
Chapter six

Chapter six

Shaking and sweating, Abigail woke up. She is having a nightmare. This time it was not a beast that was chasing her. She was walking towards an Angel, spreading his wings wide, so that she could hug him. Just a few yards away from him, she saw the devil, fire coming out of his mouth and nostril. Two horns on his head. He said laughing mischievously, "You can't get to him, no matter what you do?"

"What is wrong?," Chen asked pulling her into his embrace." It is a nightmare, right. Do not worry, everything will be alright, "he said stroking her hair.

After some minutes, she fell asleep. She woke up, finding herself in. Chen's embrace. It felt so warm as if she belonged there. She felt the urge to touch his face, to touch the curve of his jaw. Suddenly he opened his eyes slowly. Their eyes locked and held for the longest momentum of the most adoring communion, and then she touched his cheeks with two fingers. She was startled by her action.

" I just wanted to thank you for yesterday, "she said standing up from the bed.

" Actually it is nothing but the pleasure is mine," he said. "Do you want to tell me what the nightmare is all about".

"It's nothing much," she replied and went to the bathroom.

After some minutes, she returned back from the bathroom dressed in tailored linen slacks and a short sleeved silk blouse, both in a rich shade of ivory.

"I will be waiting for you in the dining room," she said stepping out of the room.

Chen had his bath and wore his suit. He went out and headed to the dining room, where he found Abigail and Juana in a deep conversation. He cleared his throat to announce his arrival.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Good morning, how was your night?" Juana asked.

"My night was fine and peaceful," he replied as he took a seat beside Abigail.

The butler came and they were served Brirenia rice and a bottle of Scotch. They all ate in silence. The plate was cleared.

"You will be going over to Abigail's place today,*Juana announced.

" You can get over there and send me the address. I have to go to work and also meet my mother," he said standing up from the chair. He went out of the house.

"Getting a cab will be hard. My driver will get you to where you are going," Abigail shouted after him.

Facing Juana she said, "Give me his number," she said pointing her phone to her.

"How about you collect it from him yourself?" She asked.

"I don't want to," Abigail replied

"Okay then," Juana said collecting the phone from her. She dialed the number on her phone and returned the phone back to her.

"Juana, what do u do? That's your number," Abigail said confused.

"You expect me to give his number to you just like that. After all the trouble I went through, you did not appreciate me and now you are asking for his number. If you actually want to love then you should humble yourself to say those gratitude words."

"Why should I practice what I know would never happen?" Abigail asked.

"I told you several times not to lose hope," Juana replied.

"I know and I do. But there is no hope to linger on. It's clear that I can not love," Abigail said.

"Is it because of the curse? If that is the reason, am going to find a way to break it."

"Don't worry yourself too much. The curse cannot be broken," Abigail said.

"It is made by someone and it will be broken by someone."

Juana picked up Abigail's phone and dialed Chen's number. She made to leave when Abigail called her.

"I had a nightmare yesterday," she said.

"I know, what is it all about?" Juana asked.

"You know what it is all about," Abigail replied and Juana left the room without saying anything.

Abigail went back to her room and packed both her clothes and Chen's dresses. She headed back to her house


Chen had resigned from his place of work. He went to see his mother. His mother was very worried about him but he was very happy that Juana kept her promise by sending her guards.

"Where have you been?" His mother questioned him.

"Mother, you don't have to be worried about me. And I also have a piece of good news. I have found a job and your medical bill will be taken care of. You are going to see again."

He went on and on talking to his mother, chatting with her all day long. Telling her not to worry about him as he will be okay.

When it was evening, he made to leave and his mother told him to visit the orphanage home.

"Pls do be careful. Do not do anything you are going to regret. I am happy if you are with me even though am blind."

He went over to his mother and held her hand. "I won't do anything I will regret."

"Amanda asked of you. I know she is going to scold you for not coming home but please do see her."

"Sure Mom," he said and left the house.