, from one king to another," He whispered, before withdrawing his hand. He turned toward Riser, his gaze oozing with contempt. "While I understood the guards pointing their weapons at me, I will not tolerate a pathetic child's attack toward me, I demand a reparation," he announced.

"Now, hold on. You come into my son's celebration uninvited, cause problems for everyone here, and expect compensation? How preposterous!" A man with the same blond hair as Riser said. "You speak of this land as if it is yours," he replied, a smug smile appearing on his place. "I am the king of everything. Everywhere I step is my territory. This underwotld is mine. The heavens are mine. All of your lives are mine to do with as I please."

All the Devils with any sort of pride became offended, yet it was the action the self proclaimed king did next that shut them up.

The earth quaked as the man hummed, calmly walking up toward Riser Phenex. The mansion everyone was in began to crack, and fall apart as a loud ear piercing screech sounded throughout the entire underworld. A gigantic beast emerged with two sets of arms, and ten pairs of bat-like wings. Its face had no eyes, only having a giant mouth with razor sharp teeth, yet it looked down upon everyone. The only ones who did not seem affected by the beast was Rias, her peerage, Sirzechs, and his maid.

"Let me formally introduce myself. I am Artorius Sanctus, Your conceptual King."

(A/N: Have a meme, and a nice day.)

No need to give any power stones or anything like that. I'm just writing this for fun.

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